TORTS Flashcards
Duty of Care
- Affirmative Duty
- Duty to Control Third Parties
- Standard of Care (DLC PAID)
- Default, Landowners - I/L R/ship, Children
- Prof., Auto Drivers, Innkeeper / CC, Doctors
- Negligence Per Se
- Breach
- Res Ipsa Loquitur
- Causation: AC & PC
- Damages
- Defenses
A pfc for neg requires DBCD.
Duty: U/ maj, D is liable to Ps w/in zne of fores harm. U/ min, D who bchs a dty to someone bchs a dty to anyone (fores or nt) hrmd as a result of brch.
- Affirmative Dty: Gnrly, no dty to act affirmatively. H/e affirmative dty to act will arise if … (a) preexisting r/ship b/w pties, (b) D pt P in peril, (c) D hs u/taken to render aid or rescue P, or (d) dty is imposed by law. The Firefiighters Rule bars injury claims by public servants tht result frm risks unique to P’s inherently dangerous work.
- Control 3Ps: Gnrly, no dty to cntrl 3P acts to avoid injury to a P, except whn D had actual opp, ability, & authority to cntrl 3P acts.
- Duty of Care
- Affirmative Duty
- Duty to Control Third Parties
Standard of Care (DLC PAID)
- Default, Landowners - Invitees/Licensee R/ship, Children
- Professionals, Automobile Drivers, Innkeeper / Common Carriers, Doctors
- Negligence Per Se
- Breach
- Res Ipsa Loquitur
- Causation
- Actual Cause
- Proximate Cause
- Damages
- Defenses
Default: Gnrly, SoC imposed is tht of a reas prudnt psn u/ th circs as measrd by an objve stndrd. H, X ___so he had to act as a reas___ u/ th circs.**T, X’s SoC ws tht of a reas __.
Foll community customs & stat requirements may be relevant as to what conduct is reas, but are not dispositive. Stat compliance does nt est reas care or freedom from fault; it is merely ev of reas care.
(1) Duty of Care
- Standard of Care - Landowners - Invitee R/ship
- Standard of Care - Landowners - Licensee R/ship
Invitees: The LOs SoC to an invitee req (1) using reas care u/ circs in conducting activities on land, (2) warning of knwn dngrous cndtions, (3) cndting reas inspctions of prop, and (4) remedying dngrous cndtions. A “LO” is an o/occ/poss of land. An “invitee” is someone who enters land held open to the public, or by invitation for purposes of th LO.
(1) Duty of Care
- Standard of Care - Professional
- Standard of Care - Child
Prof: A prof. prsn is expected to exhibit th same skill, knwldge, & care as anther practitioner in same community.
Child: Gnrly, SoC imposed is tht of a reas prdnt prsn u/ th circ’s as measured by an obj stndrd. A child must act as a reas prsn of like age, intell, edction, and exprience. H/e whn a C engages in an adult activity, he mst conform to same SoC as an adult engaged in such activity.
(1) Duty of Care
- Standard of Care - [Common Carrier/Innkeeper] - Guest
- Standard of Care - Automobile Driver - Guest
- Standard of Care - Medical Doctors
U/ CL, and modernly in some jxs, [common carriers / innkeepers] are hld to the highest DoC, liable for slight neg, consistent w/ practical business operation.
U/ the maj, SoC imposed on autmbile drivers towards guests and paying passengers is that of a reas prudent person u/ circs. U/ the min a guest may nt recover based on neg. Guest mst est D acted willfully and wantonly according to guest statutes.
A medical dr is hld to degree of care & skill of av qual practitioner. Most cts analyze doc’s cndct u/ national stndrds rather thn those in the doc’s community. Dr hs a dty to obtain informed consent frm patient b4 treatment, which req dr to disclose risks of treatment tht a reas patient wld want to know.
- Duty of Care
- Standard of Care
- Negligence Per Se
- Standard of Care
- Breach
- Causation
- Damages
- Defenses
SoC/Breach - NPS: Violation of a statte is NPS whn a statte defines the stand. of reas condct. A P may est a dty & brch of dty by proving:
(1) he is in class of pple intended to be protected by statute,
(2) intrst and harm are the type intended to be protected, and
(3) harm materializes in manner tht ws of legislative concern.
