Triangles of the Neck Flashcards
What are the borders of the Occipital Triangle portion of the Posterior Triangle?
Trapezius M.
Sternocleidomastoid M.
Inferior Omohyoid M.
What are the borders that make up the Subclavicular Triangle within the Posterior Triangle?
Clavicale B.
Sternocleidomastoid M.
Inferior Omohyoid M.
What are the borders of the Submandibular Triangle?
Posterior Belly of Digastric M.
Anterior Belly of Digastric M.
What are the borders of the Submental triangle?
Anterior Belly of Digastric M.
Hyoid B.
Midline of Neck
What are the borders of the muscular triangle?
Hyoid B.
Superior Belly of Omohyoid M.
Sternocleidomastoid M.
What are the borders of the Carotid Triangle?
Posterior Belly of Digastric M.
Superior Belly of Omohyoid M.
All of the following structures are found within C5-C6 except for which of the following?
A. Arch of Cricoid Cartilage
B. Superior End of Esophagus
C. Upper margin of Thyroid Cartilage
D. None of the above
Upper margin of Thyroid Cartilage
- found at C3/C4
C3-C4 Structures
- bifurcation of common carotid
- body of hyoid B.

The muscles found within the Posterior Triangle include the Semispinalis Capitis, Splenius Capitis, Levator Scapulae, and all 3 scalenes. Within this triangle are also major arteries and 2 major veins. What are they?
Subclavian A., Thyrocervical Trunk, Transverse Cervical A., Suprascapular A., Dorsal Scapular A, part of Occipital A.
External Jugular V
Subclavian V.

The External Jugular V. is found anterior to the SCM. If it can significantly be seen under the skin during rest this might indicate what issue?
Heart Failur or Obstruction of the Superior Vena Cava
Which of the following arteries found in the posterior triangle will you see going laterally across the Phrenic N and Anterior Scalene M.?
A. Transverse Cervical A. and Costocervical Trunk
B. Suprascapular A. and Deep Cervical A.
C. Transverse Cervical A. and Suprascapular A.
D. Suprascapular A. and Thyrocervical Trunk
Transverse Cervical A. and Suprascapular A.
T/F: The Thyrocervical Trunk gives off branches but is not technically in the posterior triangle
According to Dr. Kiem

What are the 4 cutaneous branches off the cervical plexus?
Lesser Occipital (C2)
Greater Auricular (C2/3)
Transverse Cervical (C2/3)
Supraclavicular (C3/4)
Which of the following cutaneous branches of the cerivcal plexus supplies the skin of the neck and scalp posterior to the auricle?
A. Lesser Occipital (C2)
B. Greater Auricular (C2/3)
C. Transverse Cervical (C2/3)
D. Supraclavicular (C3/4)
Lesser Occipital (C2)
Which of the following cutaneous branches of the cerivcal plexus supplies skin and sheath over the parotid gland, mastoid process, auricle and angle of the mandible?
A. Lesser Occipital (C2)
B. Greater Auricular (C2/3)
C. Transverse Cervical (C2/3)
D. Supraclavicular (C3/4)
Greater Auricular (C2/3)
Which nerve off the cervical plexus supplies sensory to the skin of the anterior cervical region?
Transverse Cervical N. (C2/3)
Contraction or shortening of the SCM is called Torticollis and is caused by a muscle issue or a Spinal Accessory N. issue. Which of the following descriptions is accurate about Torticollis’ presentation?
A. Head tilts towards the affected side
B. Head tilts away from the affected side
C. Inability to elevate or retracted scapula
D. Head raised superiorly
Head tilts away from the affected side
Name the 4 suprahyoid muscles found in the Anterior Triangle, that elevate the hyoid and the larynx?
Anterior/Posterior Bellies of Digastric
What are the 4 muscles Infrahyoid muscles that depress the hyoid and larynx? Note they are also found in the anterior triangle?
Superior Belly of Omohyoid
What are the names of the 6 branches off the External Carotid A.?
Superior Thyroid A.
Ascending Pharyngeal A.
Lingual A.
Facial A.
Occipital A.
Posterior Auricular A.
Maxillary A.
Superficial Temporal A.
Which of the folllowing contents found in the Submandibular Triangle is found going between the mylohyoid and Hypoglossus M.?
A. Submandibular Gland
B. Facial A and V
C. N. to the Mylohyoid
D. Hypoglossal N.
Hypoglossal N.

