Catholic Christianity Flashcards
3 Christian denominations
Roman Catholic
Teaching authority of the Catholic Church fromed by popes bishops of the church
The Bible which is the word of God
Apostolic tradition
Teachings of Christ that were revealed to the apostles
4 sections of the old testament
4 sections of the new testament
The Gospels
Acts of the apostles
The epistles
The book of revelation
Quotes on the Bible and inspiration
Sacred scripture is the word of God. Dei Verbum 9. Since the Bible was written by people inspired by the holy spirit it should be listened to since holy spirit is part of the triune God
Belief God is beyond and outside of life on Earth and the universe
And it was so
Shows God spoke the universe to life
And God said
Poem like. Also shows God creates in an orderly manner
God blessed the humans
Showing God favoured us above all and has a plan for us as he didn’t bless any other creation
God creates Adam
God breathed adam to life. Genesis 2. Links to Sanctity of life
God creates woman
Created out of Adam’s rib. Genesis 2
Belief that the words of the Bible as being the true word of God
Belief that the Bible was written by humans inspired by the holy spirit
People who interpret Bible messages differently to fit modern society
Catholic interpretations of creation story
Creation stories can be backed by scientific theories
The creation stories are myths
Main message is that God created everything
Fundamentalist interpretations of creation stories
Bible is accurate in every way
The creation stories should be interpreted literally
The world is only a few thousand years old
Natural Law
Belief humans with born with an understanding of what is right and wrong. It is an in built moral code
Christian art depicting creation
Creation of Man and Woman
Creation of Sun and Moon
Creation of Adam
What shows God’s superiority in creation of Adam
He is above Adam
He is old so shows experience
He has angels behind him reflecting transcendence
What does the Catholic Church believe about Science and Religion
They do not oppose eachother but in fact support eachother this is said in Gaudium es spes
Proof to show religion and science back up eachother
Big Band theory was discovered by Father George Lemaitre
Science Reveals the work of God
The Church supports scientific research
What does the Hand of God mosaic show
God’s hand is large depicting power
Light coming from God’s hand reaching the edge of the universe
God’s Hand comes from above
The Lord put Adam in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it
Passage suggests we should look after the world with Love and care
Human Dignity
Belief that human beings are worthy of respect
A duty to look after the environement
Dignity of human beings in the Bible
Humans were made in His image (imago dei)
All humans are created equal because they have all been created by God and share his qualities
Stewardship in the Bible
Genesis 1 tells Adam and Eve to have dominion over the Earth and rule over all its creatures
Sanctity of Life in the Bible
In Genesis 1 God breathed life into Adam showing that life is given by God and only he can take it away
Using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced
Means made in flesh and belief that Jesus was God incarnate
Official Church
God’s free unconditional love to the believer
In the beginning the word was God
Showing that the word was there before all things existed
The word was God
Comes from God and is His self-expression
The word became flesh
God’s taking on of human nature
Jesus was the Son of Man
Used to refer to someone who is taken up into the heavenly court and given power over all the world
A symbol that was used to recognize Christians during their persecution
Ichthus meaning
I=Jesus Ch=Christ Th=of God U=Son S=Saviour
Consists of a P and an X
Jesus’ Divinity
Performed miracles
Rose from the Dead
Jesus never comitted any sin his entire life
Jesus’ Humanity
Jesus was beaten and made to carry the cross
Suffered and Died
Was tempted like us
Statues of Jesus
Christ the Redeemer
Sacred Heart
The Crucifix
What did St.Irenaus say about Jesus
He is the meeting point between God and Humanity
Jesus is the glory of God;a human who is fully alive
Magesterium writings on Incarnation
Dei Verbum
Verbum Domini
The Greatest Commandments
Love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind
Love your neighbour as yourself
The deliberate termination of a pergnancy
Why is Abortion wrong
Life is given by God (sanctity of life)
The whole person is present at conception (gaudium es spes)
The movement thag believes a woman should have the right to choose if she wants an abortion or not
The movement that believes once lif has been created it deserves to be born
Points for pro choice
It’s the woman’s body
Baby may be born in an unstable environment
The woman may have been raped
Points for Pro-life
Every baby is a precious gift from God
The foetus is a human being from conception
Doctors’ job is to save a life not destroy it (goes against their oath)