Tuberculosis Control Program Flashcards
What is the instruction number for the TB control program?
Form # for initial TB exposure risk assessment?
NAVMED 6224/7
Form # for interim TB exposure risk assessment?
NAVMED 6224/8
Form # for monthly evaluation for treatment?
NAVMED 6224/9
What is the name of the bacteria that causes TB?
mycobacterium tuberculosis
Members are screened or tested how far in advance before reporting to a commissioned vessel?
6 months
Approved material to be used in the routine Mantoux test?
Tween-80 stabilized intermediate strength (5 TU equivalent)
What is the preferred and alternative product to be used during PPDs?
Tubersol - 1st
Aplisol- alternative
How long after administering TST should it be read?
If PT returns to have TST read after 72hrs, what steps are taken?
Record result as “not read” in SF 601
Re-apply TST to opposite forearm
If there is no induration, record TST results as?
zero mm
What is the rate of newly identified LTBI converters?
1-2% of personnel tested per year
What steps are taken if conversion rate is two times greater than expected baseline?
Contact NAVENPVNTMEDU for guidance
A positive TST reaction in BCG immunized people should be regarded as what?
TB infection
If a TST and live virus can not be administered on the same day, how long must PT wait?
4 weeks
Are TST administered to pregnant PTs?
X-ray may also be used to rule out
Increase in reaction size of 10mm or more within ? years is considered positive?
3 years
What is defined as high risk?
5mm or more with recent close contact of infected persons
What is defined as medium risk?
10mm or more in recent immigrants or clinical conditions i.e. lab personnel
What is defined as low risk?
15mm or more is positive if NO risk factors
What is the ICD-9 code for TB?
Screening exam for pulmonary TB
What is examined in chest x-rays?
Fibrotic changes
What does INH stand for?
What is the report code for disease alert report?
MED 6220-3
How much content is in a PPD single dose?
0.1ml (5 TU) PPD
A good intradermal injection will be evidenced by?
small, pale, sharply demarcated wheal
Measurement of induration between 2mm divisions of the scale should be rounded up or down?
Consider searching for an active case of TB in the command if reactors is greater than what %?
Ignore what vaccine history when evaluating for routine PD?
Bacilus Calmett-Guerin (BCG)
Pos PPD still indicative of TB infection
Length of INH treatment?
5mg/kg daily for 9 months
270 daily doses within 12 months
What lab tests should be performed when initial evaluation suggests elevated risk for liver disease or INH induced hepatoxicity?
Consider withholding INH if transaminase levels exceed ?
3-5 x upper normal limits
ICD-9 code for patients receiving therapy?
Issue of repeat prescriptions
What should be used for persons who are at very high risk for developing active TB?
Directly observed therapy
What kind of respirator is used by medical providers treating TB PTs?
When are MERs submitted for TB?
Within 24hrs of suspected new case
Submit 2nd MER when disease has been ruled in/out
What does BAMT stand for?
Blood Assay for M. TB infection
What does AHLTA stand for?
Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application