Tutorial 07 Flashcards
How many bilinguals are there?
est. 60% of the population is multilingual, 43% speak two languages
What is bilingualism?
• not one definition → depends on a large number of factors and research focus
• level of proficiency (speaking, writing, listening, reading)
• language competence (dominance and balance)
• frequency of use (context, domain, modality)
• number of languages (multilingualism, languages and dialects)
• age of acquisition (simultaneous, sequential, late)
• continuum, high variability across a person’s life span
neurological hot spots of language
• Broca’s area (Inferior frontal gyrus):
speech production
• Wernicke’s area (left superior temporal
gyrus): language comprehension
• arcuate fasciculus: connection between
Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area,
conceptual representations
What did Pitres find out in 1895?
different neuronal circuits within the same brain area
What did the Scoresby-Jackson (1867) patient led to believe?
bilingual patient with severe language loss of only one language
-> different brain areas
What is Lateralisation?
area where primary function occurs
Where is language lateralized?
language is mostly left lateralized
• conflicting results in bilinguals: left lateralized or bilateralized
• modulator of lateralisation: AoA (age of acquisition)
• early bilinguals more bilateralized, late bilinguals more left lateralized
Lateralisation – left hemisphere
Linear reasoning
Filling in forms: letters and numbers
Temporal-order judgements
Lateralization – right hemisphere
Holistic reasoning (metaphors and intonation)
Feelings and intuitions, comprehension of emotional content
Prosody, sentence function
Activation of broca‘s area
AoA -> different areas
Proficiency -> no differences
Broca‘s area – activation L1 vs L2
not localisation of activation but degree of strength of activation differed
stronger activation in L2, mostly in IFC → more effortful, less efficient
Wernicke‘s area activation
• no differences
• semantic task → no differences
• nonsemantic task → differences
Wernicke‘s area – Activation: L1 vs L2: early vs late bilinguals
• low/moderate proficiency → smaller and more distributed activation across hemispheres
• high proficiency → similar activations of L1 and L2
• L2 → more activated areas in late bilinguals than early bilinguals
Language comprehension in bilinguals
• flexible and variable → considerable plasticity in network
• proficiency and exposure to L2 seem to modulate functional mapping more than AoA
production mechanisms may only influence comprehension …
When context is provided
Language selective or nonselective
• research suggests both languages are activated
• in isolation and at all levels of representation