Trusts & Wills Flashcards
- Choice of Laws
- Valid Will:
- Formal Will
- Holographic Will
A will is valid in CA if it is valid under
(1) CA laws,
(2) laws of state where Testator executed will, or
(3) laws of state where Testator domiciled at time of death.
Valid Will
Formal Will
- Capacity
- Intent
- Sign
- Writing
- Harmless Error
A valid formal will req (1) capacity and (2) present testmntry intent (3) to sign (4) a writing (5) in the joint presence of 2 W’s who u/stand the instrmnt is a will.
- Capacity: T mst be (1) at least 18 and (2) of sound mind. H,T
- Intent: Whn a T signs an instrumnt, s/he mst intend it have testmntry effect, and u/stand s/he is executing a will. H,T
- Sign: T or someone in his/her presence and direction must sign the will.
- Writing: The entire will must be in writing. H,T
Witnesses: A formal will must be signed or acknowledged in the joint presence of & attested to by 2 Ws. Ws mst be aware instrument is a will, bt need not read the will, or sign the will in the presence of T or each other. Ws must be of sufficient mental capacity to comprehend the act of witnessing a will. [In CA, an interested W is competent.]
- [Harmless Error: If a will is not executed in compliance with witnessing requirements, the will may be admitted into probate if the will proponent establishes by clear and convincing ev that at the time the T signed the will, s/he intended the will to constitute the T’s will.] H,T
Holographic Will
- Capacity
- Intent
- Handwritten
- Sign
Lack of Date
CA recognizes holographic wills, which requires the T to (1) have cap, (2) intend doc be a will, (3) handwrite mat provisions, and (4) sign the will. A holographic will need not be witnessed.
- Capacity: T mst be (1) > 18 and (2) of sound mind.
- Intent: Whn T signs an instrument, s/he must intend it have testmntry effect, and u/stand s/he is executing a will.
- Handwritten: The T must handwrite the material terms.
- Sign: T or somone in his/her presence and direction mst sign the will.
Lack of Date on HW affects its validity whn there is an issue with test capacity, or there is a possibility that two or more wills should be probated that are inconsistent. In this instance, the HW is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency. H/e, the HW controls if competent ev establishes the HW was executed after the other will’s execution date.
- Physical Act
- Subsequent Will or Codicil
Revocation: A T retains the ability to revoke a will at any time prior to death. A will can be revoked by (1) SI, or (2) PA.
- Revocation by Physical Act: A will cn be revkd by phys act if T (1) intended to revoke will, and (2) will is burned, torn, destroyed, or cancelled by the T. A will executed in duplicate is also revoked if one of the duplicates is revoked by physical act.
- Subsequent Instrument: A will can be revoked by executing a later valid will or codicil that partly or completely revokes the prior will. The revocaion can be express or implied by the terms of the subsequent instrument.
Acts of Independent Significance
Acts of Independent Significance: Blanks in a will can be filled in w/ bens or prop by referring to acts or docs executed during a T’s lifetime for nontestamentary motives. <em>H, T did nt name wife in 2001 will. Ted referred to wife as “wife of 20 years”. The blank could be filled in with Wendy because when T executed the will in 2001, he was married to Wendy. </em><em>Thus, “wife of 20 years” referred to Wendy.</em>
Ambiguities: CA allows extrinsic ev to resolve patent and latent ambiguities in a will. <em>H, if T was married to W for 20 yrs in ‘01, extrinsic ev ws admis to resolve ambiguities relating to “wife of 20 yrs” by showing T intended to gift to Wendy. T, extrinsic ev resolved ambiguities relating to “wife of 20 years”.</em>
A codicil republishes a will so the will is deemed re-executed at the time of the codicil. A codicil is a TI modifying an earlier will, and must be executed with the same formalities as a will.
Valid Pour-Over Will
A T may by will bequeath estate assets to an IVT, provided the will ID’s the trust, & the bequeath provisions are set forth in a written instrument executed b4 or currently with the T’s will execution.
