Observations Flashcards
A non-experimental technique that watches abd records behaviour of p’s without manipulating levs of IV
Controlled observation
Aspects of environment are controlled, in an attempt to give p’s sane experience
Advantages of controlled observation
-Reduces extraneous variables
-Reliable as the same standardised procedures are used
Disadvantage of controlled observation
Artificiality of the observational environment may lead to unnatural behavior
Naturalistic observation
Observations in “real world” places where participabts would spend their time in
Advabtages of naturalistic experimants
High realism - show more natural behaviour
External validity- behaviour can be generalised to otger situations
Disadvabtages of natural observation
No cntrol over extraneous variable - may be responsible for p’s behaviour
Overt obervation
Participants have given consent and know they are being observed
Advantages of overt observation
No ethical issues
Easy to record data as no need to act inconspicuous therefore more detail is gained
Disadvantage of Overt observation
High in demand characteristics participants may change the behavior or social desirability bias may be a factor- acting to look good
What is covert observation
researchers observing and recording the behaviors of participants without their consent
Advantages of covert observation
Participants are unaware they’re being observed so more realistic behavior free from the demand characteristics or social desirability therefore high validity
Disadvantages of covert observation
Seenas an ethical because the participants cannot give informed consent hard to record data as participants are unaware so have less detail recorded
What is participant observation
The research joins the group that is being observed and takes part in the activities
Advantages of participant observation
-More in-depth info gained
- Unique insight into of behaviour by assessing information not available to outside this