There are 2 exceptions when the standard of care will not be substituted for the statute even when the above test is met: when the Ds <em><strong>compliance with the statute would have been more dangerous that the violation of it</strong></em>; and <strong><em>when compliance with the statute is impossible</em></strong>.
- Duty of Care
- Standard of Care
- Nelgigence Per Se
- Res Ipsa Loquitur
- Causation
- Actual
- Proximate
- Damages
Breach: A D bches dty whn his cndct falls short of applic SoC owd to P.
Res Ipsa Loquitur: In absence of direct ev, D’s brch may be inferred under RIL doc, if P prves accidenct was
(1) kind tht ord does nt occur w/out neg
(2) caused by an agent or instrumentality w/in D’s exclusive cntrl, and
(3) not due to plaintiff’s action.
- Duty of Care
- Standard of Care
- Negligence Per se
- Breach
- Res Ipsa Loquitur
- Actual Cause
Proximate Cause
- Eggshell Skull Rule
- Damages
Causation P mst prve D’s acts are AC (c-in-f) and PC (legal) of th P’s injury.
- AC If P’s injury will nt occur but for D’s acts, D is AC of injury. If thre are multiple causes of injury, D is AC whn D’s acts are a subs factor in causing injury. H, bt fr X’s [act], Y [injury]. Arguably multiple causes lead to [injury]. H/e X’s [act] was a sub factor in cusing Y’s [injury] b/c the injury would not have occured if X did not… Though multiple causes contributed to the injury, X would not escape liability.
PC exists whn P’s injury is a fores reslt of D’s acts. Whn multiple forces contrib to injury, 1 examines other events to determine whther thy are intervning or suprcding.H, Y’s [injury] (was/not) foresee from Xs [act]. [#] events were in the chain of causation: (1)… The supersedening events broke the causal connection b/w Xs [act] and Ys [injury] b/c not foreseeable to X that when he [did act] [injury] was foreseeable to occur. Thus, Xs act did/did not proximately cause Ys damages.
- Eggshell Skull Rule: A D is liable to th full extent of the Ps injuries due to preexisting medical condition or vulnerability, even if the extent is unforseeable.
(4) Damages
- Compensatory Damages
- Punitive Damages
- Mitigation
Dgs Neg req prsnl injury or prop dgs. Claims for purely economic loss are generally not allowed.
Comp Dgs must be causal and certain.
Personal = P may recover special & general dgs, incl lost earnings, medical $, & pain & suffering. Foreseeabiltiy of extent of harm gnrly irrelevant b/c D takes P as he finds P.
Property = P may recover diff b/w FMV of prop immediately b4, or after, injury, or repair costs if costs do not exceed the prop value.
Punitive - may recover if clear & convincing ev est D acted w and w, recklessly, or with malice. H,T
Mitigation P has duty to take reas steps to mitigate dgs; failure to do so precluds recov of add harm causd by injury aggravation. <em>H,T</em>
- Duty of Care
- Breach
- Causation
- Damages
- (paragraph for when none arise b/c no fault)
Contributory / comparative neg, and assumption of risk require fault by the P. H, X did nt contribute to the [describe injury], or was aware of the [describe danger] to knowingly and voluntarily assume the risk of harm. Thus, no defenses applied.
- Contributory/Comparative Negligence (CN)
- Assumption of Risk
- Indemnity
- Contribution
CN deprives a P from dgs whn she contributed to the legal cause of injuries by failing to exercise reas care for her own safety.
- At CL, CN is a complete bar to recovery.
- In “pure” CN jx, a P’s CN reduces recovery of dgs by proportion P’s fault bears to total harm.
- In “partial” CN jx, P’s recovery is barred if she > 50% at fault.
Ass of Risk: is a sbjctve stndrd, barring a P frm recovery whre she is aware of danger, & assumes risk of harm arising frm D’s acts (1) knwingly, and (2) voluntarily. H,T
- Duty of Care
- Breach
- Causation
- Damages
- Defenses
- Comparative/Contributory Negligence
- Aswsumption of Risk
- Indemnity
- Contribution
<em>Only applies when multiple defendants:</em>
Indemnity: A tortfeasor who discharges liability is entitled to indemnity whn (1) actual wrongdoer has a primary duty by (a) K, (b) vicarious liability, or (c) strict prdcts liability, and (2) tortfeasor fails to discover or prevent actual wrongdoer’s misconduct.
Contribution: A D who pays mre thn its apportioned share of dgs, has a contribution claim against other tortfeasors jointly and severally to the same P.
