Engine Company Ops Flashcards
The ________ stage begins when heat, oxygen, and a fuel source combine and have a chemical reaction resulting in fire, also known as ignition.
Firefighters should view rollover as a warning that the fire area may be reaching the point of ________, which occurs between a fire’s growth and fully developed stages.
Smoke leaving a structure has four inherent characteristics:
_________ ________represents the most reliable indicator of a fire’s location
smoke velocity
The NFPA suggested that the upper range of temperature tenability for human is approximately
212 degrees
carbon monoxide density of approximately 200,000 parts per million renders the human body unconscious within
4-12 seconds
True or False
Withdrawals do not always require relocation from an interior to an exterior position.
Withdrawal of interior units from a second-floor position to a first-floor position.
Upon ordering a withdrawal, Command should perform a
PAR check
The evacuation order may be given in four different ways.
Signaled over the radio with evacuation tones
Apparatus air horms
Stretching and advancing a 2 1/2” hoseline often requires
two companies and up to six firefighters
Personnel should estimate the need for ___ft of hoseline to reach every floor above or below the level of entry.
25 ft
Standpipe operations
Where should the laying of the hose be more advantages in standpipe operations, the fire floor or the floor below/
The floor below because it’s likely free of smoke and gives better working conditions
Where is the preferred method is to chock doors _____ so personnel can quickly remove chocks while retreating under advancing fire conditions
If the nozzle firefighter opens the hoseline within __ ___, the temperature will not return to the levels present prior to suppression efforts.
10 to 15 seconds
Hydraulic ventilation should be done by
moved in an “O” pattern as far from the opening as possible,
With no fire evident in the compartment, heat increasing to 800 °F or more at the ceiling level, and thick smoke banking down near the floor, interior crews must recognize the compartment is entering is pre _______
Request to transfer Command: The first due engine company officer considers this when the incident requires
immediate interior operations
Prior to entry to a IDLH, the officer must ensure their company is
wearing all appropriate PPE and the hoseline is charged with adequate pressure and flow.
Firefighters should view rollover as a warning that the fire area may be reaching the point of _________
Smoke leaving a structure has four inherent characteristics
volume, velocity, density, and color.
One of the the fastest and safest action involves simply extinguishing the fire or positioning a ______ between the victim and the fire.
Hose line
The primary goal of the exposure line is to minimize
fire spread and stay ahead of the fire
Defensive Mode
The objective of the defensive mode
stop the fire from spreading to savable exposures
What indicates the most reliable indicator of a fire’s location
Smoke velocity
When smoke is encountered from floor to ceiling this make be a indication of ______
Fire below or basement fire
Fire lazily encountered at door of structure indicates
Fire is located deeper in structure
Can report example
Conditions: Actions:
“We have a fire on the second floor in quadrant alpha.”
“We have one hoseline in place knocking down the fire and the truck is performing a primary search.”
“We do not need any additional resources on the fire floor now
Upon ordering a withdrawal Command should perform
PAR check
Emergency Evacuation order may be given
Verbally, signaled over the radio or with evacuation tones
Personnel should estimate the need for ___ ft per floor
The preferred method is to chock doors
When responding with a truck or rescue company, the engine company may choose to ____