The Mylohyoid M. is found in all of the following triangles except which of the following?
A. Submandibular
B. Submental
C. Muscular Triangle
D. All of the above
Muscular Triangle
What vein is found within the submental triangle?
Anterior Jugular V.
What structure major is associated with the Muscular Triangle, due to its location within the triangle?
All of the following pharyngeal constrictors are found within the Carotid Traingle, EXCEPT?
A. Superior Contrictor
B. Middle Constrictor
C. Inferior Constrictor
Superior Contrictor
From Hypoglossus M. to Inferior Constrictor
The Carotid Sinus and Carotid Body are both innervated by which of the following Nerves?
A. Carotid Body off the Glossopharyngeal N.
B. Carotid Sinus N. off the Glossopharyngeal N.
C. Carotid Sinus N off the Vagus N
D. A and B
E. B and C
B. Carotid Sinus N. off the Glossopharyngeal N.
C. Carotid Sinus N off the Vagus N
The Hypoglossal N. comes out of the Hypoglossal Canal and wraps around which of the following arteries found in the Caroitd Triangle?
A. Lingual A.
B. External Carotid A.
C. Occipital A.
D. Internal Carotid A.
Occipital A.

Arteries wirthin the Muscular Triangle include the Common Carotid, Superior Thyroid and Inferior Thyroid. However, what are the 4 veins found within the triangle?
Hint: they’re proably going to have something to do with the thyroid
Anterior Jugular V.
Superior, Inferior, Middle Thyroid V.
Nerves: Ansa Cervicalis, External Laryngeal, Recurrent Laryngeal Ns.
The Vagus N. is found wthin the Carotid Triangle and gives off several branches. Name the 3 branches, and include any relevant nerves they give off.
- Pharyngeal Branch
- Superior Laryngeal Branch
- Carotid Body Branch

Here take a look at 3 important Nerves
The Carotid Triangle contains
- Internal Laryngeal, External Laryngeal, Hypoglossal, Spinal Accessory, Ansa Cervicalis

A pneumothorax can occur when placing a central line through which of the following artery and vein pair, that are superficial to ~2 inches of the lung found in the thoracic outlet?
A. Subscapular A and V
B. Suprasacpular A and V
C. Facial A and V
D. Subclavian A and V.
Subclavian A and V.
Describe Thoracic Outlet syndrome
A. Compression of the Inferior Trunk Brachial plexus by the 1st rib within the Thoracic Inlet/Outlet region
B. Compression of the Superior Trunk Brachial plexus by the 1st rib within the Thoracic Inlet/Outlet region
C. Compression of the Middle Trunk Brachial plexus by the 1st rib within the Thoracic Inlet/Outlet region
D. None of the above
Compression of the Inferior Trunk Brachial plexus by the 1st rib within the Thoracic Inlet/Outlet region
The Phrenic N. comes from what cervical spinal roots?
What are the 4 motor branches of the Cervical Plexus?
Hypoglossal N
Superior Root of Ansa Cervicalis
Phrenic N.
Inferior Root of Ansa Cervicalis

Horner’s Syndrome
Horner’s syndrome is a rare condition characterized by miosis (constriction of the pupil), ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), and anhidrosis (absence of sweating of the face). It is caused by damage to the sympathetic nerves of the face.
Horner’s syndrome is a rare condition characterized by miosis (constriction of the pupil), ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), and anhidrosis (absence of sweating of the face). It is caused by damage to the sympathetic nerves of the face.
Damage to the Sympathetic Trunk leads to Horner’s Syndrome. The Sympathetic Trunk gives off 3 ganglia as shown below. Which of the following ganglia might be fused with the first thoracic ganglia at T1 where it would be called Stellate Ganglion?
A. Superior Cervical Ganglia
B. Middle Cervical Ganglia
C. Inferior Cervical Ganglia
Inferior Cervical Ganglia

What are the contents found in the Superficial Fascia of the neck found between the dermis and Investing layer of Deep Cervical Fascia?
Cutaneous N
Blood and Lymphatics
Superficial LN
Platysma Muscle (innervated by Cervical branch of Facial N.)
The Deep Cervical fascia consists of several layers. Which of the following layers encloses the Trpezius, SCM, Parotid and Submandibular Glands (relevant for MUMPs)?
A. Investing Layer
B. Pretracheal Layer
C. Pre-vertebral Layer
D. Carotid Sheath
Investing Layer
Investing Layer goes from occipital and temporal bones to the level manubrium of the sternum
The Deep Cervical fascia consists of several layers. Which of the following layers goes from skull to mediatinum, and includes the infrahyoid muscles and Buccopharyngeal fascia and a visceral layer?
A. Investing Layer
B. Pretracheal Layer
C. Prevertebral Layer
D. Carotid Sheath
Pretracheal Layer
The Carotid Sheath houses which of the following?
A. Vagus N.
B. Internal Jugular V.
C. Common Carotid A.
D. Ansa Cervicalis
E. All of the Above
All of em
The Retropharyngeal space is found between the pretracheal and prevertebral layers and bounded by the Buccopharyngeal Layer. This space is clincally significant as absesses can spread within this region as a result from oral or upper respiratory infections. Specifically swelling of this space can cause which of the following?
A. Difficulty swallowing only
B. Difficulty speaking only
C. Difficulty swallowing and speaking
D. None of the above
Difficulty swallowing and speaking

Which of the following nerves is found in the groove between the Trachea and Esophagus deep tp the lateral lobes of the thyroid?
A. Superior Thyroid A.
B. Recurrent Laryngeal N.
C. Left Laryngeal N.
D. Left Vagus N.
Recurrent Laryngeal N.

