Contracts - Essay Rules Flashcards
Applicable Law
Valid K: O (Termination, Bi/Uni), A (Mail, UCC2-207, Mirror image), C (PE), No Def (DUM MUSIC)
Breach: CP (AR, Ass), TtoP, Perf Disch (DAMP WIFI, MAM)
Other Issues: modification, 3P issues (TPB, assignment, delegation, novation)
Governing Law
Valid Contract
Preliminary Negotiation
Gov Law: UCC app to Ks for SoG (moveable, tang prop) and b/w merchants (indiv/entities who reg deal in goods of kind sold). CL govs Ks for services and r.p. [Where a sale involves both tangible prop and services, a ct will apply the dominant factor test to determine which aspects of K is dominant, and apply law (CL or UCC) gov the dominiannt aspect of the K.] H,T
Valid K: A valid K requires (1) O (2) A (3) C and (4) no form def’s.
Preliminary Negotiaiton: does not constitute an offer. H,T
An Ad is an invitation to receive offers, unless (1) ass. w/ a stated reward, or (2) the ad specifies who may accept, how acceptance is made, and is not negotiable. H,T
Valid Contract
[Preliminary Negotiations]
Lapse of Time
An O req (1) an express presnt intent to be leg bound to a K, (2) cert and def terms, and (3) comm to an id offeree. U/ CL, essential terms (subject, $, quantity) mst be covered / For UCC, the essential term is quantity. H,T
Lapse of Time: [If the O specifies a term. date, the O terminates at midnight on that date.] [If the O terminates after a specified # of days, the time runs from the time the O is received.] [If the O specifies no time, the time limit is what a reasonable O’ee assumes.] H,T reas = time needed to receive, consider, and reply to offer u/ circs. In f-2-f, reas time ends when the parties part.
Death: An O term upon O’ors death, even when O’ee does nt knw of death, except for O that is an option, which is irrevocable for the period consid. was paid. H,T
Valid Contract
UCC Firm Offer
Revocation: An O terminates if (1) an O’or directly comms revocation to the O’ee, or (2) the O’ee acquires reliable info that the O’or has taken definite action inconsistent with the O.
A revocation is effective when received by the offeree. H,T
UCC Firm Offer: U/ the UCC, an O to buy or sell goods is irrevocable if (1) O’or is a merchant, (2) there are assurances the O is to remain open, and (3) the assurances are contained in an authenticated writing from the O’or. Irrevocabiltiy may not exceed 3 months. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Termination
- Revocation
- UCC Firm Offer
- Bilateral / Unilateral K
- Counteroffer [CL / UCC]
CL: Gnly, an accept. is effective upon posting. At CL, acceptance must mirror the O terms, neither omitting nor adding terms. Mods to an O act as a rejection of the O and create a new O (counteroffer).
Under UCC, addl or different terms incl. in the A of an O gnrly do nt constitute a rejection unless (1) O expressly limits A to O terms, (2) when b/w non-merchants, or a merchant and a non-merchant, the A is made expressly conditional on the offeror’s consent to the add or diff terms, where these terms are a proposal for addition to the K that is to be separately accepted or rejected, or (3) when both Ps are merchants, the addition or different terms are part of the K unless the terms materially alter the a/ment or the offeror objects within a reas time. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Termination
- Revocation
- UCC Firm Offer
- Bilateral / Unilateral K
- Counteroffer [CL / UCC]
- Revival
- Rejection
Revival The offeror may revive a terminated offer. H,T
Rejection An offeree may reject an offer expressly. A rejection becomes effective when received. H,T
Valid Contract
Bilateral / Unilateral Contract [only do for CL contracts!!]
In a Bilateral K, one pty’s promise is exchanged for the other pty’s promise. The exchange of promises renders both enforceable. H,T
In a Unilateral K, the offeror promises to perform in return for the offeree’s act. The offeree’s promise to perform is insufficient to constitute acceptance; the o’ee mst perform the act to accept the O. Starting perf. makes an offer for a unilateral K irrevocable for a reas time to allow for complete perf. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer …. (all the Offer headings)
Acceptance (A)
- Silence
- Action - Bilateral Contract
- Action - Unilateral Contract
Accept. req (1) unequiv A terms, (2) Oee with power to A, and (3) comm of A.
