ICS is comprised of the following five functional areas ____ -______ ______ _____ ____ and a sixth is ______
Incident Commander
Operations Section
Planning Section
Logistics Section
Finance/Administration Section
Information and Intelligence Function
The primary goals of all major ICS component functions are to
Save lives and protect property
Reduce duplication of efforts and resources
Increase inter-jurisdictional flexibility
The levels of scene organization
What is unified command
When there is more than one agency with incident jurisdiction,
The span of control consists of __ to __ people with __ being ideal
Command Staff is comprised of 3 positions
Safety Officer
Public Information Officer
Liaison Officer
General Staff not to be confused with Command Staff is comprised of
Incident with a working fire on the fourth floor of a ten-story building, the IC will typically place all units operating on that floor under the direction and supervision of a
Division Supervisor
_______ are composed of resources assembled to perform a special function not necessarily within a single geographic division
Example: Ventilation Group
______ _______ is comprised of a set number of the same type single resources
Strike Team
An EMS Task Force is made up of
5 EMS transport units, two suppression units,
True or False
The designated name of command should not change during
an incident.
When staging, units assigned should be positioned to reach the incident with _ minutes.
Staging Manager shall remain on the command channel, but must also monitor the _____ _____
Tactical Channel
Procedure for Units adding to calls
OIC of the unit adding to the call will request to the responding command officer over the incident channel of their intention and ____
location they are responding from and where they anticipate arriving in the run order.
What are the 2 offensive modes
Investigating or attacking
When transitioning from an interior offensive attack to an exterior defensive attack, the IC shall conduct
PAR check of units in the IDLH
What are the 3 considerations of Risk Benefit analysis performed by the IC
Life Safety (First Priority)
Incident Control ( Second Priority)
Property Conservation (Third Priority)
Elements of the 360 Lap
Elevation of structure (front vs. rear) Presence of basement and location of access Location of fire
Label the floors
Any hazards observed
Presence of exposures
Status of occupants
Access and egress points
Incident Command procedures shall be initiated and initial fireground communications (on scene report, command statement, etc.) made when _____ or more companies are actively engaged in operational tasks
____engine company officer to arrive at the staging area shall assume or assign the role of Staging Manager
FYI Investigative Mode On scene report
Engine 423 is on the scene, side Alpha of a two story single family dwelling, nothing showing from all four sides, and investigating with a crew of three, establishing command.
Progress reports are given at least every __ minutes or more frequently as necessary.
10 minutes
E408 on scene, Side Alpha of a 2 -story end unit townhouse, main entrance door will be on Side Bravo of the structure.
When the numbers of divisions exceed the recommended span-of-control for the Operations Section, a ______-____ _____
When the numbers of divisions exceed the recommended span-of-control for the Operations Section, a
___________are the organizational levels having total responsibility for operations within a defined geographic area.
incident with a working fire on the fourth floor of a ten-story building, the IC will typically place all units operating on that floor under the direction and supervision of a Division Supervisor. This supervisor’s designator would be Division 4.
A _______ team is comprised of a set number of the same type single resources.
Example: 5 Engine
Units assigned to staging should be positioned to reach the incident within _____ minutes.
The IC shall determine the welfare of all members operating in the IDLH environment at the first 20-minute
PAR check, and at every 20-minute interval thereafter
A ______ light or flags should be used to identify the Command Post.
the dispatch center shall activate the evacuation signal for __ seconds.
Apparatus drivers shall sound there horns for __ simultaneously
15, 15
Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)
The transfer of command is complete when it is ______ and announced
This would include parking units on ______ along one side of the street to allow for easy egress, and to keep a travel lane open
If the second arriving engine company officer has command assign them under the supervisor of the initial attack line
Who has overall authority and control of their assigned area or function.
Tactical Commander
The _________ _________ has overall authority and control of their assigned area or function.
Tactical Commander
The TC is responsible for managing and coordinating activities in their area of responsibility; not to perform them.
The incident ________ ________ allows for tracking of resources, notation of operational tasks, (i.e. water supply, first hoseline deployment, and search, etc.), tracking on any patients, incident benchmarks for maintaining awareness of air supply and PAR checks.
Command board
Emergency Evacuation of personnel
Personnel shall not re-enter the structure or evacuated area until given the ____ _____ signal by the command post
All Clear
A minimum crew shall be considered ___ people and a portable radio.