H, when [Settlor] established the trust, [Settlor] executed a valid will pouring over to the trust all [Settlor]’s [describe assets].
T, there was a valid pour-over will.
Anti-Lapse Statute
Lapse: Whn a devisee dies after the T executes a will bt b4 th will becms effective, th gift to th devisee fails or lapses.
Anti-Lapse: U/ CA’s anti-lapse statute, if a gift is made to a blood relation of th T, & the relation predeceases the T, but leaves iss, the iss succeeds to th gift.
Former spouse
Upon divorce, a will that leaves everything to a former spouse is invalid.
*A will executed after dissolution of marriage will not be invalid though the beneficiary is a former spouse.
Omitted Spouse
- Omitted Spouse Intestate Share
Omitted Spse: A marriage after the execution of a will does not invalidate the will. A spse nt mentioned in a will is entitled to an intestate share of the T’s estate, UNLESS:
(1) omission of spse was intntionl, and intent apparent in th will,(2) spse ws given prop outside of will in lieu of a disposition in will, or (3) spse is pty to a valid a/ment waiving right to share in estate.
Omitted Spse Intestate Share: Dec’s share of CP passes to surving spse; other 1/2 already belongs to surving spse. Th survng spse taks 1/2 of dec’s SP IF the dec is survived by 1 child or isse of child, or parent or isse of parent, & heirs inherit the other 1/2. Survng spse taks 1/3 of dec’s SP IF dec spse is survived by > 1 child or issue of child, & heirs inherit 2/3 of dec’s SP.
Adopted Child
Adopted children inherit from their parents as if they were natural born children.
Pretermitted Child In CA…
In CA, if a decednt fails to prvde for child born or adopted after th execution of all TIs the child receives an intstate share of th decednt’s estate UNLESS:
(1) dec provdd for child by tfr outsde TIs & intended tfr be in lieu of provision in TIs,
(2) whn th TIs were executd th dec’s had 1 or more children and left substantially all of the estate to the other parent of the pretermitted child, or
(3) the dec’s failure to prvde for child was intentional and intent appears on the face of the TI.
H, since C was conceived during marriage, and born following dissolution of marriage, and H did not execute his valid revocable trust until one yr after dissolution, it was unlikely C was a pretermitted child. C was likely born before, not after, H executed all TIs. Thus, C was not an omitted child
If concluding not “pretermitted child” continue to “Living Child”
Non-marital child ren inherit…
Non marital children inherit from and through their mother, but not from their father UNLESS paternity is est by
(1) subsequent marriage of the parties,
(2) adjudication of the paternity during the father’s lifetime, or
(3) clear and convincing proof of paternity after the fathers death.
Living Child
Living Child Intestate Share
If at th time of th execution of all of dec’s TIs effective at the time of dec’s death, the dec failed to provde for a living child solely b/c th dec believed child to be dead or ws unaware of child’s birth, th child shall receive a share in the estate equal in value to tht whch th child wld hve received if the dec had died w/out having executed any TIs.
Living Child
Living Child Intestate Share
Per Capita
If th dec dies w/out a surviving spouse or domestic partner, thn intestate distribution is first to issue in any generation. Issue is defined as descendants, incl. descendants more remote than children (eg, grandchildren). If no issue survives, the prop passes to the decendant’s parents. H, H nenver remarried so estate if he dies intestate passed to his issue in any generation, which at time of death were A,B and C, and then to Mom if no issue survived. Thus, H’s estate first went to A,B, and C.
A specific gift adeems by extinction if it is not part of the estate at the time of the T’ors death. For stocks, cts hve allowed the stock to follow to the new stock as that is often the testator’s intent.
Interested Witness
Common law Undue Influence
Statutory Undue
Presumption of Undue Influence
A prsn who takes under a will & is a W creates a rebut presump of UI, which can be rebutted by clear & convincing ev.
UI u/ the CL occurs whn a testator is susceptible to influence, the B has an opportunity to influence, the resulting will is unnatural, & the B helped actively procure the result.
