Judaism Flashcards
Belief in one God
Promised Land
The land of Canaan that God promised to the Jews
The removal of the foreskin of the penis
God’s Covenant
Canaan and to specially bless and favour the Jews
The Jew’s covenant
To worship God alone
To follow the covenant and God’s commandments
How many mitvahs are there
10 Commandments
The laws God gave to Moses on mount Sinai
The concept of nature and God
.God is the source of all Jewish morality,beliefs and values. God also sustains creation and cares for the people in return for loyalty
.Jews believe God is constantly at work
God or G-d
They write G-d as a sign of respect and when written in Hebrew God’s name can never be erased of destroyed. When is comes up in scripture Jews say Adonai meaning my lord
God as one
God is present in people’s lives and the see the sights they see
For Jews God is a single,invisible entity who cannot be divided and He is infinite and eternal
The first 5 books of Moses from the first section of the Tenakh. It is the Jewish written law
The one who makes and brings things about
Orthodox Jew
Jews who believe all Jewish laws should be followed as closely as possible
Ultra Orthodox Jew
Jews who are extremely committed in following the laws and guidance of the torah
The Jewish Holy Day
When does Shabbat happen
Starts on Friday before sunset and ends and continuing sunset on Saturday
Infinite Power
Being everywhere at all times
How did God create evil
God gave us free will so evil was a consequence of that
How long did it take God to create the universe
4 days to make the universe fit to support life
2 days making all living creatures
God rested on the seventh day
God as lawgiver
God gives laws to govern how people behave
God as Judge
God judges humanity on how well they follow his laws. He judges based on actions,behaviour and belief
God the merciful
God shows compassion and forgiveness to Jews even though He is the higher power
The oral law
Refers to God’s presence on Earth
Belief that God has no physical form
Devil and Judaism
There is no concept in Judaism that states evil was created by the Devil
Necessary consequence of human’s free will
Jewish rules or commandments
Positive Mitzvot
Help Jews strengthen their bond with God
Negative Mitzvot
Will tell Jews what not to do
How to mitvot help the Jews
Helps Jews use their free will by providing guidance on how to live
Bringing out what is right and fair according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been commited
Healing the World
Being involved in God’s work to sustain the planet
Kindness to others
Postive and caring actions that should be shown to all living things
The promised person sent by God to rule in the Messianic Age
Messianic Age
A time when the Messiah is expected to come
World Jewish Relief
They support the world’s poorest Jewish communities and respond to global disputes. They also help refugees fleeing war.
Sanctity of Life
Life is sacred and holy because it is given by God. Genesis 2 “God breathed life into Adam and the whole of humanity”
Pikwesh Nefesh
The obligation to save a life even if doing so breaks Jewish Law
A commentary by the rabbis on the Torah-it consists of the Mishnah and Gemara combined
Jewish Belief about Death
.Death is not a part of God’s plan
.Death is not the end
Gan Eden
Where the good go
A place where waiting souls are cleansed
A building for Jewish public prayer,study and gathering
Things you may find in a synagogue
Star of David
Star of David
A symbol of Judaism said to represent the shield of Kind David who ruled Israel
A prayer requiring a group of at least 10 people
A many branched candlestick that holds either 7 or 9 candles
Items found in a synagogue
The Ark
Ner Tamidn
The ark
Cupboard that houses the Torah. Represents the original ark of the covenant
Ner Tamid
A light that is kept burning at all times. Symbolises God’s presence
The platform where the Torah is read.
Orthodox Jews in a Synagogue
Men and Woman sit seperately in service
Ordination of women is not permitted
Only Men can be Rabbis
Reform Jews in a Synagogue
Men and women sit together in service
Allows ordination of women
Women cannot do a minyan
A prayer shoul made of wool or silk
A pair of black boxes containing passage from Shema scriptures
Bar Mitzvah
Celebration of a boy coming of age of 13
Bat Mitzvah
Celebration of a girl coming age of 12
What does a Bar and Bat mitzvah mean
It is when a Jew is seen to become an adult
It is when a Jew is expected to strictly follow Jewish Laws
It is when a Jewish boy is allowed to be a part of the minyan
What happens in a bar mitzvah
Boy reads from the torah. Boy wears a tallit for the first time. Says a short speech. The boys father thanks God for maturity
A contractual bond between a man and a woman in which God is involved
A canopy that has no walls to represent that family and friends are always welcome
The rings
A sign of marriage being a life long commitment
Lists the husband’s duties to his wife and how he will provide in case of a divorce
A period of time spent remebering a person who has died
An intense mourning period that lasts 7 days
A prayer said by Jewish mourners that praises God and asks for peace
When is the dead family member buried
As soon as possible after death usually 24 hours after death
What is the body wrapped in
Linen cloth as well as a tallit for men
How long does Shabbat last
Every friday at sunset for 24 hours
What can’t you do on Shabbat
Can’t use electricity or do any work
Exodus Quote for Shabbat
“Remeber the Sabbath day and keep it Holy”
What does Challah Bread
2 manna God gave the Israelites on Shabbat
What does wine represent
Joy and Celebration hence why it is drunk on Shabbat
Food that is okay for Jews to eat
A word that describes food that Jews cannot eat
What is the Jewish prayer book called
A Siddur
Translates to standing up. It consists of of 18 blessings. The first 3 are praise 3 thank God and the rest are are requests for God
Worship in the home
Jews worship God whenever they can
Prayers are said 3 times a day
Jews stand to pray
If alone they pray in silence
Shabbat Services
Brief dervice that includes story telling discussion games and music. At the end the prayer leader takes a cup of wine recites a Kiddush thanking God for given Shabbat to Jewish people
The Tenakh
Consists of 3 sections. The Nevi’im The Ketuvim and Torah
The Nevi’im
Eight books that trace Jewish history and expand on Laws in the Torah
Eleven books that contain poetry,stories,advice and historical accounts.
What does the Talmud consist of
Mishnah and Gemara
What way must a animal be killed
Animal must be killed with a sharp knife by a trained Jew
Animal must be conscience
Blood is drained from the food
What must Jews do with milk and meat
Not mix them together
What do Jewish kitchens have
Kitchens have 2 sinks
Colour Code utensils
Rosh Hashanah
Marking the new year and belief that God judges their actions and decision from the past year
Yom Kippur
The day of atonement and is the holiest and the most inportant day of the year
How do Jews seek God’s forgiveness
Through prayer and doing acts of charity
What happens in Rosh Hashanah
A month before rosh hashanah a horn is blown daily in synagogue
Special prayers for forgivenss are said
Buying fruit that is old symbolises renewal
Shofar blown 100 times a day
What happens on Yom Kippur
No work at home
Fast for 25 hours
No Sex
Wear white as purity
When Azrael passed over the egyptians and killed the first born sons
Hebrew for passover and is an 8 day long celebration
What does Pesach celebrate
The liberation of Jews from Egypt
What do Jews do to prepare for Pesach
Remove unleavend bread from their homes
Acronym for Tenakh
How are the Torah and talmud used
They are used in lessons and is the source of Jewish,legal teachings and decisions
Unleavend Bread
Reminds Jews of the speed which they left Egypt
Roast Egg
Symbolises new life
Salt water
Reminds Jews of sweat and tears
Lamb bone
Symbol of sacrifice
Mortar symbolises the cement they used
Symbolises the fresh start God gave the Jews
Bitter Herbs
Symbolises the bitter suffering