Motor learning
The aquisition of motor skills through practice, instruction and feedback, the process and study of how we learn (or aquire) motor skills.
Cognitives systems approach
Cognition is the process of aquiring knowledge and understanding through perception, thinking and learning. The cognitives systems approach assumes that learning happens in the brain, and that our actions can be understood as the result of mental decision-making processes.
- Brain is involved to learning, result of processing info in the brain.
Explains the learning of motor skills in terms of the information processing model. Brain proccesses information and selects a movement response.
Dynamic systems approach
Dynamics system approach suggest that learning occurs as a reaction to external environmental changes. When the environment changes, we adapt to that change and develop the skills necessary to the new situation.
- Entire body and environment are involved in learning how to move.
Exaplains that our movements are not the result of unconcious mental decisions, but emerge naturally from the interactions of the individual, the environment and the task being performed.