[Silence] does not op as an A of an O, unless (1) Oee has reason to believe the O could be A’ed by silence, was silent, and intended to A the O by silence or (2) due to previous dealings, it is reas to believe the Oee mst notify the Oor if the Oee intends not to A. H, T,
[Action - Bilateral K] An O requiring a promise to A can be A’ed with (1) return promise, or (2) actual completion. Starting perf. is enough to A an O for a bilateral K. H,T
[Action - Unilateral K] An O req action to A can be A’ed with Oee (1) aware of the O, and (2) actual completion. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Mailbox Rule only for Bilateral contracts
Under the mailbox rule, A by mail or similar means, properly addressed, stamped, and sent, is effective at dispatch. The mailbox rule applies only to A, and does not apply to other K events. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Consideration (C)
C involves (1) a bargain for exchange (2) of legal value. “H, P was motivated to …, a detriment incurred by P, in exchange for $5, something of legal value. Thus, there was consideration.
- Illusory promise: promise to perf tht leaves perf. to promising party’s discretion, is not C. H,T
- Past Cons: Trad, past perf b4 a promise is not bargained for, or done in reliance on promise. Mdnly, some cts enforce a promise to prevent UE whn P expected compensation, & D benefitted from Ps actions. H,T
- Perf or promising to perform an existing legal duty is insufficient C.H,T
<em>CONCLUDE ON C (if none, do the below substitutes)…</em>
Requirements/Output K:
- Reqs K, B’er agrees to buy all it requires of a product from the S’er.
- Output K, S’er agrees to sell all it manufactures of a product to the B’er.
- C is frm the promisor suffering a legal detriment. H,T
- PE acts as C whn a pty’s promise (1) foresee induces other pty’s reliance, (2) other pty relies on promise, and (3) injustice can be avoided only by enforcing the promise. H,T
Parole Evidence Rule
U/ the PER, ev of prior or contemporaneous negotiations or a/ments that contradict, modify, or vary k’ual terms is inadmissible if the written K is intended as a complete and final expression of the pties. A merger clause (recital tht the K is complete on its face) strengthens the presumption the written doc is final. H,T parole evidence was admissible.
Valid Contract
- …
is a remedy for a failed K, no K, or divisible K (ie do after formation if formation fails)
A ct implies a QC when there is a failed K, no K, or divisible K by implying a promise that requires the D to make restitution to the P. Elements:
(1) P confers D a measureable benefit w/out gratuitous intent,
(2) D knws or hrtk of P’s expectation b/c D had opp to decline benefit, but instead knowingly accepted it, and
(3) D unjustly enriched if D retains the benefit without cost.
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Consideration
No Formation Defenses (DUM MUSIC)
- Duress
- Undue Influence
- Mistake - Unilateral
- Mistake - Mutual
- Unconsionability
- Statute of Frauds
- Illegality
- Capacity
No Formation Defenses
Undue Influence occurs when 1 party is dom and the other pty is dep, due to lack of expertise, experience, or diminished capacity. Gnrly, the dominant party will be held to a higher fairness and disclosure standard than in a K b/w arms-length parties. H,T
Duress means any wrongful act or threat tht deprives a pty of meaningful choice. When a pty’s a/ment results from phys duress, the K is void. When duress is a threat, the K is voidable. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Consideration
- No Formation Defenses (DUM MUSIC)
- Duress
- Undue Influence
- Mistake - Unilateral & Mutual
- Misrepresentation
- Unconsionability
- Statute of Frauds
- Illegality
- Capacity
A UM by 1 pty is insufficient to make a K voidable, unless non-mistaken pty (1) knew or hrtk of mistake, or (2) hd duty to disclose fact about which other pty was mistaken. H,T
MM occurs whn both pties are mistaken as to an essential K element. Mst be a substantial difference b/w contemplated and actual deal, w/ no intent by the pties to take a risk on the K element. K is gnrly voidable by pty adversely affected by mistake. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Consideration
- No Formation Defenses (DUM MUSIC)
- Duress
- Undue Influence
- Mistake - Unilateral & Mutual
- Misrepresentation (and Non-Disclosure)
- Unconsionability
- Statute of Frauds
- Illegality
- Capacity
Misrep: If a pty (1) induces another pty to enter into a K (2) asserting fraud misrep (knwn untrue info), K is (3) voidable by pty who justifiably relies on misrep. H,T
Non-Dislosure: Seller of resi prop may be liable for failure to disclose defects if (1) seller knws ohrtk of defect, (2) defct nt obvious, and S realizes B is unlikely to discover defct by ordinary inspection, and (3) defect affects property value or health and safety, and likely causes B to reconsider purchase if knwn.
