Histology of Nasal & Oral Cavities Flashcards
T/F: Respiratory epithelium is found in the inferior 2/3rds of the nasal cavities that lines the respiratory region
What are the Hallmarks of recognizing respiratory epithelium/mucosa?
Goblet Cells
Thick Basement membrane
The respiratory epithelium is comprised of which of the following tissue types?
A. Keratinized stratified squamous
B. Pseudostratified columna ciliated epithelium
C. Non-keratinized stratified squamous
D. None of the above
Pseudostratified columna ciliated epithelium
Which of the following correctly characterizes the lamina propria of the respiratory epithelium?
A. avascular and inferior to thick basal layer
B. Rich vascular network inferior to thin basal layer
C. Rich vascular network inferior to thick basal layer
D. Any of the above depending on location
Rich vascular network inferior to thick basal layer
The nasal cavity is divided by the nasal septum into 3 regions where each functions to adjust temperature and humidity of inhaled air. Which of the following correctly characterizes the Nasal vestibule?
A. Lined with keratinized stratified squamous and found just inside the nares
B. Inferior 2/3rds of nasal cavity lined with respiratory mucosa
C. Superior 1/3 of nasal cavity lined with olfactory mucosa
D. Lined with pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
Lined with keratinized stratified squamous and found just inside the nares
Which of the following correctly characterizes the paranasal sinuses?
A. Air-filled spaces found in the walls of the nasal cavity
B. Lined with olfactory epithelium
C. Lined with respiratory epithelium
D. All except B
E. All except C
D. All except B
The paranasal sinuses are extensions of the respiratory region of the nasal cavity and this lined with respiratory epithelium
In comparison to the hallmarks of the respiratory epithelium, what are the hallmarks of the olfactory epithelium?
Thicker mucosa
Lacks goblet cells
Thin basement membrane
T/F: Olfactory mucosa and respiratory mucosa both have pseudostratified ciliated columna epithelium, but the olfactory is thinner
False; olfactory is thicker
Why don’t olfactory glands have goblet cells?
Because the olfactory glands have serous secretions that dissolve oderant molecules
How do paranasal sinuses communicate with the nasal cavities?
Ciliary movements move the mucous across into the narrow communicating spaces
What’s the difference between the cilia found on olfactory epithelium vs. the respiratory epithlium’s?
Olfactory mucosa has non-motile cilia with oderant receptors, while respiratory cilia is motile
What is the name of the cells associated with olfactory mucosa that provides mechanical and metabolic support to the olfactory receptor cells?
A. Basal Cells
B. Brush cells
C. Sustentacular cells
D. None
Sustentacular cells (support cells)
What type of mucosa is depicted here?


Which of the following is the corrected epithelial cell type of oral mucosa?
A. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelia
B. Simple columnar epithelium
C. Karatinizaed Stratified Squamous epithelia
D. Stratified Squamous epithelia with varying keratinization
Stratified Squamous epithelia with varying keratinization
The oral mucosa is divided into 3 classifications of mucosa types, that have varying states of keratinization. What are the names of these oral mucosa subtypes?
The oral cavity possesses a lamina propria that has 2 distinct layers. Name the layer with the corresponding characteristics.
_______ : loose connective tissue with neurovasculature
________ : deep, dense irregular connective tissue with a large amount of fibers
Papillary Layer : loose connective tissue with neurovasculature
Dense Layer : deep, dense irregular connective tissue with a large amount of fibers
T/F: Depending on location within the oral cavity there will be a submucosal layer that has loose CT, adipose tissue, and salivary glands typically in places that need more support like the cheek
Masticatory mucosa is found in all of the following locations, EXCEPT?
A. Hard palate
B. Gingiva
C. Dorsal surface of the tongue
D. Cheek
Which of the following types of oral mucosa is comprised of keratinized and or parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
A. Masticatory mucosa
B. Lining mucosa
C. Specialized mucosa
Masticatory mucosa
Which of the following types of oral mucosa is comprised of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
A. Masticatory mucosa
B. Lining mucosa
C. Specialized mucosa
Lining mucosa
Which of the following types of oral mucosa is comprised of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium that contains lingual papillae and taste buds?
A. Masticatory mucosa
B. Lining mucosa
C. Specialized mucosa
Specialized mucosa
What is the difference between parakeratinized and keratinized in terms of identifying them as different epithelia?
A. Parakeratinized epithelium does not have nuclei
B. Keratinized epithelia is thicker but stains lighter
C. The superficial cells do not lose their nuclei in parakeratinized cells and cytoplasm stains less intensly
D. All are correct
The superficial cells do not lose their nuclei in parakeratinized cells and cytoplasm stains less intensly

