Trichomonas: Protozoa III Flashcards
combination of plasma membrane and thin, translucent secreted envelope
- gives flagellate a more defined shape; stiff but flexible
- Used for locomotion
- arise from granules (can be attached or unattached)
Undulating membrane
Thin line of extending plasma membrnae which flagellum attaches to before becoming a free flagellum
tube like organelle (may or may not be present)
- arises from kinetosome
Parabasal body
Golgi Body located near kinetosome
- parabasal filament runs to the kinetosome
Human: Trichomonas vaginalis
- occurs in reproductive and urinary system of ppl
Human: Trichomonas tenax
endocommensal in mouth (tooth socckets)
Human: Pentatrichomonas hominis
endocommensal in large intestine and cecum
Catte: Tritrichomonas foetas
a parasite flagellate of the urogenital tract of cattle
aka Trichomoniasis
Tritrichomonas foetas causes:
infertility and abortion in cows
- asymptomatic in bull’s prepuce howev1er spreads infection
Tritrichomonas foetas transmitted during
Bulls are
permanent carriers and sources of infection
To check if herd is infected w T. foetus, the most reliable way is to
test bulls
most cows self-cure after
developing immunity
How to sample a bull?
Sample is taken from back area of penis and inner sheath by either scraping a pipette (dry method) or flushing with sterile saline (wet method)
Signs of Bovine Trichomonosis in beef herd
- repeated oestral cycling
- extended calving season
- early abortion
- late term abortions
- high percentage of open cows at pregnancy check
- pus-filled uterus (pyometra)
Can Trichomonosis be treated?
- In bulls: no as bulls remain persistently infected
- most cows clear infection in months, but few can carry infection to calving
- cows w pyometra remain persistently infected
- vaccines help clear infection but do not prevent infection
Trichomonosis control
- maintain closed herd (test all new animals)
- separate breeding groups
- use young virgin bulls
- culture bulls before breeding season
- use AI
- If one or more bulls infected; test, cull and vaccinate
Golden Standard
The AI industry prescribes for bovine trichomonosis a rigorous protocol of 6 weekly T. foetus negative cultures for bulls > 1 yo
Laboratory testing
- know sensitivity for any test
- reported sampling and testing will improve sensitivity