Ancylostomatidae (Hookworms) Flashcards
Ancylostoma present in man, wild carnivores and pigs
Ancylostoma duodenale
Ancylostoma present in cats
A. tubaeoerme, A. brazilienze
Ancylostoma present in dogs and foxes
A. caninum - dogs and fox
A. brazilienze - dogs
Describe the general characteristics of hookworms based on body appearance, buccal capsule, and color.
- anterior end is bent ventrally appearing like as “hook”
- has buccal capsule w/c bears teeth at the margin
- grey or reddish
Uncinaria stenocephala final hosts & predilection site
dogs, cats, fox; small intestine
small hookworm of sheep and goats found in the jejunum and ileum
Bunostomum trigonocephalum
large hookworm of cattle affecting the duodenum worldwide
Bunostomum phlebotomum
known as the common hookworm of man which may also affect dogs and pigs’ small intestine
Necator americanus
hookworm of sheep and goats found in the duodenum
Gaigeria pachyscelis
Give the hookworm larvae that are associated with cutaneous larval migrans or creeping eruptions in man
Ancylostoma braziliense, A. caninum, A. tubaeforme, and U. stenocephala
Give the 5 genera of Family Ancylostomatidae
Give the two species of hookworms without prenatal and lactogenic transmission
A. braziliense, A. duodenale
The L3 of these species stay dormant in skeletal muscles, and reactivated during the gestation which are passed on the milk, causing anemia in puppies 2-3 weeks old
Ancylostoma caninum
known to be prolific egg layers
Ancylostoma caninum
Cutaneous larval migrans are caused by many larvae of hookworms, but commonly caused by which spp
Ancylostoma braziliense, A. caninum, A. ceylanicum