Fundamentals Prop Account Flashcards
Command Supply Discipline Program
CSDP is meant for?
Simplify command, and supervisory and managerial responsibilities.
Establish supply discipline policy
Standardize supply discipline requirements
Headquarters, Department of the Army
Supervisory personnel
All individuals in a position of responsibility whose job involves them with supply operations within or for the Army force structure.
This applies to everyone!
Supply economy
The conservation of material by every individual dealing with Army supplies to ensure only the proper item in the necessary amount is used to accomplish a task.
Supply discipline
Applies to all functions and levels of supply (from organization/contractor through national users) and to the effective use of supply funds
Enforcement of Supply Discipline by?
Army supply support is a function of?
Medical Logistics
its focus has been medical materiel standardization within the Department of Defense
Class I point is?
Subsistence (food/water)
Class III point is?
Petroleum oils
Class V point is?
Accountability is?
the obligation of a person to keep records of property, documents, or funds. These records show identification data, gains, losses, dues-in, dues-out, and balances on hand or in use.
Responsibility is?
pertains to the care, custody, safekeeping, and disposition of Government property. The specific type of responsibility depends on the relationship of the person to the property.
Command is accountable for what property?
For all property within the command.
Supervisory is accountable for what property?
Responsible for all property with people who they supervise.
Personal are accountable for what property?
Property they physically have
Direct is accountable for what property?
Has hand receipt.
Appointed to hold property within the organization.
Custodial is accountable for what property?
All property in storage.
Accountable property officer does?
Maintains accountable records
Responsible officer does?
Direct responsibility for property.
Accountable Property Officer (APO) can be what rank?
Officer or warrant officer.
A DoD Civilian employee
Rank E5 - E7
What are the five types of responsibility?
Command, Direct, Supervisory, Custodial, and Personal
All Army property, except real property, is classified for property accounting purposes as?
expendable, durable, or nonexpendable.
Army property that becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed (except for funds on the records of a FAO) through causes of other than fair wear and tear (FWT) will be?
accounted for per AR 735 – 5.
ARC-N (Nonexpendable) Property
Nonexpendable property is personal property that is not consumed in use and that retains its original identity during the period of use.
Nonexpendable property requires formal accountability throughout the life of the item.
Nonexpendable shortage listings must be validated by the APO.
Loss of a nonexpendable item requires an investigation/FLIPL
A Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss
Is a process used by the US Army to determine if a soldier is financially responsible for the loss, damage, or destruction of government property.
ARC-D (Durable) Property?
Durable property is personal property that is not consumed in use, does not require property book accountability, but because of its unique characteristics requires control when issued to the user
Accounting procedures for durable items before issue to the user level are the same as for nonexpendable and expendable items.
Annually, the commander or activity supervisor will document that a management review of durable property was conducted.
ARC-X (Expendable) property?
Office Supplies
Expendable property is property that is consumed in use or loses its identity in use.
Accounting for expendable property before issue to the user is the same as accounting for durable and nonexpendable property.
Expendable property authorized by an MTOE or TDA and deployable or augmentation property authorized by a CTA will be accounted for on property book records, no matter the ARC (including all types of munitions).
Expendable components of SKO and end items will be controlled using CHRs when SKO and/or end items are issued to the user level.
Real property is?
consists of lands and improvements to land, buildings, and facilities, including improvements and additions, and utilities systems.
Relocatable Buildings and/or Facilities property is?
Tents that use real property utilities will be considered relocatable buildings and/or facility.
Government Furnished Property (GFP) is?
property in the possession of, or directly acquired by the Government
Q. What are the classifications used for property accounting purposes for all Army property, except, real property?
Expendable, Durable and Nonexpendable
How must durable and expendable property be accounted for if not issued to a user?
The same as accounting for nonexpendable property
Three Basic Authorization Documents are:
Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE)
Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA)
Common Table of Allowances (CTA)
Accountable Property Systems of Record is?
An APSR is the Government business system used to control and manage accountable property records. APSRs are a subset of existing organizational processes related to the lifecycle management of property that is integrated with the core financial system. The APSR may also control and manage accountability records.
Examples of the Army’s APSRs include, but not limited to –
Global Combat Support System – Army (GCSS-A)
Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)
Enterprise Business System - Convergence (EBS-C)
Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE)
Two types of property books are?
Deployable property.
Fixed base property.
Deployable property is?
This type of property is authorized to MTOE or deployable/mobilization TDA organizations by their authorization documents. The following is also deployable property and requires property book accountability regardless of ARC and dollar amount.
Fixed base property is?
All property not listed a deployable property, regardless of how authorized, is fixed base property and will be accounted for by either formal property book accountability or HR control as applicable.
Primary hand receipt is?
A HR between an APO and the person receiving the property and assuming direct responsibility for it.
Sub-Sub hand receipt is?
the sub-hand receipt for property from a SHRH to a person subsequently given the property for care, use, safekeeping, or further issue. Individual signing assumes personal responsibility.
Sub–hand receipt is?
A HR for property from a PHRH or an SHR holder to a person subsequently given the property for care, use, safekeeping, or further issue. It does not transfer direct responsibility for the property to the SHR holder, but it does transfer personal responsibility.
Temporary Hand Receipts are?
When property is issued or loaned for periods not exceeding 30 days, responsibility will be assigned by use of a temporary HR.
After 30 days, the property will either be withdrawn from the person, or a permanent HR prepared.
Equipment Receipts are?
Use DA Form 3749 to assign responsibility for property that is issued to the same person for brief recurring periods.
Examples are masks, individually assigned weapons
Use a Component hand receipt (CHR) when issuing an SKO or end item with components that?
(1) Have an individual basis of issue.
(2) Are to be issued to the using individual.
(3) Include special tools; test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment; and other special equipment authorized by a repair parts and special tools list contained in TMs. These items are not individually accounted for on property book records but, because of their nature, require control.
What is a BOM in the army?
Billing of material
What are the three Basic Authorization Documents?
What is MTOE?
Modified Table of Organization and Equipment
a document that modifies a Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) to meet the needs of a specific unit or group of units.
What is TDA?
Table of Distribution and Allowances
which is a document that authorizes personnel for a military unit to perform a specific mission. TDA units are non-deployable, even if they are located overseas, because their missions are usually tied to a specific location
What is CTA?
Common Table of Allowance
which is an authorization document used by the U.S. Army to acquire clothing and individual equipment.
How long is a Temporary Hand Receipt (DA Form 3161) valid for?
30 days
What form is used to issue property to the same person for brief reoccurring periods?
Equipment Receipt (DA Form 3749)
What are the two types of property books?
Deployable Property and Fixed Base Property