Unconscionability K may be voidable whre provisions are one-sided as to be unconscionable at time K is made. Defense is applied whre 1pty hs unequal & superior bargaining power over other party. H,T
Illegality If consideration or perf u/ a K is illegal, K is illegal &unenforceable. If a K contemplates illegal conduct, it is void. If a K becomes illegal after formation, perf is discharged. H,T
Valid Contract
- Offer
- Acceptance
- Consideration
- No Formation Defenses (DUM MUSIC)
- Duress
- Undue Influence
- Mistake - Unilateral
- Mistake - Mutual
- Unconsionability
- Statute of Frauds
- Illegality
- Capacity
Use the rule that applies:
- [U/ UCC, to be enforceable, a/ments for SoG $500 or more mst be in W containing (1) ID of pts, (2) K’s sm, (3) T and Cs, (4) C recital, and (5) sig of pty to be charged, unless both pties are merchants. The W need nt be an actual K, or the terms contained on 1 piece of paper. A series of correspondence b/w the pts may suffice.] H,T
- [SoF req service Ks tht cannot be perf w/in 1 year to be in W and sig by pty to be charged, unless excep applies.] H,T
- [SoF req Ks involving land interest to be in W and sig by pty to be charged, unless an excep applies.] H,T
- Part Payment: For a goods sale, whn part of purchase price hs been paid, K is enforced and outside SoF to extent of the purchase. H,T
- Part Perf: A Ct may enforce a K whre thre hs been part perf. (acts by either pty subseq to K formation) evidencing K existence. H,T
No Formation Defenses
Pties to a K mst have legal capacity to be held to K’tual duties.
Mental If a pty with mental illness or defect is adjudicated mentally incompetent, Ks made by the individual are void. If the pty is not adjudicated mentally incompetent, Ks are voidable and may be disaffiremd if the person does not u/stand the nature and consequences of the transaction, and the other pty has reason to know of this fact. H,T
Minor Trad, a minor lacked capacity to enter into a K. Mdnly, a minor may enter into a K, bt K is voidable at minor’s option. H,T
NB: K for necessaries is voidable at minor’s option, but other pty may recover the reas vaue of goods and services in quasi-contract.
Conditions Precedent
- Asurances of Performance
- Anticipatory Repudiation
- Substantial Performance
- Time to Perform Arrives
- Performance Discharged
- Assignment
- Mutual Recision
- Modification
- Waiver
- Impossibility
- Impracticability
- Frustration of Purpose
- Disclaimer
- Express
- Implied
A K brch occurs when a pty fails to perf once (1) CP met or excused, (2) T to P arrives, and (3) perf. not discharged.
- A CP occurs before an absolute duty of perf. arises. H,T
- Ass of Perf (AoP): A non-brching pty may reqst adeq AoP, and treat failure to assure w/in [a reas time / 30 days] as AR. The reqsting pty may suspend perf. until ass. are given. [U/ the UCC, a request for adequare AoP must be in writing.]
