Types of experiments Flashcards
what is laboratory experiment?
experiment in a controlles setting.The researcher has control over all the variables in the experiment
Advantages of Lab experiments
-Variables outside of the IV and DV are held consistent researchers can establish a cause and effect relationship between the changes in IV and observed difference in DV.
-High in Internal validity .
-Can be replicated due to the use of standardized procedures.
Disadvantage of lab experiments
Lack ecological validity findings from a lab study cannot be applied to real world
Lack mundane realism that tasks performed don’t reflect real world situation lowering external validity
demand characteristics are present
What are field experiments?
Experiment with the IV is still manipulated but conducted in a naturalistic setting to avoid artificial nature of lab studies
Advantages of field experiments
-Higher ecological validity behave naturally in a normal environment
-High in mundane realism
- Low in demand characteristics
Disadvantages of field experiments
- no control of extraneous variables influence the measurement of dependent variable
- participant variables resulting in the change in DV as you cannot randomly assign participants to separate conditions
What are natural Experiment?
Experiment where the IV isn’t manipulated and researcher only measures the DV
Advantages of natural experiments
-Research on areas that could not happen in control the experiment due to ethical or cost reasons
- high external validity and free of demand characteristics
Disadvantages of natural experiments
-No control over extraneous variables which means the research has not found a cause and effect relationship -have rare events that cannot be replicated to test for reliability
What are quasi experiments?
Experiments where the IV is based on an individual difference between participants so cannot randomly assign p’s between levels of IV
Advantages of Quasi experiments
-Can study factors that pre-existing characteristics of the participants so less time consuming
Disadvantage of a quasi experiment
confounding variables - other factors related to the level of IV that cannot be controlled for that change systematically between the levels of IV and alter the measurement of dependent variable