Which of the following arteries supplies the anterior and superior aspect of the thyroid gland?
A. Superior Thyroid
B. Inferior Thyroid
C. Thyroid Ima A.
Superior Thyroid
Identify structures on the Larynx
Which of the following is found between the Vestibular Folds and Vocal Folds?
A. Layrngeal Ventricle
B. Rima Glottidis
C. Infraglottic Cavity
D. Laryngeal Vestibule
Layrngeal Ventricle

Which of the following laryngeal spaces is found between thelaryngeal inlet and vestibular folds?
A. Laryngeal Ventricle
B. Laryngeal Vestibule
C. Rima Glottidis
D. Infraglottic Cavity
Laryngeal Vestibule
All of the following muscles are innervated by the Inferior Laryngeal N, EXCEPT for which of the following that is innervated by the External Laryngeal N. off Superior Laryngeal N. ?
A. Thyro-artynoid M.
B. Lateral Crico-arytenoid M.
C. Vocalis M.
D. Cricothyroid M.
Cricothyroid M.
Which of the following Laryngeal muscles ABDucts the vocal fold, and without it we could not take in air?
A. Cricothyroid M.
B. Thyro-artynoid M.
C. Transverse and Oblique Arytenoids
D. Posterior Crico-arytenoid M
E. Vocalis M.
Posterior Crico-arytenoid M
Which of the following Laryngeal muscles relaxes the vocal ligament?
A. Cricothyroid M.
B. Thyro-artynoid M.
C. Transverse and Oblique Arytenoids
D. Posterior Crico-arytenoid M
E. Vocalis M.
Thyro-artynoid M.
Which of the following Laryngeal muscles relaxes posterior vocal ligament while maintaing tension of the anterior portion?
A. Cricothyroid M.
B. Thyro-artynoid M.
C. Transverse and Oblique Arytenoids
D. Posterior Crico-arytenoid M
E. Vocalis M.
Vocalis M.
The superior and laryngeal As. supply the larynx. What structure delineates what they supply above and below?
A. Vocal Ligament
B. Vocal Fold
C. Vestibular Fold
D. Vestibular Ligament
Vocal Fold
The superior laryngeal A. runs with which of the following nerves?
A. Internal Branch of Superior Laryngeal N.
B. EXternal Branch of Superior Laryngeal N.
C. Inferior Laryngeal N.
D. Vagus N.
Internal Branch of Superior Laryngeal N.
Which of the following LN drains the posterior neck and scalp?
A. Occipital LN
B. Mastoid LN
C. Preauricular and Parotid LN
D. Submandibular LN
E. Submental LN
Occipital LN
Which of the following LN drains posterolateral half of the skull?
A. Occipital LN
B. Mastoid LN
C. Preauricular and Parotid LN
D. Submandibular LN
E. Submental LN
Mastoid LN
Which of the following LN drains anterior auricle, anterolateral scalp, upper half of face?
A. Occipital LN
B. Mastoid LN
C. Preauricular and Parotid LN
D. Submandibular LN
E. Submental LN
Preauricular and Parotid LN
The Submandibular LN supplies which of the following structures? What LN do the other options relate too?
A. Lower incisors
B. Tip of tongue
C. Floor of mouth
D. Lateral lower lip
Lateral lower lip
The Submental LN does the central lip, as well as the other stuff included below
- gingiva
- upper teeth
- tongue
- upper lip
- follows facial a
Which of the superficial LNs. drains to the Deep cervical LN? (3)
Eventually all cervical Lymph Nodes drain to the ___________
A. Jugulodigastric LN
B. Jugulo-omohyoid LN
C. Deep Cervical LN
D. Superficial Cervical LN
Deep Cervical LN
Deep Cervical LN is a collection of LN along the internal jugular V. It is divided into inferior and superior deep LN that are specfically named. Jugulodigastric and Juguloomohyoid. Which structure is the Jugulodigastric LN nearest to?
A. Anterior belly of digastric M.
B. Posterior belly of digastric M.
C. Tendon of Omohyoid M.
D. Inferior belly of omohyoid
Posterior belly of digastric M.