U3 Definitions - WORD - DEF Flashcards
To account for (African-Americans account for 12% of the US population.)
to form a particular amount or part of something.
An account (My salary is paid into my bank account.)
an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money out.
To balance (I keep track of what I spend, and each month balance my account.)
to calculate how much money a person or company has spent, and how much money they have received, especially to make sure there is money left in their account.
Balanced (New York state has failed to achieve a balanced budget for the past eight years)
if your budget or account is balanced, you are not spending more money than you have available.
A balance (What was the balance in the account at the end of the month?)
the amount of money that you have in your bank account.
bank balance (My bank balance is a little low after the holidays)
the amount of money that you have in your bank account.
To bank (The cash taken in payment is banked each evening.)
1) bank with/at to keep your money in a particular bank: I’ve always banked with Barclays Bank. 2) to put or keep money in a bank.
Banking ( I mostly do my banking online.)
using the services that a bank provides.
A branch (The bank has branches all over the country.)
a local business, shop, etc. that is part of a larger business, etc.
To deposit (into) (Each month your salary will be deposited directly into your account.)
to put money in a bank where it will be safe.
A deposit (You can make deposits in the cash machines.)
an amount of money that is paid into a bank account.
The Finances (There are concerns about the company’s finances.)
the money that an organisation or person has, and the way that they manage it.
A financier (He is a corporate financier with a merchant bank)
someone who controls or lends large sums of money.
A payer (Tax relief is given to mortgage payers.)
someone who pays someone or something.
A payee (Reports can show transactions by date, amount or payee.)
the person or organisation to whom money must be paid.
To prohibit (Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory)
to say that an action is illegal or not allowed.
Prohibitive (The cost of buying a house in London has become prohibitive to all but the very rich.)
relating to costs that are so high that they prevent people from buying or doing something.
To top up (We’ll top up your phone automatically.)
to add more money to a mobile phone account.
Transactional (The bank statement shows your transactional data.)
relating to doing business, especially to buying or selling things.
A transaction (Records show that credit-card holders carried out ten transactions a week on average.)
1) the action of buying or selling something: The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction. 2) make/carry out a transaction to buy or sell something.
To transfer (I transferred £400 from my savings to my current account.)
to move money from one person, account or bank to another.
A transfer (Payment can be made either by credit card or by bank transfer.)
the action of moving money from one person, account or bank to another.
To withdraw (I’d like to withdraw £500 from my current account.)
to take money out of a bank account.
A withdrawal (Customers can use the machine to make withdrawals of up to £250 a day.)
the act of taking money from a bank account, or the amount you take out.
A direct debit (Payments can be made by direct debit and standing orders.)
an instruction you give your bank to pay money directly out of your account regularly to a particular person or organisation.
A fee (The membership fee is cheaper if you don’t use the gym in the evenings.)
an amount of money that you pay to do something or that you pay to a professional person for their work.
A money order (Payment must be by cheque or money order.)
a document that you buy in a post office or a bank and send to someone so that they can exchange it for money in a bank.
money transfer service (A money transfer service often o ers better exchange rates than the big banks.)
a way of sending or paying money to someone without using cash, usually done on a mobile phone or computer.