Types of Validity Flashcards
Introducing validity
whether a test, scale, etc, produces a legitimate result which represents behaviour in the real world
internal and external validity
whether something measures what it was designed to measure and whether the findings can be generalised
ecological validity
the extent to which findings can be generalised from one setting to other settings
mundane realism of task may affect ecological validity
temporal validity
do findings from a study hold true over time
face and concurrent validity
does a test measure what it is supposed to on the face of it
do results match with a previously established test
improving validity- experimental research
use of control group
standardised procedures
single blind and double blind trials
improving validity- questionnaires
use of lie scales and anonymity to reduce social desirability
improving validity- observations
findings may be more authentic in covert observations
improving validity- qualitative methods
depth and detail may increase validity but further enhanced through triangulation