CA statutory law finds UI when there is excessive persuation that causes a Testator to act or refrain from acting that overcomes his free will and results in inequity.
A presumption of UI arises when (1) B under a will stands in a confidential r/ship to the testator (T confides, trusts or relies on B) (2) s/he participated in drafting the will, and (3) the gift the beneficiary is unnatural (ie, majority of the estste).
Presumption of Undue Influcence
A Ben who exerts undue influence takes as if the decedent died intestate.
Per Stirpes
Per Capita
Per Stirpes If a will calls for it, PS distribution can be usd, and occurs whn the issue takes in equal portions the share the deceased ancestor would have taken, if living. The estate is first divided into the total number of children of the ancestor who survives or leaves issue who survive.
Per Capita: If surviving issue are all of equal degree kinship, prop passes per capita.<em> H, H’s children A,B,C were equally closely related to H. Prop passes per capita. With 3 descendants taking per capita, and the estate valued at $300, each issue took $100 of H’s estate if H died intestate. Thus, C’s intestate share of the estate was $100.</em>
Specific Gift
General Gift
Class Gift
A specific gift is prop tht cn be distingshd w/ reas accuracy from other prop in th T’s estate. H,T
A general gift is prsnl prop th T intends to be satisfied from general estate assets. H,T
Class Gift: A class gift is one tht goes to a group of pple who are nt specfclly named. Whn thre is a gift to a class, only th mmbrs who survive T divide the gift. Here, T left $2000 to each START employee at the time of his death. At death, T had 10 employees .The employees were not specifically named. The was a $30000 ($2000 x 10) class gift to the employees who survived T in 2016. It was irelanavnt the 10 employes were not employees in 2001. Only the members who surviived T eceiveda gift. **T, there was a vlaid class gift.
When property is not distributed u/ a will, it will be distributed through intestate succession.
Residue: The residue is wht remains after paying debts, & specific, general & demonstrative gifts.
Intestate Distribution
Dec’s 1/2 share of CP pases to survivng spse; ss already owns other 1/2 intrst.
SS takes 1/2 intrst of dec’s SP if dec is survivied by 1 child, or issue of child, or parent or issue of parent, & the heirs inherit other 1/2 intrst.
SS takes 1/3 intrst in dec’s SP if dec is survived by > 1 child or issue of child, & the heirs inherit other 2/3 of dec’s estate.
Abatement is where
Abatement is where a ct reduces a gift specified in a TI in order to distribute assets to omitted beneficiaries.
Stock Split
- Traditional
- Modern
Stock Split
- Trad., a ben receives the increase in shares following a stock split if the gift is a specific devise, but will not receive the increase if the gift is a general devise. W/ specific devises, it is assumed the T wants the ben to receive the shares designated in the will as well as all accretions the stock split create. W/ general devises, it is assumed the T intended for the ben to have the exact number of shares stated in the will. H,T
- Modernly, the ben receices the increase in shares if (1) ben receives the same proportionate interest in the corp as devised in the will, or (2) T owned the shares stated in the will at the time the will was executed.
Stock Dividend
If the T owns shares of stock that match the shares devised in the will, the ben receives additional shares a stock dividend produces. H,T
Trust Creation All trusts are characterized…
Express Trust
- Inter vivos transfer / IV declaration of trust / Testamentary Trust
- Private Express Trust
- Charitable Trust
Valid Trust
All trusts are characterized by the manner in which they are created: (1) Express, (2) Resulting, (3) Constructive.
E: An ET is created w/ th express intntion of prop O to create th r/ship w/ the prop by: (1) IV tfr, (2) IV dec of trust, or (3) will. ETs can be either private or charitable.
- Tstmntry Trust occur whn the terms of the trust are contained in a writing in a will or a doc incorporated by reference into a will.
- Private ET: A PET is created for th benefit of ascer bens.
- Charitable Trust: A CT mst (1) have a stated char purpose (ie GREPH), & (2) exist for benefit of commiunity at large, or a class of prsns the m/ship in which varies. H, T placed her estate into the trust, and named Z as a remainder ben. The stated char purpose was to care for rats. The trust benefited the community at large.
