Admin Review Flashcards
DECENTRALIZED promotion is?
Promotion to CPL and below
Promotion Authority: Unit Commander
SEMI-CENTRALIZED promotion is?
Promotions to staff sergeant
Promotion Authority: Battalion Commander
CENTRALIZED promotion is?
Promotions to SFC thru SGM
Promotion Authority: Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) (HRC)
What enlisted report has enlisted promotions on it?
AAA - 294
Monthly to company commander
Soldiers are evaluated on?
personal appearance, military bearing, communication skills, and knowledge of general military subjects.
Promotion Boards are normally conducted every?
month at battalion-level.
The Battalion CSM–with NCO Support Channel Input – validates?
Company Commander’s recommendation to the promotion authority with a YES / NO vote.
Minimum three voting members appointed in writing
President must be CSM or SGM (unless an officer is present)
Voting members must be senior in rank
Include minority member if reasonably available
At least one voting member will be same gender as Soldiers recommended
Centralized Promotions are held when?
varies throughout the year
Company, troop, battery, and separate detachment commanders are authorized to promote Soldiers to what ranks
PV2, PFC, and SPC.
Who is the promotion authority to the ranks of Sergeant and staff sergeant?
Field grade commanders in units authorized a commander in the grade of Lieutenant Colonel or higher
Who determines the total number of promotions to SFC, MSG, and SGM on a monthly basis?
Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) determines the total number of promotions to SFC, MSG, and SGM monthly based on the needs of the Army.
Who promotes Soldiers to the ranks of SFC, MSG, and SGM?
Commander, Army Human Resources Command.
Categories of Individual Awards are?
Good Conduct Medal
Service Medals / Service Ribbons
Badges / Tabs
Certificates / Letters
Foreign Awards
The intent of U.S. Army individual military decorations is to recognize?
heroism, meritorious achievement,
or meritorious service.
Army Good Conduct Medal is?
Awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity throughout a specified period of continuous enlisted active Federal military service (3 years).
Company commanders are the approval authority to award the AGCM to enlisted personnel serving under their command
Service (campaign) medals and service ribbons show?
honorable performance of duty within specified limited dates in specified geographical areas.
Different badges are?
special skill
Wartime Decorations are?
awards authorized to be awarded for wartime valor, service or achievement
medal of honor
silver star
soliders medal
bronze medal
army achievement
How many categories of Individual Awards are there and what are they?
Six (6). 1. Decorations; 2. Good Conduct Medal; 3. Service Medal/Ribbons; 4. Badges/Tabs; 5.Certificates/Letters; 6. Foreign Awards
The Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star and Legion of Merit fall under what category?
What is the intent of awarding individual military decorations to Soldiers?
Recognize heroism, meritorious achievement and meritorious service.
Who is the policy proponent for the Army decorations, awards and honors program?
Army G-1
Types of Evaluation are?
Performance Evaluation is?
Officer and NCO Evaluation Reports (OER/NCOER)
School Evaluation is?
Academic Evaluation Reports (AER) for both military and civilian institutions
DA Evaluation is?
Selection boards
The types of evaluation reports fall under two categories?
Mandatory report
Optional report
Mandatory report is?
is mandatory and takes precedence over optional reports
-annual report - completed after 1 year
-Change of rater report
-Relief for cause report - removing someone from assignment
-Change of duty report
Optional Report is?
is not mandatory and is completed at the option of the Rater
-Complete the Record - update an individual’s file with performance
-Senior Rater (SR) option reports - when a change in SR occurs, the SR may direct that a report be made on any Soldier whom they senior rate.
Discuss the scope of the rated Soldier’s duty description within how many days?
30 days after the beginning of the rating period
At a minimum, counseling will include:
Duty description and performance objectives to attain.
Relationship of duty description and objectives with the organization’s mission.
Ensure Rater counsels the rated Soldier throughout the rating period on:
Meeting performance objectives and potential.
Compliance with the professional standards of the Army.
Supplementary reviewer required when the senior rater is a?
What are the primary and secondary functions of the Evaluation Reporting System?
Primary: Assist in making personnel management decisions; Secondary: Encourage leader professional development.
What are the three types of Evaluations?
- Performance (OER/NCOER);
- School Evaluations (Academic Evaluation Report);
- Department of the Army Evaluations (used for promotion/selection boards).
Provide three examples of Mandatory reports.
- Annual;
- Change-of-Rater;
- Change-of-Duty;
- Relief-for-Cause
Soldiers on active duty earn 30 days of leave per year with pay and allowances at a rate of?
2.5 days per month.
