U4AOS2 Flashcards
Sectors refer to different parts of society
Objectives of the SDGs
- End Extreme Poverty
- Fight Inequality and Injustice
- Address Climate Change
Rationale for the SDGs
- A new set of goals after the MDGs finished in 2015
- Progress was uneven
- New global challenges had emerged
Acronym for work of the WHO
Providing leadership and creating partnerships to promote h&w
Conduct research to provide H&W info
Set norms and standards
Develop policies to assist countries to promote H&W
Monitor H&W & H&W trends
Tehnical Help (Training)
Promote Health
Promoting Healthier populations - 1billion more people experienceing better h&w (& tackling antimicrobial resistance)
Protect Health
Addressing Health Emergencies - reducing the risk and impact of risks to health such as the outbreak of infectious diseases & ensure quick access to health services during health emergencies 1 billion people better protected from health emergencies
Provide Health
Achieving UHC- all people having access to the health care services they need, regardless of ability to pay, location or culture & 1 billion more poeple benfiting from universal health coverage
No poverty:
* Eradicating extreme poverty
* Implementing social protection systems
Zero Hunger:
* End all forms of malnutrition
* End hunger and ensure access to safe, nutritious, sufficient food.
* Double agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers
Quality Education:
* Ensure all children complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education
* Ensure all youth and adults have adequate literacy and numeracy skills
* Increase the number of qualified teachers
Gender Equality
* Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health
* Eliminate harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage and FGM
* Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunites for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life
Clean Water and Sanitation
* Achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water
* Enable access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
Climate Action:
* Strengthen resilience and capacity to respond to climate related hazards and natural disasters
* Improve education, awareness-raising and the capacity of ppl and orgs to take action that reduce or prevent environmemntal degradation
* Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
Good H&W
* Reduce global maternal mortality
* End preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5
* End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and NTDs, and combat hepatitis, water borne diseases and other communicable diseases
* Reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases, and promote mental h&w
* Achieve UHC, including access to essential medicines and vaccines
* Reduce global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
* Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including drugs and alcohol
Agriculture, Fisheries, and Water:
Optimising food production and managing water use for both industry and human consumption
Building resilience: Humanitarian assistance, Disaster risk reduction and Social protection
Infrastructure, trade facilitaiton, and international competitiveness:
Ensuring govts can trade on global market by providing skills related to trade and improving infrastructure
Gender equality and empowering women and girls:
Ensuring females have the same opportunites in education, eco participation, and public life
Education and Health:
Promoting primary, secondary, and tertiary education and promoting health outcomes
Effective Governance: Policies, Institutions, and functioning economies:
Assisting low- and middle- income countries in running the country and providing services for its citizens
Title, Who, Why, What, Outcome
Emergency Aid
Providing resources in the short term to sustain life such as food and water
Multilateral aid
Aid provided by many donors to international organisations such as the UN who then implement aid programs
Antimicrobial resistance
- Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites change when exposed to drugs such as antibiotics that are designed to treat diseases
- Reduction of effectiveness of medication designed to combat infectious diseases
Social Action
Doing something to help create positive change
Purpose of Australia’s aid program
To promote our national intrests by contributing to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction
What are the SDGs
A collection of 17 goals and 169 targets developed by the United Nations for implementation in 2016-2030 that aim to adress global challenges.