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Massed practice
A practice schedule with short or no rest periods between trials. For highly skilled and motivated performers.
An example would be kicking a ball through goals 15 times, 30 seconds rest, then repeat.
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Distributed practice
A practice schedule with relatively long rest periods between trials. More effective for learners in the cognitive stage, energy demands on high, motivation is low, and the task is boring.
An example would be kicking 5 goals in afl and then taking a 5 minute break while collecting the balls.
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Whole practice
The practice of a motor skill entirely. Whole practice is effective when the skill being taught is simple but highly dependent or related parts
An example would be putting a golf ball or shooting an arrow in archery.
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Part practice
The practice of parts or components of a motor skill. Part practice of a motor skill makes learning a complex skill easier especially if the skill being taught has seperate components.
An example would be a dance routine broken up into parts, or the components of the triple jump being learnt serperately before all together.
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Blocked practice
The repeated practice of one skill in a block of time. Blocked practice leads to better performance of a motor skill within drill practice. Best for cognitive learners when they are first learning a new skill or the refinement of technique for associative and autonomous learners.
An example would be goal kickers (after team training) kicking 20 goals in a row.
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Random practice
The practice of two or more skills in a random order. Random practice results in longer lasting learning of motor skills.
An example would be a basketball player practising 2 free throws in between other basketball skills.
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Constant practice
Repetitive practice of one variation of a skill in one context.
An example would be to repeatedly pass a netball from the same spot to a teammate 5m away.
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Varied practice
Practice of several variations of a skill in several different contexts.
An example would be to pass a netball to different teammates at varying distances away, using a variety of types of passes.