Negligent Hiring, Supervision, Retention
- Standard of Care
- Breach
- Actual
- Proximate
- Damages
A pfc for neg req: D, B, C, D. An e’er may be liable for neg hiring, supervision, or retention of an e’ee.
Dty: U/ maj… U/ min. H, u/ the maj, S owed a dty to people w/ FZofD, sch as P, who might be injured by a student like G when S h, s, or r teacher who did not supervise his stdents. U/ min, P was fores p b/c she cld be inj whn S h,s,or r t who did not prevnt student from leaving school. T, S owed P a duty
- Standard S was to act with reas care u/ the circ in hiring, sup, or retaining employees.
- Bch: <em>S was aware G’s teacher did _, but did nothing. S did not meet sofc b/c a reas prudnt s u/ circ wld investigate t’s perf, and terminate his empl if fell below his soc.</em>
- AC: S’s failure to use reas car was the ac of Ps’ injuries b/c but for S’s brch, P wld not have been injured.
- PC: <em>Ss bch was pc b/c acts of G and P were not superceding. Ws forse to S that if did nt reas h,sup, or ret tchers, students sch as G wld leave school, n nt condct themselves acc to rules, causing inj to someone in Ps position.</em>
- D
Common Law Defamation A P may bring
- Defamatory LanguageLang that dim
- Of an concerning the PA reas p
- Published to a 3PPub of DL is
Damages the P’s reputation
- Libel
- Slander
US Constitution Defamation
A P may brng a def action (1) if th D’s defam langge, (2) of or concrnng th P, (3) is pub to a 3P who u/stands its defam nature, (4) damages the P’s reputation.
DL: Lang tht diminishes respect or GW towards, or deters others from ass. w/ a P, is defam. An opinion is actionable if D implies a factual basis for tht opinion. H,T
OOCP: A reas prsn mst believe th DL refers to the P.
- Pub: of DL is intntionl or negligent comm to a 3P (someone other thn P) who u/stands it. Each rep of DL is a separate pub. H,T
Dgs P’sRep: <em>(do either libel (written) OR slander (oral))</em>
- Libel: Special dmgs are presumed when def involves libel. Special dgs are awarded for econ loss due to def. [Radio programs are treated as libels if suff perm, premeditated, and broadly disseminated.]H,T
- Slander: In a Sl action, special dmgs mst be proven, unless a def s/ment is slander per se, relating to (1) abilities in a profession, trade, bus, (2) loathesome disease, (3) unchaste behaviors, or (4) crime of moral turp or pun’able by imprison.H,T
In conclusion (conclude on common law defamation
Common Law Defamation
- Defamatory Langugage
- Of or concerning the plaintiff
- Published to a 3P
- Damages the plaintiff’s reputation
- Libel
- Slander
US Constitution - Public Concern
- Public Figure
- Private Person
- Falsity
USCx - Pub Concern: U/ USCx, if defam s/ment invlves a pub concrn, P mst prve D’s (1) fault reg (2) falsity of s/ment. H,T
Fault: The stndrd for est’ing a D’s fault depnds on P’s status as a pub or priv psn. Whn P is a pub official or pub fig, P mst prove (1) actual malice of the D, and (2) falsity of the defam language.
Pub Figure: A PF is (1) official invlvd in pub affairs, (2) psn who achievs pervasive notoreity tht he becomes a PF for all purpss, or (3) psn who voluntarily injects into a partic. pub controversy tht he becomes a PF for the controversy, but remains a priv fig for other matters. H,T
- Malice: A PF mst prove D’s actual malice, meaning th D (1) knws defam langge is flse, or (2) rcklesly disregrds its truthfulness. H,T
Priv Figure: A priv fig P prves the D’s fault by est (1) neg or (2) malice.
- Neg: Neg req (1) D, (2) B, (3) C, and (4) D. H,T
- Malice: A priv fig mst prve D’s actual malice. Mal means the D (1) knws defam langge is false, or (2) rcklesly disregrds its trthflness. H,T
Pub Figure: A PF is (1) official invlvd in pub affairs, (2) psn who achievs pervasive notoreity tht he becomes a PF for all purpss, or (3) psn who voluntarily injects into a partic. pub controversy tht he becomes a PF for the controversy, but remains a priv fig for other matters. H,T
In conclusion, (conclude on constitutional defamation).