Turning To Crime - Upbringing Teories Flashcards
Method of Farrington
Longitudinal study- interviews
Participants of Farrington
411 boys, 8/9 years old from east London, mainly from working class,397 families involved
Procedure of Farrington
Interviews with children, interviews with parents each year, and interviews with teachers. Data from criminal records office used to gain convictions. Interviews with boys at 48 y/o.
Results of Farrington
General findings:
-peaked at age 17 closely followed at 18
-7% of males were chronic offenders = committed half of all crimes recorded
Family orientated findings:
- At age of 20, 48% with convicted parent (dad) had convictions
-and 54% with convicted mothers had convictions.
Conclusions of Farrington
Offending concentrated within family and transmitted amongst generations.
Aim of Akers
To test social learning theory of deviant behaviour with survey data on adolescent drinking and drug behaviour
Method of Akers
Self report
Participant of Akers
Approx. 2500 male and female adolescent in grades 7-12 in 3 states of USA
Procedure of Akers
Practical permission obtained, survey done on kids about alcohol and marijuana, follow up interview to check reliability. Abstinence off alcohol measures on 6 point scale, abuse measured by asking them if they experienced it on more than one occasion.
Results of Akers
Strong support for social learning theory of adolescent alcoholic+drug behaviour.
Model explain 55% of variance in drinking and 68% in drug behaviour
Aim of Wilstrom and tafel
To test what factors are the most significant predictors of criminal behaviour
Method of Wilstrom and tafel
Self report - questionnaire
Participants of Wilstrom and tafel
2000, 14-15 y/o in state schools in Peterborough
83% returned, selected a sample of 20% of those in more in depth interview study.
Examined explanatory factors of Wilstrom and tafel
1) family social position
2) individual characteristics
3) social situation
4) lifestyles and routines
5) community contexts
Results of Wilstrom and tafel
Overwhelming no. of youths have strong pro-social values
Offending off less serious nature is widespread
Serious offending was rare-7% only
Strong predictors = social situations