Trichostrongylidae Flashcards
They are known as the twisted stomach worm, wireworm, and barber’s pole worm
Haemonchus contortus
Identify the predilection site twisted stomach worm
known as the bankrupt worms or black scour worms
Trichostrongylus spp
Trichostrongylus spp present in SI of sheep and goats
T. colubriformis
Trichostrongylus spp present in SI, abomasum, or stomach of sheep, goats, cattle, horses, and donkey
Trichostrongylus axei
known as the brown stomach worm
Ostertagia /Teladorsagia
brown stomach worm of cattle
Ostertagia ostertagi
brown stomach worm of sheep
Teladorsagia circumcincta
Described as the watch spring-like posture due to the prominent longitudinal ridges which are transversely striated
Cooperia and Paracooperia
Paracooperia spp found in SI of buffaloes
Paracooperia nodulosa
Cooperia and Paracooperia host and predilection site
ruminants; SI
these are intertwined slender worms appear like a “cotton wool”
They have the same pathogenicity as Haemonchus but milder
known as the red stomach worm of pigs
Hyostrongylus rubidus
Hosts and predilection sites of Ornithostrongylus
crop, proventriculus, and small intestine of pigeons
Trichostrongylidae spp found in the stomach of cat, fox, and pigs
Ollulanus tricuspis
trichostrongyles in small intestine of rodents
Nippostrongylus muris
trichostrongyles in stomach of rabbits
Obeliscoides cuniculi
trichostrongyles in proventriculus of ostrich
Libyostrongylus douglassii
trichostrongyles with cross shaped telamon
Give the general morphology of Trichostrongylus spp
- buccal capsule either absent or small
- devoid of leaf crowns
- no teeth
- have well developed bursa
- eggs are strongyle like and thin walled
Trichostrongylus present in abomasum of ruminants, stomach of horses, pigs, and man
Trichostrongylus axei
known as the stomach hair worm
Trichostrongylus axei
these genera cause ringworm lesions and black scouring is evident
most common brown stomach worm
Ostertagia ostertagi
brown stomach worm of goats
Ostertagia trifurcata
Identify the prominent features of Cooperia
watch spring like and very large bursa in all species
Cooperia spp present in cattle
C. oncophora, C. punctata
Cooperia spp present in sheep and goats
C. curticei
known as the thread-necked strongyles with cotton wool appearance
predilection site of Nematodirus
Its pathogenesis cause severe damage to the intestinal villi and erosion of the mucosa (villous atrophy)
wire worm of sheep and goats
Haemonchus contortus
twisted stomach worms of cattle
Haemonchus placei
Trichostrongylidae genera more common in the Ph than Haemonchus
These spp are distinguished from haemonchus microscopically by having long narrow spicules
Mecistoccirrus digitatus
capable of penetrating the gastric glands
Ostertagia spp
causes ring worm lesions in the intestinal mucosa
Trichostrongylus spp
known as the small intestinal hairworm
Trichostrongylus spp
known as the red stomach worm
Hyostrongylus rubidus
FH and PS of Hyostrongylus rubidus
pigs; stomach
known as the thread-necked worm
Nematodirus spp
they gave prominent excretory pore located on the ventral side at some distance from the anterior end
bankrupt worms
their white ovary is spirally wound around the blood filled ovary
females are like those of haemonchus but devoid of vulva flap
with a swollen head due to small cephalic vesicle
Cooperia spp with watch spring like posture
Cooperia curticei
known as the medium brown worm
ostertagia and teladorsagia
resembles the human hookworms Ancylostoma present in rodents
Nippostrongylus brasiliensis
wireworm present crop in ostrich
Libyostrongylus douglassii
present in the small intestine of columbiform birds
Ornithostrongylus quadriradiatus
present in the ceca and SI of anseriform and galliform birds
Trichostrongylus tenuis
Briefly describe the morphological characteristics of Trichostrongyloid worms
- with no or small buccal cavity
- appearance of spicules of the male is an important diagnostic morphological character
- have synlophe
these worms have swollen head due to small cephalic vesicle and their eggs have parallel sides
these worms have large eggs that are twice the size of a typical trichostrongyloid egg
Nematodirus / thread-necked worms
Nematodirus spp affecting SI of cattle
Nematodirus helvetianus
Nematodirus spp affecting SI of sheep and goats
Nematodirus filicollis, N. spathiger, N. battus
Affects abomasum or stomach of zebu, buffalo, sheep, goats and rarely pigs
Mecistocirrus digitatus
Present in the small and large intestines of buffalo and zebra
Paracooperia nodulosa
haemonchus spp affecting abomasum of camel
Haemonchus longistipes
most bloodsucking and pathogenic of hookworms
Haemonchus & Mecistocirrus
Major clinical signs are: profuse, watery diarrhea, putrid smell, dehydration and loss of appetite, weight, and production
Cause hemorrhagic anemia, dark colored feces, edema, weakness and falling well in sheep and sudden death in acute diseases
In chronic cases, it seldom show diarrhea but may be constipated
These diseases cause diarrhea with severe, black, hemorrhagic scour
Trichostrongylosis, Cooperiosis, Nematodirosis
cause diarrhea in young animals and nodules in walls of small and large intestines
long red worm attached to the gastric mucosa of rabbits
Graphidium strigosum
long white worms living in the small intestines of rabbits and hares
Trichostrongylus retortaeformis