- Conditions Precedent
- Asurances of Performance
- Anticipatory Repudiation
- Substantial Performance (only for CL Ks)
- Time to Perform Arrives
- Performance Discharged
- Assignment
- Mutual Recision
- Modification
- Waiver
- Impossibility
- …
AR occurs whre a promisor, prior to time to perf. arrives, unequiv indicates s/he will nt perform whn time occurs. AR gives non-repud pty 4 options: (1) treat K as totally rep’d and sue immediately, (2) suspnd own perf. and wait until perf. is due to sue, (3) treat rep as an O to rescind, and K as discharged, or (4) ignore the rep and urge perf. H,T
Substantial Perf.: Whre pty almost completely perf’s duties, bt brches in a minor way, sub perf avoids forfeiture of a return perf. H,T
- Conditions Precedent
- Asurances of Performance
- Anticipatory Repudiation
- Substantial Performance
- Time to Perform Arrives
- Performance Discharged
- Assignment
- Mutual Recision
- Modification
- Waiver
- Impossibility
- Impracticability
- Frustration of Purpose
- Disclaimer
- Express
- Implied Warranty of Merchantability
Time to Perf Arrives: Failure to perform by the time in the K is gnrly not a mat brch if perf is rendered w/in a reas time. H/e, if the K makes timely perf essential or expressly provides time is of the essence, failure to perf on time is a material breach. H,T
- Conditions Precedent
- Time to Perform Arrives
- Performance Discharged
- Liability Disclaimer
- Express
- Implied Warrant of Mercahntability
- Assignment
- Modification
- Perfect Tender Rule
Performance Discharged
- Liability: A gnrl exculpatory clause (ie, prop sold as is, with all defects) nt suff to overcome a seller’s liability for misrep or non-disclosure. A clause tht id’s and disclaims liability for specific defects (ie seller nt liable for leaks) is likely upheld.
- Express: Disclaimrs tht conflict w/ express warranties are ignored. H,T
- An Implied Wrrnty of Merchantability can be disclaimed by “as is”, “w/out faults”, or similar language tht makes plain thre is no implied warranty. The disclaimer must be conscpicious if in writing, and use the term “merchantability” if oral.
- Ass/ment: K’ual rights may be assigned sla (1) assignee has notice, (2) K does not specifically say all attempted ass/ments will be void, and (3) ass/ment does not materially increase the obliger’s duty, or materially reduce the obligor’s chance of obtaining perf. H,T
Valid Contract
- Conditions Precedent
- Time to Perform Arrives
Performance Discharged
- Disclaimer
- Assignment
- Modification
- Perfect Tender Rule
- Waiver
- Impossibility
- Frustration of Purpose
- Impracticability
- Mutual Rescission
- Accord and Satisfaction
- Material v Minor
Performance Discharged
- Modfction may partially discharge a dty if thre is mutual assent to modifying the a/ment. [At CL, Ks may nt be modified w/out C, but cts may find C unnec whre mod is a correction or pties limit their rights to enforce the K. At CL, a provision req written mod even though the mod is not within the SoF will not be enforceable.] [U/ UCC, Ks may be modified w/out C. The SoF must be satisfied if the K as modified is within its provisions.] H,T
- Perfect Tender: UCC req perf tender. If goods or tender of delivery fail to conform to the K, the B may (1) reject whole, (2) accept whole, or (3) accept any commercial units and reject the rest. H,T
- Conditions Precedent
- Time to Perform Arrives
Performance Discharged
- Waiver
- Impossibility
- Frustration of Purpose
- Impracticability
Performance Discharged
- Waiver: A pty cn waive a condition. A condition may be reinstated if (1) waiving pty communicated a retraction b4 the cond is due, and (2) other pty has not suffered detrimenal reliance. H,T
- Imposs discharges perf objectively whn an unforeseen circ makes no one able to perform the K. H,T
- Frus of Purp discharges perf when an unforeseen circ completely or almost completely destroys the K purpose understood by both pties. H,T
- Imprac discharges perf subjectively whn an unforeseen circ mkes it extremely difficult or expensive to perform. H,T
- Conditions Precedent
- Time to Perform Arrives
- Performance Discharged
- Mutual Rescission
- Accord and Satisfaction
- Minor v Material Breach
Performance Discharged
- Mutual Rescission may discharge executory K duties. H,T
- Accord and Sat: U/ an accord a/gment, one pty accepts different perf thn wht ws promised in th existing K frm th other pty. Gnrly, a valid accord req C. Sat (perf of the accord) discharges the existing K and the accord. H,T
- Min v Mat Brch: Whther a brch is min or mat depends on whther the non-brching pty obtains a substantial benfit of the bargain. If the brch is mat, the non-brching pty may (1) treat K as ended (counter-perf dischared) and (2) immed sue for brch. H,T
Compensatory Damages
- Consequential
- Expectation
- Reliance (only if no compensatory dgs)
- Incidental
- Mitigation
Comp Dgs split into 2 cat: (1) E and (2) C. Dgs must be F, C, C and Unavoid.
