Religion,Relationships and families Flashcards
When a couple live together but are not married
To reproduce
Choosing not to have sex until marriage
Selfless love taught by Jesus
Having a lot of casual sex in a relationship
Within marriage
Having an affair with someone you’re not married to while already married
Bonding people together
Completed or fulfilled within marriage
“God created humans in his image,in the image of God He crested Him;male and female.” (Genesis 1:27)
Shows how important human life is go God.
Genesis 1:27
Men and women are equal in the eyes of God. The Catholic Church believe they are complementary to each other.
“Be fruitful and multiply”
Man and Woman were created for one another and to be united. This quote tells us to procreate.
Song of Songs
Tells us sex should be celebrated and enjoyed
Catholic Church opinion on cohabitation
The Catholic Church disagrees since it breaks the security of marriage and the sexual union. Provides a less secure environment for any children they have
Marriage Vows
To have and to hold For better for worse For richer for poorer In sickness and in health To love and to care Until death us do part
Catholic Church views on casual sex
The Roman Catholic Church believes it should be exclusive act inly to be shared with the person you have committed to spend the rest of your life with
Society opinion on casual sex
As long as you love the person it doesn’t matter
What does SPEL stand for
Sacrament-God is a part of marriage
Permanent-must be a life long commitment
Exclusive-must be faithful to eachother
Life-giving-must intend to have children
Conditions for a valid marriage
.the 2 people have to be free to marry (not already married)
.the two people must be getting married from their own free will
.the two people must not be related
.priest must be present
.must be willing to procreate
Homosexual relationship
Relationship between 2 people of the same gender
Catholic Church views in Homosexual Marriage
Catholic Church says it is not allowed because for a marriage to be valid the couple must be open to procreation and this is not possible in a same sex relationship
Heterosexual marriage
Marriage between 2 people of the opposite sex
Legal union of 2 people
The legal ending of a marriage
“What God has joined let no man separate” (mark 10:9)
This tells us that even if on Earth a couple are divorced,in the eyes of God they are still married.
“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her” (mark 10:11-12)
Mark’s Gospel suggests that marriage is permanent and also remarriage is considered as adultery since in the eyes of God the first couple are still married
Why might some people get divorced
Physical/verbal abuse Inability to have children Adultery Addiction Fallen out of love Mental/physical illness
Church’s views on divorce
The vow till death us do part tells us that marriage is a life long commitment and throughout the marriage ceremony there is continuous referral to the permanency of marriage
Why might people disagree with the Catholic views on divorce
Some people in society think it’s very casual to get divorced and shouldn’t have to put up with their partner.
A statement by the catholic church that no valid marriage has taken place. Marriage is declared null or void
Acceptable reasons for annulment
.not understanding the vows
.one or both forced to marry
.one never intended to have a child
Alternative to divorce
Marriage Counselling. This gives the couple an opportunity to talk through any issues. Marriage Care is an example of such an organisation.
When a person who has been married before goes on to marry another person
Catholic Views on Remarriage
Death is the only ending to a marriage
The catholic church does not see remarriage permit-able because they still see it valid and hasn’t ended
God is a part of marriage therefore the vows can’t be broken
Marriage ceremony sections
Greeting Liturgy of the word Marriage ceremony The vows Acceptance of consent and blessing Exchange of rings Marriage blessing The signing of the register
The Sanctity of Life
Christian belief that life is sacred and is given by God therefore only God can judge who lives and dies
A device or method to prevent pregnancy when couples have sex
Contraception and church teaching
Church does not accept contraception as it interrupts sexual intercourse. The only valid method is natural family planning
Theology of the Body 1
God created human beings as male and female. Both sexes have inherent dignity and value
Theology of the body 2
God loves each and every person for his or her sake
Theology of the body 3
People discover and express their dignity through the body. This includes their ability to think or choose
Types of families
Nuclear Adopted Single Parent Same Sex Reconstituted
Catholic Church Views On Family Roles
For The catholic church the role of a man and woman are equally important. Children should respect their parents. Traditionally man works for money. The woman raises the children at home.
Children responsibilities
“Honour your father and mother”-Respect your parents
“Look after your parents when they get older”
“If anyone does not provide for his relatives they are worse than a non-believer”-help out relatives in need
Parent responsabilities
Teach Children about faith
Teach Children to be well behaved
Don’t be too hard on them
Catholic Views on Gender Equality
“Each of the two sexes has a equal dignity,though in a different way”(CCC 2335)- This means men and women are equal but have different yet complementary roles.
Should Women be allowed to be priests
For-it is gender discrimination not to allow women priests
For-Society has changed since Jesus’ time
Against-Jesus chose his disciples to be men
Against- the teachings of the church must not change to fit society
To pre-judge someone without knowing them
To act on a prejudice eg:firing someone for being muslim
To group people together and make judgments about them because of one of their characteristics
Action of having more than 1 wife or husband
Gender prejudice
Pre judging someone based on their gender
Gender discrimination
Acting upon prejudice because of their gender eg:firing someone because their gender does not fit the job