U3 Flashcards
She expresses her individuality through her clothes.
[ترجمه گوگل]او فردیت خود را از طریق لباس هایش بیان می کند
[ترجمه ترگمان]فردیت خود را از میان لباس هایش توجیه می کند
[ترجمه شما] ترجمه صحیح تر را بنویسید
7. The plot is credible but the characters lack individuality.
[ترجمه گوگل]طرح داستان باورپذیر است اما شخصیت ها فاقد فردیت هستند
Blend in with, fit in with,
I don’t like to be stand out the crowd I’d rather blend in with everyone else
Neue migrants may feel that by changing to fit in with their new community. They are losing some part of the individuality.
Stand out from
I don’t like to stand out from the crowd
Join in
I feel uncomfortable if I’m forced to join in group activities
Break away from
My friend Sara is going out late tonight club so I decided to break away from the group
Drop out off
When people feel isolated and rejected, they sometimes drop out of society altogether
So shiny’s previous attitude towards people with tattoos could be described as stereotypical
Throughout the United States, local governments have developed a more Tolerant attitude
Approved off by
Tattoos are now approved off by society
In the past tattoos were Judge to be self-destructive
Many rich people flaunt develops through the expensive cars and ground houses
Not everyone dreams of a quiet, suburban life man you find a dull and boring
Celebrities are extremely influential, in sitting fashion trends
The chart shows that people over 65 from the fastest growing population segment ( part )