Single Family Flashcards
What are the two purposes of the line above the fire?
Protect the primary search of the floor above & extinguish vertical extension
PG 27
Dwelling Manual Page: 27 Name: Brian Hallahan
Where should the first line go on an exterior fire extending into the dwelling?
Deployed on the exterior
Pg 29
What is the preferred point of attack for the initial handline on a basement fire?
Exterior access point
PG 31
If a basement door cannot be closed, found, or is burned through, what type of fire stream should
be used to contain the fire at the top of the stairs?
Narrow fog aimed at the ceiling
Pg 32
In what kind of construction is positive pressure ventilation not recommended?
Balloon-frame construction
PG 45
If wind driven fire conditions are present, what operation should be delayed until directed by
Horizontal ventilation
Pg 39
What type of single-family home building creates a major exposure risk due to the close
proximity of multiple type V structures?
Cluster homes
Pg 42
What are considered to be the most critical areas to search for victims?
Egress routes & sleeping areas
Pg 44
What should be the minimum deployment of ladders on a single-family dwelling fire?
Front and rear of all floors above ground level
Pg 46
Which style of single-family home contains knee walls and dormers on the top floor?
Cape Cod
Pg 3
A common type of construction in which each story is built on a platform, providing fire
stopping at each level?
Platform Frame
Pg 9
Engineered I-beams exposed to fire will fail within how many minutes?
Five minutes
Pg 12
An egress window may indicate sleeping quarters in a basement. What are the required
dimensions of the window well for this opening?
At least 36 inches wide and 36 inches out from the window
Pg 13
These types of windows are found in construction dating from the late 1940s to the late 1960s
and have steel frames set in concrete or masonry
Casement Windows
Pg 13
Where do most fires in single-family dwellings start?
Cooking or heating appliances
Pg 17
What is the fire flow estimates are based on what flow rate for single-family dwellings?
10 GPM per 100 sq ft
Pg 17
What is the typical square footage of a McMansion/Estate home?
Pg 6
What is the most common style roof found on a single-family dwelling?
Peaked Gable
Pg 10
According to code, how far should the bottom of the window opening be in an egress window
located in the basement?
44 Inches
Pg 13
All of the following are standard locks found on exterior doors on single family dwelling except
Cam locks
Pg 15
What is the preferred point of attack for the initial handline for attacking a basement fire?
Exterior access point that leads to basement
Pg 31
If an officer or command determines that an interior attack is warranted during windy conditions,
how should personnel attack the fire?
With the wind at their backs
Pg 39
What two areas in an occupancy are considered the most dangerous in a fire?
The area close to the fire/floor above
Pg 45
Who is ultimately responsible to locate the fire inside of a structure?
Engine Company OIC
Pg 15
How long can you flow master streams without having a water supply?
60-90 Seconds
Pg 43
Penciling will immediately decrease building heat within a compartment by what percent?
Pg 47
What does the “U” stand for in the ADULTS acronym?
Unknown Fire Conditions
Pg 53
Who is responsible for selecting the proper attack line for an incident?
Officer on the Engine
Pg 65
The most definitive option to securing the garage door open is to _____ preventing the door from
Bend the track with a hand tool
When advancing the first hoseline through the main entrance to the interior garage door, crews must be ready to operate the line as they enter the front door. If the interior garage door was left open at the time of the fire, the advancing crew could encounter fire in the living area. Personnel should advance a second line to back up the first or to proceed to the upper floors.
Ph. 15
What is included in a Tanker Task Force?
3 Tankers, 1 Engine, 1 Battalion Chief
Pg 21
Attic fires can be rapidly knocked down from the exterior upon arrival by?
Soffit attack
Pg 29
If the basement door cannot be closed, is non-existent, or burned through, use a ________ aimed
at the ceiling over the stairway to contain the fire
Narrow fog pattern
The main objective of this line is to stop vertical fire extension.
Pg 32
What type of structure is described as two to three levels where the front entry is on one level
between and upper and lower floor; a short set of stairs will be encountered upon entry that will
lead upstairs and downstairs?
Split Level home
Pg 4
Drywall, an interior wall covering is made of what?
Pg 11
Newer windows security bars installations may be released or operated on the interior with what?
Foot pedals
Pg 14
According to the International Residence code “Openings from a private garage directly into a
shall not be permitted.”
Room used for sleeping purposes
Pg 15
The coordinated ventilation of a single-family residence should normally be accomplished by
what method?
Horizontal ventilation
Pg 20
What is the primary reason for a second hoseline to be deployed on the floor above the fire in a
single-family residence?
To protect the company doing the primary search on the floor above
Pg 27
Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) works well to remove smoke in single family residential
structures. Where is PPV not to be used?
Balloon frame construction
When does the greatest collapse potential exist in a single-family dwelling?
When fire is in the basement attacking the vital structural supports under the first
Pg 18
Which apparatus’ initial actions on a single-family dwelling include secondary water and visual
inspection of side Charlie?
Third engine
Pg 22
The _______________ should be concise but provide sufficient information to incoming units to
permit for proper apparatus placement and crew deployment
On-scene Report
Pg 25
Which of these is considered one of the most critical areas to search?
Means of egress
Pg 44
Which of these is considered one of the most dangerous areas to search?
Directly above the fire
Pg 44
There are 2 types of stairways in single family houses.
Straight run & Vertically stacked