Soldiers may accrue and carry forward up to?
60 days leave at the end of each Fiscal Year (FY).
Special Leave Accrual (SLA) Is authorized for Soldiers who?
served in an area in which he or she was entitled to hostile fire or imminent danger pay for at least 120 continuous days.
Authorized Soldiers can carry forward up to how much SLA days?
120 days of leave at the end of a Fiscal Year (FY) (60 days normal leave carry over plus 60 days special leave accrual).
Chargeable Leave is?
subtracted from a Soldier’s accrued leave balance:
Ordinary Leave is?
taken by a Soldier who is at a permanent duty station and wishes to take time off from work. Soldiers are authorized, on average, to take 30 days of ordinary leave a year (commanders may grant more than 30 days if operationally feasible.)
Transition leave is?
taken by a Soldier who will be separating from the service by either ETS (Expiration Term of Service), Release from Active Duty (REFRAD) or retiring and will not be returning to active duty.
Emergency Leave is?
used for family emergencies. Immediate family includes: Parents, including Stepparents, Spouse, Children.
Permanent change of station (PCS) is?
taken in conjunction with a permanent change of duty station. When a Soldier is reassigned from one station to another, PCS leave can be taken before or after arrival at the new unit.
Temporary Duty (TDY) leave is?
Leave taken en route to or from a Soldier’s temporary duty station.
Nonchargeable Leave is?
absence that is NOT charged against a Soldier’s accrued leave balance:
Convalescent leave is?
granted to a Soldier to expedite a member’s return to full duty after an illness or injury.
Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) is?
taken by a Soldier to attend a semi-official activity.
Excess leave is?
granted for emergencies or unusual circumstances. Advanced leave is normally expended prior to using excess leave. Excess leave becomes an indebtedness when there is a negative leave balance at the time of discharge, extension, desertion or death, and will be collected. Excess leave is without pay and allowances.
Regular pass leave is?
A short, nonchargeable, authorized absence from post or place of duty during normal off duty hours is a Regular Pass.
Special pass leave is?
A short nonchargeable authorized absence from post or place of duty. It may be granted as a 3-day or 4-day Special Pass.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation BF is?
The brought forward leave balance at the beginning of the current FY.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation ERND is?
Cumulative amount of leave earned in the current FY. Normally increases by 2.5 days each month.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation USED is?
Cumulative amount of leave used in the current Fiscal Year.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation CR BAL is?
Current leave balance as of the end of the period covered by the LES.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation ETS BAL is?
Projected leave balance to the Soldier’s ETS.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation LV LOST is?
Number of days of leave that has been lost.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation LV PAID is?
Number of days of leave paid to date.
Leave and Earning Statement abbreviation USE/LOSE is?
Projected number of days of leave that will be lost if not taken in current FY on a monthly basis. The number of days of leave in this block will decrease with any leave usage.
When is Soldier authorized to take Transition Leave?
When a Soldier is separating from the military by either Expiration Term of Service or Retirement.
The Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions, better known as a “Flag” is?
guard against the accidental execution of specified favorable personnel actions (i.e., promotions, assignments, awards, appointment, reappointment, reenlistment, extension, or attendance at military schools etc.) for Soldiers not in good standing.
Flag categories are?
Transferable flag is?
This flag may be transferred to another unit.
Non-transferable is?
This flag may not be transferred to another unit (except where consistent with AR 600-8-2, paragraph 2-8).
-Transferable Flags (Examples)
Adverse Actions –
Charges, restraint, or investigation
Non-judicial punishment
Absent without leave (AWOL)
Involuntary separation or discharge (field initiated)
Removal from selection list (field initiated)
Referred OER or Relief for Cause NCOER
Commander’s Investigation
Failure to provide and maintain an adequate Family Care Plan
Security violation
Drug or alcohol related offenses
Transferable Flags (Examples)
ACFT failures
Noncompliance with Army Body Composition Program (ABCP)
Punishment phase of adverse action
Flag Removal is?
A flag based on arrest, investigation, court-martial, or Article 15 must be removed as soon as the Soldier is released without charges, the charges are dropped, or the punishment (confinement, probation, restriction, extra duty, etc.) or adverse action is completed.
A flag based on ACFT failure or noncompliance with the Army Body Composition Program (ABCP) must be removed as soon as the Soldier either passes the ACFT or meets ABCP standards.
What are some personnel actions that a flag can prohibit?
Promotion or reevaluation for promotion and, Awards and Decorations.
What is considered the effective date of a flagging action?
The effective date is the date of the incident or the date the commander initiates the action, whichever is earlier.