Tropical Storms Flashcards
How does a hurricane form?
-hurricanes begin life as thunderstorms
-a disturbance near the seas surface triggers the growth of the storm (eg: low pressure created)
-at the equator (5 degrees into the southern and northern hemisphere) there’s a temperature of 27degrees+, increasing low pressure
-trade winds at the equator cause the storm to SPIN due to the earth’s rotation and the Coriolis effect, and convergence air in the lower atmosphere also helps
-air rises faster and draws in more warm air
-the storm becomes a hurricane when prolonged winds of 73km/h can be recorded
What is the Coriolis effect?
- influences wind patterns
- in the SOUTHERN hemisphere= CLOCKWISE
-in the NORTHERN hemisphere= ANTICLOCKWISE
(northerners are a little anti-sanity)
What are tropical storms called when they form in the Atlantic/ Caribbean sea?
HURRICANES- hit America and the Carribean
What are tropical storms called when they form in the Indian Ocean/ Bay of Bengal?
CYCLONES- hit the Indian ocean
What are tropical storms called when they form in the China Sea/ N/W Pacific?
TYPHOONS- hit Japan and South East Asia
How are tropical storms measured?
Using the Saffir Simpson Scale- measures the storms magnitude
On a scale of 1-5
5= the strongest= records winds of up to 250km+
Can also use satellite imagery
Frequency of tropical storms?
- In the Northern Hemisphere= June to November
- In the Southern Hemisphere= November to April
Impacts of Tropical Storms?
High Winds- 300+ km/h
Storm Surges= a large rise in sea level due to high winds pushing water towards the coast
Heavy Rain= increased discharge in rivers and therefore the likelihood of flooding
eg: 1996 Storm Denise poured down 1000mm of rain
Landslides- rocks are permeable and water infiltrates into the rocks
What are the Short Term and Long Term responses to a tropical storm?
ST- evacuating, warning systems
LT- preparedness= prepare and train authorities
=evacuation routes and educate people eg: boarding up houses and windows
adaptation= reinforced concrete homes and homes upon stilts= safe from floodwater
What are the Social, Economic, Environmental and Political Impacts of a tropical storm?
SOCIAL= people are droned, injured or expelled by debris
=houses are destroyed and people are left homeless
=sewage overflows from flooding= a lack of clean water
ECONOMIC= buildings and infrastructure cost a lot to repair
=businesses are damaged and destroyed
=agricultural land is damaged and this affects COMMERICAL farming
ENVIRONMENTAL= beaches eroded and coastal habitats are damaged
=landslides can disrupt water courses
POLITICAL= people may blame gov for shortages in food., water and energy
=conflict and political unrest
=expensive repairs may limit the amount of money that can be spent on redevelopment
Describe the scales at which Tropical Storms/ Hazards cause problems?
LOCAL= risk to life, damage to property
LANDSCAPE SCALE= soil erosion, loss of crops
REGIONAL= health effects, reduction in air quality, impacts on tourism
NATIONAL= gov costs of development/ stopping environment damage
GLOBAL= temporary changes to weather patterns/ disturbed air travel
- Hit 24 States of the US
- On October 22-19th
- There were 147 deaths in total- 49 in New York
- Started off coast of West-Africa= spanned north west across the Atlantic Ocean
- A MEDC= better coping with the effects
Effects and Responses of Hurricane Sandy- 2012
ECONOMIC- 71 billion in damage
18,000 flights cancelled- TOURISM
SOCIAL- 147 deaths in total
1.5 million homes without power
ENVIRONMENT- 70% of crops destroyed in South Haiti
Approx 10m of beach loss in New Jersey
RESPONSES= Police evacuated thousands of people
Schools closed and used as temporary shelters
- Formed in the Southern Hemisphere
- Made landfall in Viti Levu in in Figi
- In the south western Pacific ocean- between Vanuatu and Figi
- Category 5 on the Australian Tropical Cyclone Scale and the Saffir Simpson Hurricane Scale
- 300km/h + wind speeds
Effects and Responses of Cyclone Winston?
FG 13.5 million in damage
44 deaths
120 injured and widespread diarrheal and typhoid diseases
OCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)
= a 15 person team who helped reconnect infrastructure
=installed “KOBO”- a data collection unit to measure, mitigate and help with cyclones
What makes the US more able to mitigate storm hazards- SANDY?
A MEDC- higher standard of living and GDP
One of the wealthiest countries in the world
Sophisticated monitoring systems
In the US, what is the NHC?
National Hurricane Centre
In the US, what is the FEMA?
Federal Emergency Management Agency
=mandatory evacuations
US Coast Guard= positioned helicopters and boats at places most likely to be affected