- E [CL: ED are the dgs sufficient to buy substitute perf (benefit of the bargain).] [UCC: Cover is the market price less the K price.] H, Ps ED were his lost compensation, [$]. The dgs were <strong>causal</strong> b/c they resulted from [D’s breach/AR]. The dgs were [<strong>certain/uncertain</strong>] b/c []. The dgs were [<strong>fore/unfore</strong>] b/c D knew if she failed to pay, P lost [$]. Thus, ED were [$].
- C dgs are awarded if a reas prsn foresees at time of K formation such dgs will result from breach. <em>H, P likely suffered harm to reputation…. [B pty]’s [b/AR] <strong>caused </strong>the dgs. The dgs were [<strong>certain/uncert</strong>] b/c []. The dgs were [<strong>fore/unforesee</strong>] to [b pty] at the time of the K formation b/c [].</em> Thus, P [could/not] recover consequential dgs.
- Legal
- Compensatory
- Mitigation
- Reliance Dgs
- Incidental
- Liquidated
A party to a K has the obligation to use reas efforts to avoid dgs (take steps that do not involve undue risk, expense, or inconvenience). Failure to mitigate dgs defeats a claim for consequential, not expectation, dgs. H,T
An alternative to compensatory dgs is Reliance Dgs, where a P may be awarded monetary dgs for expenses made in preparing to perform and performing a K based on a reliance interest. Gnrly reliance dgs can only be recovered where a P cannot prove a profit will be made on the K, or the K will produce a loss. Reliance dgs cannot exceed the K price. H,T
- Legal
- Compensatory: Expectation & Consequential
- Mitigation
- Reliance Dgs
- Incidental
- Liquidated
- Restitution
- Defenses - SoL
Incidental Dgs are expenses a non-brching pty incurs as a result of a brching pty’s breach. H,T
A Liq Dgs provision will be enforced, and not construed as a penalty, if at the time a k is entered into the (1) dgs amount is difficult to estimate, and (2) amount stipulated is reas in relation to the (a) actual dgs suffered or (b) dgs anticipated. Although a K may fix the dgs amount recoverable in the event of a brch, b/c a pty may not be penalized for brch, penalty clauses are unenforceable. H,T
Restitution: If a non-b party tfrs a benefit to a bching pty, while attempting to perform a K, the non-b pty is entitled to restitution for the benefit transferred. H,T
- Legal
- Compensatory
- Mitigation
- Reliance Dgs
- Incidental
- Liquidated
- Restitution
- Defenses
Statute of Limitations: The SoL limits the time a P may bring a claim to encourage resolving claims w/in a reas time, and prevent stale claims from arising after ev has been lost or facts become unclear through time passage, defective memory, death, or W disappearance. H,T
Specific Performance
To obtain SP there must be (1) a valid K with more def and cer terms, (2) ILR, (3) FE, (4) perf mutuality, (5) P’s K conditions satisfied or excused, and (6) no unfairness.
- Legal
- __Specific Performance
- TRO, Prelim Injunction, Permanent Injunction
- Defenses
- Unilateral Rescission
Reformation: When a writing that evidences an agreement fails to express the parties’ intent b/c of [mistake/misrep] as to the contents of the writing, the ct may reform the writing to express the intent. H,T
- UH: The pty seeking relief must not have been guilty of wrongful conduct with respect to the trans sm. H,T
- Laches: The rght to eq relief is cut off whn there hs been an unreas delay in initiatng claim, and delay pj the D, H,T
- BFP: Reformation is subject to the innocent 3P’s rights. Sale to a BFP who (1) pays val C, (2) with no notice of [mistake/misrep] as to the contents of the writing prevents reformation. H,T
- Legal
- Equitable
- Specific Performance
- TRO, Prelim Injunction, Permanent Injunction
- Reformation
- Defenses
- Defenses
A non-defaulting pty can rescind a K, which requires a return of benefit conferred on the other party. [Formation defense] is a ground for rescission. Eq rescission req an inad legl remdy. H,T
Laches and unclean hands are defenses to equitable rescission. [There are no defenses to misrepresentation].
