Incarnation Flashcards
Means made flesh. It is the belief that God came to Earth in the form of Jesus
Meaning of the incarnation
Jesus was fully man and fully God
Jesus experienced a human life
God knows the difficulties and stresses of being human
God loves humans so much he was willinng to share in humanity fully
In the beginning the word was God
Shows the word existed before all things
The word was God
The word came from God
The word was with God
While God and the word are united there is a distinction between them
The word became flesh
The self expression that God became human
The word was an expression of love
The free gift of grace
Jesus the Son of Man
One way it was used was to refer to the speaker
Another way was to refer to someone who is taken up into heavenly court and has overall power over the world
Christian Symbols
Greek word meaning fish. Has a fish symbol
The symbol is an A
Ohms symbol
P and X overlapping
Things that prove Jesus’ Divinity
Miracles like walking on water
Jesus rose from the Dead
Jesus never commited sin His whole life
Things that prove Jesus’ humanity
Jesus was beaten and felt pain and suffering
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemone because He was afraid of dying
Jesus was tempted like humans
Statues of Jesus
Christ The Redeemer
Sacred Heart
The Crucifix
Christ the Redeemer
Sits in Rio De Jenairo. The outstreched arms are a reminder of the cross that Jesus accepted death
Sacred Heart
A crown of thorns to represent the once placed on His head
A piercing through the heart to represent the piercing through His side
Flames coming from His heart to represent his burning love that Jesus has for all
The Crucifix
The Crucifix is a reminder of pain and suffering that Jesus went through as He died. Jesus’ Death was redemptive.
St.Irenaus Quotes
“Jesus is the meeting point between humans and God”
“Jesus is the glory of God;a human who is fully alive”
What is tradition
Tradition is a part of a 2000 year old heritage that has helped Catholics to understand more fully what God has revealed
Dei Verbum 4
For He sent His Son so that He might dwell among men and tell them the innermost being of God
What is grace
Grace is God’s free gift of His unconditional love to the believer. It is also needed to be saved.
The sacramental nature of reality
Is the belief that God is found in the physical world. This can be inferred through the quote “I am always with you to the end of age”
The deliberate termination of a pregnancy
Imago Dei
Meaning made in the image of God
What does Gaudium Es Spes say about abortion
It says that from the moment of conception life must be guarded so abortion is an unspeakable crime
Proof that life begins at conception
When Mary visited Her cousin Elizabeth after the anunciation the baby leapt for joy
Pro Choice
The movement that believes a woman should have the right to choose if she wants an abortion or not
Pro Life
The movement that believes once life has been created it deserves to be born. Pro life is against abortion
Point for pro choice
It is the woman’s body
Baby may be born in an unstable environment
The woman may have been raped
Points for pro life
Every baby is a precious gift from God
The foetus is a human being from conception
Doctor’s job is to save life not destroy it
The Greatest Commandments
“You shall love your Lord with all your Heart and mind”
“You shall love your neighbour as yourself”