UCSP Kinship, ties and household Flashcards
Social structure defined by relations existing among
individuals linked by blood or marriage. The basic unit of
- Kinship can be characterized by ties according to
blood, marriage, and ritual
a family into which a
member is born and where he is reared and socialized
*The family of orientation
is a family that such person
established through marriage
*The family of procreation
Implies genealogical ties of a person with a
particular group of kinsfolk
involves the reckoning of descent
through the father’s family only
partlineial descent
involves the reckoning of descent
through the mother’s family only
matrilineal descent
involves the reckoning of descent through the both
the father’s and mother’s sides of the family
male or female is/are allowed to have only one
male or female is/are allowed to have more than
one husband/wife
- men are allowed to have more than one wives
women are allowed to have more than one
To have two or more husband and two or
more wives
group marriage
is a rule that requires a person to marry someone
from within his or her own group
is a rule that requires a person to marry someone
from outside his or her own group
prescribes that a widower marry the sister or the
nearest kin of the deceased wife
prescribes that a widow marry the sister or the
nearest kin of the deceased husband
– the married couple live with or near the husband’s
- the married couple live with or near the wife’s
the married couple establishes a new home; they
reside independently of the parents of either groom or bride
it gives a choice of staying with either the groom’s
parents or the brides parents
relationship by practice of a
kinship by ritual
co-parenthood COMPADRE-Co-parent and in which
godparenthood is highly accepted.
is composed of a husband, his wife, and their children in a union recognized by other members of society. Every normal adult in a
society, if married, belongs to two kinds of nuclear families, namely; the
family of orientation and the family of procreation.
Nuclear Family
family includes other relatives in the house, such as grandparents,
extended family
is a type of family where one or more of its members live in different nations
transnational family
families only have one parent taking responsibility for their
or a type of family where at least one of the parents has children from the previous relationship
reconstitued family
‘phenomenon that concentrates
political power and public resources within the control of a
few families whose members alternately hold elective offices,
deftly skirting term limits’.
political dynasties
what is your citizenship if you have a filipino mother but was born in an another state
Dual Citizenship