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Gross motor skill
Movements that primarily require large muscles groups, such as muscles of the legs and arms. They require little precision.
Left most side of the classification continuum.
Examples include walking, tackling an opponent in football and kicking an afl ball.
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Fine motor skill
Controlled movements that primarily require small muscle groups, such as muscles of the hands and fingers. They require a high degree of precision.
Right most side of the classification continuum.
Examples include handwriting, threading a needle and throwing a dart.
Motor skill
An activity that requires voluntary muscular movement to achieve a goal or task.
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Closed motor skill
A movement performed in a highly predictable environment in which you don’t have to consdier environmental changes, such as changing positioning of opponents.
Left most side of the classification continuum.
Examples include hitting a golf ball off a tee, diving off a platform or a basketball free throw.
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Open motor skill
A movement performed in an unpredictable environment in which the supporting surface, object, and/or other people are moving.
Right most side of the classification continuum.
Examples include driving a car, striking a moving ball or passing a ball between opponents.
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Discrete motor skill
A movement that has a defined beginning and ending. Typically simple, one-movement skills.
Left most side of the classification continuum.
Examples include throwing a ball, kicking a football and swinging a bat.
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Continuous motor skill
These skills are typically repetitive movements that don’t have a clearly defined beginning or ending.
Right most side of the classification continuum.
Examples include swimming and walking.
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Serial motor skill
When discrete skills are linked together together in a continuous movement, they’re classified as a serial motor skill. These skills are typically repetitive movements with specific beginning and end points.
In the middle of the classification continuum.
Examples include triple jump and playing a guitar.