Types of Anesthesia Flashcards
Pain is controlled by general analgesia
General Anesthesia
Basic elements includes analgesia, interference with undesirable reflexes, and muscle relaxation
General Anesthesia
The properties of general are produced in varying degrees, by combinations of agent
Balanced Anesthesia
Pain is controlled without loss of consciousness
Local or Regional Block Anesthesia
The sensory nerves in one area or region are anesthetized
Local or Regional Block Anesthesia
Sometimes called “Conduction Anesthesia”
Local or Regional Block Anesthesia
Acupuncture is sometimes used
Local or Regional Block Anesthesia
Sensation of pain is blocked at a level below the diaphragm without a loss of consciousness
Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia
The agent is injected in the spinal cord
Spinal or Epidural Anesthesia
The stage of induction extends from the beginning of the administration of the anesthetic to the beginning of loss of consciousness
The patient is aware that he is unstable to move his extremities voluntarily
Stage 1 - Beginning Anesthesia
During this stage, even low voices or minor sounds appear loud or distressing
For this reason, unnecessary noise must be prevented
Stage 1 - Beginning Anesthesia
Extends from the loss of consciousness to the loss of eyelid reflex
Characterized by struggling, shouting, talking, singing, laughing, or even crying
Stage 2 - Excitement
The pupils of the eyes are dilated but when exposed to light will contract
The pulse rate is rapid and respiration is irregular
Help need to restraint the patient, strap maybe placed across the thighs
Stage 2 - Excitement
Extends from the loss of lid reflex to cessation of respiratory effort
The patient is unconscious, his muscles are relaxed and most of the reflexes are absent
The pupils are small, but they constrict when they are exposed to light
Stage 3 - Surgical Anesthesia
Respiration is irregular, pulse rate is of good volume, and skin is pink and slightly flushed
By proper administration of anesthetic, this stage maybe maintained for hours
Stage 3 - Surgical Anesthesia
Reached when too much anesthesia has been given and when the patient has not been observed carefully
Stage 4 - Stage of Danger/Medullary Depression
Cyanosis develops gradually and unless prompt action is taken, death follows rapidly. If this stage develops, anesthesia is discontinued and artificial respiration is given
Stage 4 - Stage of Danger/Medullary Depression
Stimulants maybe administered
Stage 4 - Stage of Danger/Medullary Depression