Triune God Flashcards
Triune God
Catholic belief that there is three persons in one God
What are the three parts of the Trinity
God The Father,Son and Holy Spirit
A belief that cannot be fully understood by the human mind
How many Gods are there
One God
How many persons are within God
Three persons
Are the father son and Holy Spirit equal
Do the words triune appear in the Bible
No however there are mentions of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. All parts of the trinity are seen during the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan
What is the Creed
It is a statement of belief and profession of faith
Where was the Nicean Creed created
A Greek city called Nicea
God The Father
Is almoghty creator of all things and the source of all life
God the Son
Refers to Jesus Christ and is the sacrificial lamb of salvation who took on human nature and suffered and died and was born from thr Virgin Mary
God the Holy Ghost
The spirit gives life to all things and is equal in majesty and power to the Father and the Son
2 places where the creed was made
Augustine’s belief of Trinity
God is Love. Love cannot exist on its own it needs a person who is loves,loved and loves itself. The Trinity three persons united by love. The Father and the Son love eachother the love that unites them is the holy spirit.
LaCugna’s belief of the Trinity (Holy Spirit)
Holy Spirit unites the Father and the Son. It is also God’s love which continually guides people towards the father completing redemption
LaCugna’s belief of the Trinity (The Son)
The Son came to Earth as Jesus to bring redemption (saving people by bringing them closer to the Father)
LaCugna’s belief of the Trinity (The Father)
The Father begot the Son into the world as a sacrifice to bring humanity closer to Him.
Summary of Trinity belief of Augustine and LaCugna
Augustine= Love is part of the Trinity
LaCugna= Love is the effect of the Trinity on us
Influence of The Trinity today
God’s love flows from the Trinity outwards into the lives and hearts of all believers. This love inspires believers to show God’s love to others.
What is Baptism
It is a new stage of life as a Christian and joins the person with Jesus’ death and ressurection. Baptism is a sign that someone belongs to Christ
Effects of Baptism on a person
Cleanses the soul from original sin. It is a new life with God and the person is filled with the Holy Spirit thus sustaining faith and commitment and sharing in the Trinity
Quote that backs the importance of Baptism
“Go make disciples of all people baptising them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit”
What is the purpose of baptism
To prevent baby from going to hell in case of death by cleansing the soul of original sin and allows people to go to Heaven through having access to Grace.
What is prayer
Raising our hearts and minds to God.
Traditional prayer
Forms of prayer that have been used by generations of believers
Examples of Traditional Prayers
Our Father
Hail Mary
Strenghts of Traditional Prayer
Can be used when people are upset
Allows the mind to go deeper than words
It can be comforting
Spontaneous Prayer
Prayer that does not have a set structure where words are made up in the moment
Strengths of Spontaneous prayer
It can reflect emotions
It can be personal
Pray for particular concerns
Positions of prayer
Types of Music played in Church
Traditional Hymns