- UH The pty seeking relief must not have been guilty of wrongful conduct w/ respect to the transaction sm. H,T
- L The right to equit relief is cut off when there has been unreas delay in initiating the claim, and the delay pj the D. H,T
- Legal
- Equitable
- Specific Performance
- TRO, Prelim Injunction, Permanent Injunction
- Reformation
- Defenses
- Unilateral Rescission
- Equitable Estoppel
- Replevin
- Equitable Lien
Equitable Estoppel may bar K enforcement wherer one party reas and justifiably relies to detriment on the other pty’s previous acts. H,T
Replevin: Under UCC 2-716(3), the buyer has the right to replevin identified goods, where the buyer is unable to effect cover. H,T
Equitable Lien
- Valid K with more definite and certain terms
- Inadequate Legal Remedy
- Feasible Enforcement
- Performance Mutuality
- P’s Contract Conditions Satisfied or Excused
No unfairness
- Unclean Hands
- Laches
- Unilateral Mistake
- Hardship
- Inadequate Consideration
- Unconscionability
- Misrepresentation
To obtain SP, thre mst be (1) a valid K w/ more D and C terms, (2) ILR, (3) FE, (4) perf. mutuality, (5) P’s K conditions satisfied or excused, and (6) no unfairness.
- Valid K with M D&C Terms: For eq relief, a valid K req more d and c terms so th ct cn det wht it mst order each pty to do.H,T <em>**if did not do valid K before this, do now, incl Governing Law!</em>
- IRL: if (1) spec, (2) insolv D (3) need multi suits, or (4) unique prop bargained for.
- FE: A ct will not specifically enforce a prmise if enforcmnt imposs ct burds that are disproportionate to th advntgs gained from enforcment, and the harms suffered from denial. Perf. that entails continuous supervision, or involves suitability j/ment will gnrly not be ordered. H, T
- Perf Mutuality: Th aggrieved pty mst shw th brching pty cn secure perf. H,T
- P’s K Conditions: To compel SP of a D, cond precednt to perf mst be satisfied or excused. H,T **Insert Antic Rep here if appl to excuse P’s conditions
No Unfairness: SP will not be grantd if sch relief wld be unfair. Factrs in detrmnng unfairness incl [(1) defenses, (2) h/ship, (3) mistake, (4) misrep, (5) inad consid, (6) unconscion.]
Defenses: A D my assert defenses against SP, incl. (1) UH, (2) Laches, and (3) sale to a BFP
- UH: The pty seekng relief mst nt hve been guilty of wrngful condct w/ respect to the transction sm.H,T
- Lach: The rght to eq relief is ct off whn thr hs been unreas delay in initiatng th claim, n th delay pj the D. H,T
- BFP: SP is ct off whn the K sm hs been sold to a BFP who (1) pays val consid (2) w/ no N of the K. H,T
- Uni Mistake: A UM by 1 pty is insuff to mke a K voidable, unlss the non-mistaken pty (1) knew (ohrtk) of the mistake, or (2) hd a dty to disclose the fact about whch the other pty ws mistaken. A D’s actions tht do nt rise to th leel of a K def for mistake can neverthelss be a factor tht results in the denial of SP. H,T
- Hardship: cn be a factor in nt grantng SP whn events tht occur after K form fall short of imprac, imposs, or frus o purp, but cause unread h/ship to the D n 3Ps. H,T
- Inad Consid: While IC is nt gnrly grounds for granting K relief, gross IC cn be a factor tht weighs in fav of K unfairness. H,T
- Unconscion: A K may be voidable ehr the proviss are 1-sided as to be uncon at the time the K is made. The defense is applied whr 1 pty hs unequal and sup bargainng pwr ovr th oth pty. Uncon my be a factor in denying SP though it my nt be a K form defense. H,T
- Misrep: If a pty (1) induces anther pty to enter into a K (2) asserting fraudlnt misrp (known untrue info), the K is (3) voidable by the pty who justifiably relies on the misrep. H,T
Defenses: A D my assert defenses against SP, incl. (1) UH, (2) Laches, and (3) sale to a BFP