Truck Company Book 4 Search And Rescue Flashcards
Blind Search
search is slower, routinely starts at or above the fire, and is more methodical.
Oriented Search
One firefighter maintains a central position at a means of egress or hallway/corridor and the second firefighter completes the search of the identified space.
Risk Assessment
Threats to safety on the fire ground primarily come from three categories
Advanced fire conditions,
§ Ventilation-limited fire conditions, and/or § Collapse potential.
Modern fire behavior studies also support the fact that the chances of survival can be greatly increased b
Shutting the door
primary and secondary search shall be completed at all building fires after a solid _____ ______ has been conducted.
Risk Assessment
Prior to entering the structure, the _____ of the search crew should survey the outside of the building to identify the fire’s general location
The number of companies assigned to search is based on the _____ and ______ of the structure.
Size and complexity
Crews that are searching above the fire should start operations where the victims are in the greatest danger. This area is generally _______ ______ the fire
Directly above
A search crew consists of a minimum of ___ personnel in voice contact.
Firefighters perform primary and secondary searches to find ______ and _____.
Victims and hidden fire
The best practice for body positioning in limited visibility conditions is to be in a ______ _____ ______ _______
Head up/leading-leg-out position
Large Area Search
It is recommended to search ____ _____ deep through the door closest to the targeted search area.
100 to 150’
When searching large buildings in zero visibility, search using a rope while moving forward, then exit out of the same entrance and repeat at the next exterior entrance.
If a crew must exit the structure before the search is complete, the main rope is tied off at the last searched location
If a victim is found, the primary removal route will be the _____ used to enter the room
When using a tower ladder is the safest and quickest means to remove a victim
As a safety precaution, it is critical that the tower ladder’s bucket controls are _________ while the victim moves into the bucket to prevent accidental movement of the bucket that could seriously injure the victim and firefighters.
If an exit is blocked by fire and there is no other means of egress, breaching a wall to a safe area is a useful tactic.
Remove the drywall first, and then hit the stud at the bottom where it attaches to its bottom chord, marrying two study bays together and creating a large exit hole.