Valid Trust
A valid trust req: (1) S w/ cap (> 18 and OSM), (2) present intent by S to create a T, (3) T prop, (4) ben to enforce the T, (5) T purpose not contrary to pp, & (6) named or ct appointed Tee.
- Tee: Th ct appoints a Tee whn a S fails to designate a Tee, or a Tee dies, lacks capacity, refuses to serve or is removed.
- T Prop: T prop mst be tfr’d to th T or Tee at th time a T is created. H, W did nt follow revoc mthd specfied in the IV trst to revoke the IV trst. W’s will left her house & ranch in the TT, bt ranch funded the IV trst at time W created the TT. Since W did not t tfr ranch to TT or Sam, house was the only TT prop. T, the TT prop was W’s house.
In conclision, W created a valid testamentary trust.
Trust Modification
Trust Modification
T’ee: In CA, on a Tee petition, a ct may modify the administrative or dispositive trust terms if, owing to circs unknown to and unanticipated by the settlor, trust continuation under the terms will defeat or substantially impair the accomplishment of trust purposes. H,T
Settlor: U/ the majority, unless a settlor expressly reserves the right, s/he may not modify a trust. H,T
Beneficiaries: Bens may compel trust mod whn (1) all bens consnt, and (2) mod will not frustrate a mat trust purpose. H,T
- Trust Creation
- Valid Trust
- Recovable Trust
If the T is revocable, all interests are contingent. H, all interests u/ W’s IVT were contingent b/c W expresssly reserved the pwr to revoke the T at any time. Thus, W had a revocable trust.
- Revocation Method: Th rev mthd a TI specified mst be followed. A will cannot revoke an IVT unless th T expressly provides. IF the TI does nt specify a mthd, any action manifesting the S’s intent to revoke suffices. The rev becomes effective whn the action occurs, nt whn the Tee or bens learn of the action.
- Will Revocation*
- Valid Will*
- Will Revocation*
- Valid Will*
Conservator: U/ CA Probate code, a conservator may make & sign a will for the conservatee IF the conservator has been so authorised by a court.
Conservatee: U/ CA Probate Code, a conservatee who is mentally competent to make a will may revoke a will made by the conservator or make a new & inconsistent will.
Trust Termination [SAMO]
[Termination by Trustee]
There are 4 ways a trust can terminate prematurely b4 the time set for termination in the TI:
(1) settlor and all beneficiaries agree to terminate
(2) all bens agree to terminate & all material purposes accomplished (need existing & potential bens some of which may not be ascertainable)
(4) merger (sole Tee becoms the sole ben, the trust interests merge and the trust terminates).
(2) op of law (completed, impossible, illegal purpose)
Termination by Trustee: A Tee has no power to term a trust, unless (1) TI expressly provids, or (2) Tee power to invade principal is broad enough to entitle a Tee to term a trust. H,T
Trust Remedies
- T’ee Removal – A ct may remove a Tee whn Tee (1) mat brches a dty (2) becomes incapable of perf (3) devlps a COI w/ a ct or ben, or (4) causes a T to persistently perf poorly.
- T’ee Liabilities: Tee is liable for losses resulting frm brch of T, incl. lost profits & interest.
- Co-T’ee Liability: A Co-Tee is liable for a co-Tee’s wrongful acts to whch he (1) consnts, (2) improp delegates auth, or (3) fails to redress a brch.
3P Liabilities:
- A knwing participant in a brch of T is liable for resulting losses.
- BFP: Whn prop is improperly tfr’d as a result of a brch of T to a BFP, T ben or successor Tee may not set aside the transaction.
- Cnstrctve Trst – A CT is an eq rem to prevent (1) wrngfully obtainted prop (2) traced to P (3) whch D holds title & is (3) UE whn thre is (5) ILR.
Trad., co-trustees must act as a group with unanimity, unless the trust instrument indicates otherwise.
