Types of experiments Flashcards
What is a Laboratory experiment
- conducted-highly controlled conditions
- experimenter controls enviromental factors-(noise & temperature)
- using standardisted procedure
- IV is manipulated by researcher between conditions of experiment
- Variables that could change DV are kept consistent between conditions
Give a strength of Laborartory experiments
- High control over extraneous & cofounding variables
- By holding variables outside of IV & DV consistent researcher can establish-cause & effect relationship between changes in IV & observed diff in DV
- high internal validity -means observed change in DV due to change in IV
- LAB studies-reolicated due to use of standardidsed procedure
Give a limitation of Laboratory experiments
- Lack ecological validity-high degree of control makes situation artficial to real life
- Tasks performed in lab -dont reflect tasks in real life situation thus lack mundane realism lowering external validity
- parrticpants aware in study-may alter behaviour due to demand characteristics(change behaviour to match aim)
What are field experiments
Conducted in naturalistic setting-with varaibles still controlled
locations e.g shops,work & school
IV is changed by researcher between conditions of experiment & meaures difference in DV
Give a strength of Field experiments
- Naturalitic setting-high ecological validity
- high mundane realism-enviroment natural so they produce behaviour more valid to real life situations
- if particpanats unaware being stufied-high external valdiity & no demand characteristics
Give a limitation of field experiments
- Lack control over extraneous & cofounding variables-could influence meaurement of DV-replication not possible
- ETHICAL concerns-if participants unaware they studied-cannot consent-invasion if privacy
What are Natural experiments
two levels of DV occured naturally(real world) without influence of researcher
Researcher records change in DV between two levels of IV
Natural expeirments-happen when event causes ppl to fall into levels of IV
e.g event like distater or political decisions
The IV not changed by researcher between conditions of experiment.Changes in DV still measured but other variables that could change DV-cannot be controlled
give a strength of Natural experiments
- provide opportunities for research in areas that could not of took place in for practical & ethical reasons
- High in external validity as they study real world issues a sthey happen
- No demand characteristics
Give a limitation of Natural experiments
- Narural occuring event difficult to replicate
- difficult to randomise
Give a limitation of Quasi experiments
Natural occuring events happen rarely-reducing opportunities for research-cannot be replicated
As these events will happen regarless -Extraneous variables cannot be controlled-cant establish cause & effect relationship
What is a Quasi experiment
Participants cannot be randomly assigned between levels of IV
As IV based on existing differences between people(e.g age,gender)
The IV already exists in particpants so they cant be randomised between conditions of experiment
The differences in DV is measured
Other variables that could change DV kept constant
What is a Strength of Quasi Experiment
Only method to study factors that are pre-existing Characteristics of Participants
Often carrieds out -controllled conditions-highly replicable
high internal valdity
What is a limitation of Quasi Experiments
Cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions-cofounding variables