Troop Leading Procedures Flashcards
What are a dynamic process used by small-unit leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation?
Troop Leading Procedures
Commanders with a coordinating staff use what as their primary planning process?
The Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
TLP stands for?
Troop Leading Procedures
TLPs extend the MDMP to what?
The small-unit level
Company-level and smaller units lack formal staffs and use __ to plan and prepare for operations.
8 Steps of TLP are?
The last step of the TLP, “Supervise and refine”, occurs?
Throughout the process
Step 1 of TLP “Receive the Mission” occurs when?
The initial WARNORD or OPORD arrives from higher headquarters or when a leader anticipates a new mission
- Perform assessments using PMESII-PT and METT-TC (I)
-Use the (1/3 – 2/3 Rule) for planning and prep.
What is a Warnord?
-The purpose of a WARNORD is to allow subordinate units and leaders to prepare for the order as much as possible.
-Commanders issue WARNORDs to their subordinates when they receive an order from a higher command, before they begin planning.
What is an OPORD?
Operations Order
-A plan that helps subordinate units in the army understand their mission, situation, and supporting activities.
What is a PMESII-PT?
Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical environment, and Time.
-It was developed by the U.S. military and it can help you to analyze an operational environment, the threats and opportunities within it, and how you respond to them.
What is METT-TC (I)?
Mission, enemy, terrain, troops available, time, and civilian considerations, information considerations.
-Used by the United States military to help commanders remember the considerations in the planning of any operation.
What is the (1/3 – 2/3 Rule)?
Leaders should take a third of the time until a deadline to make a plan, and then provide their subordinates with the remaining time to develop their own plans and execute them.
PMESII-PT what does P (first P) look at?
Political (Who is the tribal leader in the village?)
PMESII-PT what does E look at?
Economic (Does the village have a high unemployment rate?)
PMESII-PT what does M look at?
Military (Does the enemy have antitank missiles?)
PMESII-PT what does S look at?
Social (Who are the influential people in the village—for example, religious leaders, tribal leaders, warlords, criminal bosses, or prominent families?
PMESII-PT what does I (first I) look at?
Information (How much access does the local population have to news media or the Internet?)
PMESII-PT what does I (second I) look at?
Infrastructure (Is the electrical generator in the village working?)
PMESII-PT what does P (second P) look at?
Physical environment (What types of terrain or weather conditions in this area of operations favor enemy operations?)
PMESII-PT what does T look at?
Time (What times are people likely to congest roads or conduct activities that provide a cover for hostile operations?)
Step 2 of TLP occurs when?
Issue the Warning
-As soon as leaders finish their initial assessment of the situation and available time
Step 3 of TLP occurs when?
Make a Tentative Plan
-To frame the tentative plan, leaders perform mission analysis. This mission analysis follows the METT-TC (I) format
-Looks at the Course of Action (COA)
What is COA?
Course of Action (COA)
-Analysis is a method used to determine if an operation will be successful.
METT-TC (I) M looks at?
-A mission statement contains the “who, what, when,
where, and why” of the operation.
METT-TC (I) E looks at?
-(including organization, strength, location, and tactical mobility), doctrine, equipment, capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of action
METT-TC (I) T (first T) looks at?
Terrain and weather
-Directly influence each other’s impact on military operations. Includes man-made and natural terrain.
-Commanders analyze terrain using the five military aspects of terrain expressed in the memory aid OAKOC.
-Weather include visibility, wind, precipitation, cloud cover, temperature, and humidity.
What is OAKOC stand for?
Observation and fields of fire
Avenues of approach
Key and decisive terrain
Cover and concealment
Used to Analyze terrain for urban combat
METT-TC (I) T (second T) looks at?
Troops and support available
-Includes the number, type, capabilities, and condition of available friendly troops and support.
-These include supplies, services, and support available from joint, host nation, and unified action partners.
-They also include support from civilians and contractors employed by military organizations
METT-TC (I) T (third T) looks at?
Time available
-Commanders assess the time available for planning, preparing, and executing tasks and operations. This includes the time required to assemble, deploy, and maneuver units in relationship to the enemy and conditions.
METT-TC (I) C looks at?
Civil considerations
-influence of man-made infrastructure, civilian institutions, and activities of the civilian leaders, populations, and organizations within an area of operations on the conduct of military operations.
Civil considerations comprise six characteristics, expressed in the memory aid ASCOPE:
Areas - Localities that are not normally militarily significant.
Structures - Analyzing a structure involves determining how its location, functions, and capabilities can support the operation.
Capabilities - View capabilities in terms of those required to save, sustain, or enhance life, in that priority.
Organizations - Organizations are nonmilitary groups or institutions in the AO.
People - People can affect a military operation positively, negatively, or neutrally.
Events - Events are routine, cyclical, planned, or spontaneous activities that significantly affect organizations, people, and military operations.
METT-TC (I) I looks at?
Informational considerations
-Information considerations are the relevant friendly, threat, and neutral (both military and civilian) individuals, organizations, and systems capable of generating cognitive effects and influencing behavior.
Step 4 of TLP occurs when?
Initiate Movement
-Leaders conduct any movement directed by higher headquarters or deemed necessary to continue mission preparation or position the unit for execution
Step 5 of TLP occurs when?
Conduct Reconnaissance
-Whenever time and circumstances allow, or as directed by higher headquarters
Step 6 of TLP occurs when?
Complete the Plan
-Leaders incorporate the results of reconnaissance into their selected COA to complete the plan or order
Step 7 of TLP occurs when?
Issue the Order
-An order follows the standard five-paragraph OPORD format
Step 8 of TLP occurs when?
Supervise and Refine
-Leaders monitor mission preparations, refine the plan, coordinate with adjacent units, and supervise and assess preparations
-Conduct rehearsals