Under the modern majority, co-trustees can act alone if there are 3 or more trustees. H,T
Powers and Duties of Trustees [C SAID LIES]
The Tee has the following fiduciary duties:
(1) Care
(2) carefully Select and supervise agents,
(3) administer the trust in Accord with terms,
(4) act Impartially b/t bens,
(5) not to Delegate,
(6) Loyalty,
(7) Inform and account,
(8) Earmark assets,
(9) physically Separate assets.
Trustees Duties - C SAID LIES
- Duty of Care
- Supervise and Select Agents
- Administer the trust in Accord with terms
- Impartially between beneficiaries
- Not to Delegate
- Loyalty
- Inform and account
- Earmark assets
- Physically Separate assets
Tee mst exercise the degree of care, skill, & caution exercised by a reas prudent person in managing and investing the prsn’s own prop. If the Tee has special skills, the person will be held to a higher standard. <em>(If no ev of brch, state standard held to, then “nothing indicated X brched her DoC as trustee. T, C did not brch DoC.”)</em>
Standard of Care H, (evaluate if Tee hs special skills - if yes, higher stndrd, if no, use rpp). T
Trust Investments: W/ respect to trust investmnts, th DoC req (1) diversifying assets, (2) making prop productive, and (3) making informed decisions re investment schemes. (H for each, Thus brched duty of care).
Trustee Duties (C SAID LIES)
- Care
- Select and Supervise Agents
- Administer the Trust in Accord with its Terms
- Act Impartially between Beneficiaries
- Not to Delegate
- Loyalty
- Inform and account
- Earmark assets
- Physically Separate assets
Carefully Select & Supervise: Tee may delegate activities tht wld be unreas to req Tee to perform, bt Tee mst carefully select & supervise agents.
Admin Trust in Accord w/ its Terms: Tee hs dty to comply w/ trust a/ment terms but cannot follow instructions blindly.
Act Impartially between Bens: If T hs 2 or mre bens, Tee shall act impartially in investing & managing T prop, taking into accnt differing intrsts of bens.
Not to Delegate: A Tee may seek prof. advice of others on matters Tee cannot delegate, bt Tee mst exercise indep j/mnt, & make final decision personally.
Trustee Duties
- Care
- Supervise and Select Agents
- Administer the trust in Accord with terms
- Act Impartially between beneficiaries
- Not to Delegate
- Loyalty
- Inform and account
- Earmark assets
- Physically Separate assets
Loyalty: Tee owes bens undivided loyalty which req Tee adminstr trst solely for beneft of bens.
Inform & Account: Tee mst disclose to bens complete & accurate info abt nature & extent of T prop, & periodically account for actions taken on behalf of T so Tee’s perf. can be assessed against trust provisions.
Earmark Assets: Tee hs a dty to earmark T prop. Trad, Tee is SL for brching dty to earmark even if failure to earmark ws nt cause of a loss. Mod, Tee liability for failure to earmark is ltd to dgs actually caused by Tee’s failure to earmark.
Physically Sep Assets: Tee hs a dty to physically separate trust assets from other assets.
Cy Pres Doctrine
U/ CPD a ct may modify a CT to seek an alternative charitable purpose IF the original purpose becomes illegal, impracticable, or impossible to perform.
The ct must determine the settlor’s original purpose and select a new purpose as near as possible.
Settlor’s intent controls. If it appears settlor wld not hve wished an alternative purpose, TP may be subject to a resulting trust for benefit of settlor’s estate.
Spendthrift Provision
A SP is a provision in a trust instrument that requires the Tee to use only so much income or principal as is necessary for the support of the beneficiaries.
Involuntary Alienation
Except as provided by statute or restricted by the TI, the equitable interest (income or principal), not the TP, of an insolvent ben can be reached to satisfy creditors’ claims when payable or subject to the demand.
<em>Here, H’s creditors could not rech the TP but could reach the income payable or subject to Hs’s demand during his life. Upon H’s death, the trust income went to W and then the remainder to Sid.</em>
<em>Thus, H’s credites could reach the trust assets.</em>