UAE - Analysis T2 Flashcards
Word choice
Quote, connote, explanation.
Example: Leaping like cats”. The word choice of “leaping”connotes a smooth, elegant and graceful jump. This word choice shows the agility of the youths as leaping requires grace and elegance, therefore they must be agile to be able to perform the skill.
Quote, technique, literal route, similarities, explanation.
Example Imagery- “Joe Biden crushed him in this contest” is a metaphor. Literally to be crushed is to be destroyed by a huge force. Like crushing – Joe Biden was a huge force compared to Trump and destroyed him. This metaphor emphasises how much Joe Biden beat Trump by in the popular vote.
Sentence structure
Quote, technique, function, explanation.
Example: • “Never believe everything you hear on the news.” Is a short sentence. It is abrupt, direct and powerful emphasising the writers argument about the scepticism we should have towards most news outlets.
State writers tone I.e sceptical or shocked or amazed.
Analyse language that puts across this tone making reference to tone in the explanation.
Example: The writers tone is amazed.
“ There, you can marvel at the domestic normality”. The word choice of marvel connotes incredulous interest and awe. This word choice shows the writers amazement towards the Stone Age people’s everyday life.
All tones
enthusiastic disapproving humorous mocking amazed sarcastic emotional critical baffled angry disbelief sceptical
Introduces a list, explanation or quotation.
Semi colon ;
Joins items in a list or connect two simple linked sentences.
Rhetorical question?
Forces reader to engage in argument.
Draws reader attention to argument.
List, list, list and list.
Shows variety, number and volume.
Short sentence.
Abrupt, emphatic, angry, dramatic, Direct, Blunt,Powerful, draws reader attention to argument. Mirrors the content.
Power of 3, power of 3 and power of 3
Emphasises each word.
Repetition answering questions. Repetition spotting is fairly simple. Repetition function.
Draws attention to and emphasises writers argument
Inversion, what is is it’s function?
Moves order of words in a sentence to draw attention to word that has been moved to start of sentence.
“Inverted commas”
Scepticism, shows words are not writers.
And conjunction at start of sentence.
Draws attention to the addition of another point. Can be quite informal.
An exceptionally long sentence can be quite difficult to spot and answer upon however they are a very useful weapon in the arsenal of sentence structure, using them in your own writing can be difficult.
Mirrors content- detailed, slow, complex, confusing, exhausting.
Sentence structure functions, in this case parenthesis, and how to use them in answers.
Adds extra information or side comment – tone.
Single dash -
Provides explanation.
Dramatic pause or continuation.
Answering alliteration
Draws attention.