TRN Flashcards
What is TRN-01 ?
Training Administration
What is the policy of training administration?
-The department shall provide training that will develop the skills necessary for safe, professional, and effective performance of its personnel, and that is designed to promote, maintain the professionalism and operational readiness of the department.
-Department shall ensure all employees complete annual in-service training as required by law in the Colonel
- Department shall provide document to training relative related to the roles and responsibilities of Members
What is the state police Academy?
Command by the deputy, division, commander of standards and training, was responsible for ensuring that all trainings conducted in accordance with department directives and all laws
What are the Academy staff responsibilities?
-Assist in development of lesson plans
-Career development opportunities
-Maintain training records
-Me all federal, state, and Department mandated training requirements
What do you need to know about lesson plans?
-Approved, signed/initial by the commandant and remained in intellectual property of the MSP
What do you need to know about members attending training?
-Employees assigned to all training programs shall:
-Report at specific time and location in proper uniform and attire and materials
-Be returned to duty assignment for failing to report, as directed may be subject to disciplinary actions
-Employees with a scheduling conflict due to court or approve time off, you shall notify first line supervisor, to request reschedule the training.
How does State police personal request to attend training?
If the training program has any cost associated with it, and or is held outside the department, they shall do the following:
-A To/From requesting approval
-At least 45 days prior of the training, each traveler shall electronically submit through channels to their division commander:
-SP 371 Training, travel endorsement
-TAF Section 9 travel itineraries, and justification must include a thorough explanation of how the train will benefit the commonwealth
-Section 10 expenses must be complete, even if the cost of the travel will be paid for by personal funds, commonwealth, funds, or federal or other state funds
-Estimated cost
-All supporting document to include training, fees, agenda, lodging, and transportation, estimates, meal reimbursement rates, and other appropriate expenses as specified in the CBA
What’s the division commander receives a training request what happens?
Within five days of receipt of the training, request, division commander, Fords they approve request in accompanying documentation to:
-Deputy, superintendent, and
-Department lead coordinator per DM – 11 E leave of absence
What happens if a person request to attend training at the State police Academy at no cost?
There is no need to submit A To/From and travel forms.
-Instead personnel should complete the MSP professional development registration form, which will be attached to the SPA email that announces the training.
-Personnel shall submit the completed registration form to the SPA.
What do you need to know about expense reimbursement?
Shall be made, only if prior written approval has been received from the deputy superintendent
- In order to be reimbursed, it’s traveler must submit to the physical section. It completed employee travel/training/reimbursement voucher input form along with all necessary, receipts and paperwork. The reimbursement amount should not exceed the previously authorized expenditure.
What do you need to know about testing for the training administration?
-Instructor shall use competency based testing with performance objectives designed to measure the participants ability and knowledge of the course related skills. Participant needs a minimum of acceptable standards prior to the administration of such tests.
What do you need to know about remedial training?
-Employee who fails to meet the required standards shall be required to participate in documented remedial training as soon as possible
-The goal of remedial training is to ensure that employees demonstrate the knowledge, ability, and skills to achieve an acceptable level of performance
What happens to employees who failed to attend, assigned remedial, training, and or fail to achieve acceptable levels of performance?
-Employee shall be subject to disciplinary actions
What happens to employees who failed to attend, assigned remedial, training, and or fail to achieve acceptable levels of performance?
-Employee shall be subject to disciplinary actions
What do you need to know about records of training administration?
-In order for department to maintain complete and accurate training records, commencing January 1, 2012 members shall do the following:
-Forward copies of training, certificates or records of attendance for non-department training to:
-SPA and
-Their station/Section/unit commanding officer
The Academy, Det. maintains all training records for those attended
-Station section unit commander, officers shall member ensure all members under the command
What is the Academy common responsible for?
Maintaining current department training records. Such records shall include, but not limited to rank ID and duty assignment of department employees attending all training.
-Agency of department personnel attending all trainings
-Attendance records
-Name of instructor course lesson plan
-Individual records of performance evaluation administered with associated results and
-The type of certificates received if any
* all lesson plans, attendance records, and testing results are filed and retained indefinitely*
What do all newly appointed civilian employees receive training in?
-missions, goals and objectives of the department
-applicable department policy, procedure, rules, and guidelines regarding workplace, violence, harassment, etc.
-Department accreditation program/
-Department expectations in the civilian employees performance evaluation program
-working conditions of hired position
-Responsibilities and rights of employees.
What does TRN –02 have to do with?
Recruit training
What is the policy of recruit training?
Prior to assuming duties as a sworn state trooper, recruit shell be assigned to and satisfactory complete a recruit training class. This class shall be held at the state police Academy and fulfill the requirements as prescribed by Mass General laws and the Colonel /superintendent.
What do you need to know about the recruit handbook?
The Academy Kent prior to the commencement of a recruit training class prep prayer and distribute to each recruit a handbook containing the following information
-Recruit performance expectations
-The rules and regulations governing the conduct of recruits while assigned to the Academy and
-The method for determining the final overall average score of each recruit which shall be used to establish the class standing of each training.
What is the recruit class curriculum?
The commandant shall develop a recruit class curriculum to include, but not limited:
-constitutional principles, criminal law, procedure, motor vehicle law
-Department operations, rules, and rags, policies and procedures
-use of force, including fire arms
-emergency vehicle operations
-CPR/first responder training
-principles of leader ship
-report, writing, court testimony and communication skills
-cultural diversity and ethics
-Physical fitness and wellness
What do you need to know about authorized use of recruits?
-the colonel may authorize the use of recruits assigned to the state police Academy to task not requiring law-enforcement powers. For example, searches of crime scenes, parades, funerals anything that does not have law enforcement powers.
What does TRN –03 have to do it?
Field training program
What does TRN –03 have to do it?
Field training program
What is the policy for the field training program?
The department shall provide a field training program for recent recruit training. Troop graduates to transition from controlled learning environment of the Academy to the responsibilities and duties of the state trooper.
Describe the field training program
-Shelby 12 weeks in duration or prescribe by
-Successful completion of the program is contingent upon satisfactory attendance and performance
-probationary troopers may be assigned to three field training, officers or FTO on different shifts, as set forth and the trip field training program
-excessive absent Ness shall be reported to the field training administrator and may result in termination of the probationary Trooper
What’s the Academy Desk responsibility?
Responsible for the administration of the field training program. The Academy, Aunt should coordinate the selection of a appropriate number of field training officers through DFS.
Prior to the commencement of the field training program what should the Academy, develop and provide training to?
Shall provide training to station commanders, and FTO. This training shall at a minimum.:
-Provide an overview of the Academy recruit training program
-The mission of the department
-Fundamental values
-Department goals, and objectives
-instructions on the administration and reporting requirements of the field training program.
Prior to the commencement of the field training program what should the Academy, develop and provide training to?
Shall provide training to station commanders, and FTO. This training shall at a minimum.:
-Provide an overview of the Academy recruit training program
-The mission of the department
-Fundamental values
-Department goals, and objectives
-instructions on the administration and reporting requirements of the field training program.
Who is the field training administrator?
The Academy, Aunt shall designate a member of the Academy staff as the field training administrator.
Who is the field training administrator?
The Academy, Aunt shall designate a member of the Academy staff as the field training administrator.
What is the field training administrator responsible for?
-The management of the field training program
-The development and distribution of field training program manual
-coordinating the selection of FTO with Troop field training coordinators.
What is the Troop commanders responsibility for field training program?
-Appoint member to serve as A Troop field training coordinator and
-Allow the Troop field training coordinator to modify their work schedule to effectively manage the field training program.