TUT 4 (Being the “odd” one) Flashcards
What is executive dysfunction ?
A dysfunction in controlling a behavior in a constantly changing Environment !
It is also a characteristic of ASD
What does ASD mean ?
Autism Spectrum Disorders !
How to make an ASD kid more comfortable in diffrent enviorments ?
- Create order from chaos
- Promote peer understanding
- Try to challenge stereotypes of ASD student
- needs to develop social skills
- Adapt academic skills
- Modify conversational language
What processes are involved in executive functions ? (factors)
- Planing
- Working memory
- Mental flexibility
- Response inhabitation
- impulse Control
- self monitoring
- Generativity
Which brain regions are involved in executive functions ?
- Pre frontal lobe
- Pre frontal Cortex
- subcortical or thalamic pathways
What are non - social behaviors ? (which can be found in ASD kids )
- Strong liking for repetitive behaviors
- lack of impulse Control
- Difficulty initiating new non-routine Actions
- Difficulty switching between Tasks
- A Need for equality acceptings
Executive dysfunction (planing) and Connection towards ASD !
- Describes a cognitive skill that requires constant monitoring, evaluation and updating of Actions.
- Not clear if deficitis are related by IQ or ASD
- Figured out by Tower of London
What is the Task (Tower of London)
- (planing)
Copy the pearls in trying to use as less trys as possible while watching the time.
Executive dysfunction (Mental flexability) Connection towards ASD !
- Is the ability to respond to situational chances by quickly shifting one’s thoughts or Actions.
It has been prooven that ASD perform poorly on mental flexablity but it is not sure if other variables such as verbal ability or IQ or Task demands Play a role.
- Wisconsin card sorting task
What is the Task (Wisconsin card sorting Task)
Mental felxibility
- Come up with an order of cards considering (shape colour or numbers)
- Give the participant a Signal so he knows that he figured out the correct order.
- After a while switch up the order and see if he or she is capable of figuring out the new order !
Executive dysfunction (Prepotent response Inhibition)
- The ability to suppress irrelevant or interfering information or Impulses.
- It is unknown if impairment in performance would reflect a problem with inhibition Responses or strategy formation, generativity, or the nature of the rules.
- The stroop
Executive dysfunction (Generativity)
- is the ability to produce ideas/behaviors spontaneously
- No correlation of impairment of generativity and ASD proven, except from more repetitions of the same word.
- Test of verbal fluency
What is the task (Test of verbal fluency)
Give u a word and try to tell as many connected word to it under a minuet.
- Generativity
Executive dysfunction (Self monitoring)
- o Describes the ability to control and regulate one’s own thoughts and behaviors.
- Not well establishes tests to prove impairment in people with ASD
- Test of verbal fluency
In which executive dysfunction is most likely an impairment regarding ASD?
Response inhibition, planning skills& self-monitoring,
Positive correlation between age and executive dysfunction ?
- mental flexibility
- planning
- speed of response
Conclusion regarding executive functions and ASD.
- difficulties with these executive functions reflect autistic symptomology and not intellectual disability.
History of Inclusion ?
- Back in time humans with special need were left by them-self (no care taker and not understand)
- Than Inclusion became a human right.
Then they had acces to public schools which did not really help them cause it was not what they needed! - Then special schools for there needs were invented and till now we try our best to give them the same opportunities as every human deservs.
Definiton of Schooll Inclusion in 4 words:
- Presence -> no use of any kind of differentiation
- Participation -> the quality of students educational experiences
- Acceptance -> by teachers and peers
- Achievement -> progress in educational and social fields
- Inclusion is an ongoing process
ASD and enviorment ?
The correct Environment is necessary for an ASD student.
( Challenge stereotypes and raise expectations )
- Students are treated different because teachers automatically put them into a category (low expectations of intellectual skills
- Solution:
- Do not stereotyped
- pay intention to individual needs
Strategie (Create order from chaos)
Schools are noise and chaotic which is difficult for ASD student to be concentrated.
- Solutions:
they need routine or relaxation areas or an individual schedules to create routine
Strategie (Promote colleges understanding)
ASD students lack in social understanding and communication skills. Which leads to isolation/bullying and then to mental issues.
As well an ASD stundet can not understand that a supervisor can not understand his feelings an thoughts
- Solutions:
Circle of friends strategy (trying to make matches with the same interest and let them sit together
Strategie (Develop social skills)
ASD students often struggle to understand the unwritten rules that permeate everyday social interactions.
- Solutions:
Hidden curriculum which means teaching ASD some additional Information (set of social skills which are not usually taught e.g. using and correctly interpreting body language )
social stories should be:
Which leads to the goal that the social story is to share accurate social information
Strategie (Adapt academic subjects)
Schools subjects are often not accessible for students with ASD
- (additional Challengers)
Example:o Science and math require abstract thinking & literature or history often demand perspective taking
-Solution use: Step by step approach
Strategie (Modify conversational language )
Pupils with ASD show difficulties in understanding non-literal use of language (e.g. metaphors, irony)
- Solutions:
Teachers needs to pay close attention about what they are saying and just define terms which are not understandable
Definition of bullying
Bullying is a relationship that involves repeated hostile actions among students which is characterized by diffrences in power.
Internalizing behavior
Low self estem and a shy person who keeps his or her thoughts for him or her self! Example would be depression.
Externalizing behavior
Example: Disobeying rules and physical aggression
Try to relief his stress.
How is the power lvl determined among children ?
- Advantages in social status or popularity
- physical size and or strength
- age (younger more bullied)
- intellectual ability
- membership in a socially defined dominant group.
Bidirectional relationship of bullying.
- Young person with mental health issue is bullied
2. Young person develops mental health issues as a result of being bullied
Forms of bullying
- Verbal and relational form (more often+less caughtable
2. physical form
Implications for prevention and intervention
- Any adults involved with children must maximize positive peer interactions while minimizing negative peer interactions
- stop developing aggressive/ bullying behavior
- Adults need to be a role model
- Be aware of peer dynamics
- Enhance children’s capacities to be defenders
- Active communication about mental health issues and disabilities among children
- Encourage children to look out for help
- dvelpoing coping skills
- Use preventive nature of social architecture (e.g. assigning )
Forms of bullying
- Verbal and relational form (more often + less caughtable
2. physical form
What kind of characteristic do kids have who get bullied.
- Younger age
- Fewer friends in school
- Parents who have mental health problems
- social difficulties
- nternalizing mental health problems
How do social activities influence bulying?
- positive group dynamics (inclusion, caring, etc.)
- negative group dynamics (exclusion, aggression, etc.)
Bullying circle
Social and communicative difficulties leads to less friendships with peers leads to easier target for bullying
What is the task (the stroop)
Use all Colours which are written in a different Colour and le
the participant tell you what kind of Colour is written down there and in the second run which Colour the words have after that compare the times.