Organize the 3 types of oral mucosa from most rete ridges to no rete ridges. Lining, Specialized, Masticatory
Masticatory > Lining > Specialized
The Lining Mucosa is much more prevalent and found on the Lips, cheeks, alveolar mucosal surface, floor of the mouth, soft palate and which place?
A. Gingiva
B. Tongue near taste buds
C. Inferior Tongue
D. Superior Tongue
Inferior Tongue
Which of the following oral mucosa has a distinct submucosa?
Which has a very thin or absent submucosa?
A. Masticatory
B. Lining
C. Specialized
Name the type of mucosa and it’s location

Masticatory mucosa
Hard Palate
The Lining mucosa is nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium and has 3 layers. Which of the following layers is a single cell later on top of basal lamina?
A. Stratum Basale
B. Stratum Spinosum
C. Stratum Superficiale
Stratum Basale
The Lining mucosa is nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium and has 3 layers. Which of the following layers is thick, multilayered
A. Stratum Basale
B. Stratum Spinosum
C. Stratum Superficiale
Stratum Spinosum
Specialized mucosa is classified as keratinized stratified squamous that contains lingual papillae and taste buds. Specifically it is found on what portion of the tongue?
A. Deep surface
B. Dorsal Surface
C. Posterior Surface
D. All of the above
Dorsal Surface
The Tongue is covered in what typre of mucosa?
A. Masticatory only
B. Specialized only
C. Lining only
D. All of the above
E. Masticatory and specialized
Masticatory and specialized
What is described as structures of keratinized epithelium with lamina propria, that is further described as small, elevated structures of specialized mucosa?
Lingual Papilla
Which of the following papillae is depicted below?

Filiform papillae
Which of the following papillae is depicted below?
A. Filiform
B. Foliate
C. Fungiform
D. Circumvallate

Which of the following papillae is depicted below?
A. Filiform
B. Foliate
C. Fungiform
D. Circumvallate

Which of the following papillae is depicted below?
A. Filiform
B. Foliate
C. Fungiform
D. Circumvallate

Which of the following papillae is responsible for moving food toward the pharynx for swallowing, gives the dorsal surface it’s velvety texture, and is the only papillae not associated with taste bud?
A. Filiform Papillae
B. Foliate Papillae
C. Fungiform Papillae
D. Circumvallate Papillae
Filiform Papillae
Which of the following papillae is provides taste sensation and is found in lesser numbers around dorsal surface of the tongue?
A. Filiform Papillae
B. Foliate Papillae
C. Fungiform Papillae
D. Circumvallate Papillae
Fungiform Papillae
Which of the following papillae is mushroom shaped, surrounded by a trench, and has hundreds of tastebuds present?
A. Filiform Papillae
B. Foliate Papillae
C. Fungiform Papillae
D. Circumvallate Papillae
Circumvallate Papillae
Which of the following papillae is has vertical ridges on the lateral surface of the tongue in the more posterior region, and also helps to provide taste sensation?
A. Filiform Papillae
B. Foliate Papillae
C. Fungiform Papillae
D. Circumvallate Papillae
Foliate Papillae
What is this a depiction of?

Taste Bud
Taste buds extend from the basement membrane and present on which of the following surfaces?
A. Palatoglossal arch
B. Soft Palate
C. Posterior surface of epiglottis
D. Posterior wall of pharynx
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
A. Palatoglossal arch
B. Soft Palate
C. Posterior surface of epiglottis
D. Posterior wall of pharynx
The elongated cells that extend from the basal lamina to the taste pore is the neuroepithelial (sensory) cells. These cells synapse with the afferent sensory neurons of what 3 cranial nerves?
Facial (VII)
Glosspharyngeal (IX)
Vagus (X)
THe basal cells associated with the taste buds are stem cells located on the bud’s basal portion and provide stem cells for the supporting and neuroepithelial cells. How often are these cells replaced?
A. Once a Month
B. Once a week
C. Every 20 days
D. Every 10 days
Every 10 days
Which of the following is a single structure found in the posterior wall of the nasal cavity, that has no crypts present? What is it’s associated tissue type?
A. Palatine Tonsil
B. Pharyngeal Tonsil
C. Lingual Tonsil
Pharyngeal Tonsil
Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
Which of the following lacks a capsule and is covered with stratified squamous epithelium?
A. Palatine Tonsil
B. Pharyngeal Tonsil
C. Lingual Tonsil
Lingual Tonsil
Which of the followinghas tonsilar crypts with deep invaginations with a partial capsule made of dense connective tissue? What type of epithelium lines this tonsil?
A. Palatine
B. Pharyngeal
C. Lingual
Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Nice, I defintely know where all of the tonsils are found

Note this

Which of the following is protected by enamel?
A. Crown of tooth
B. Root of tooth
C. Root and Crown
Crown of tooth
Which of the following is made up of dentin?
A. Crown of tooth
B. Root of tooth
C. Root and Crown
Root and Crown
The root of the tooth is invested in a thin layer of which of the following?
A. Pulp
B. Cementum
C. Dentin
D. Enamel
Look at the last slides in the lecture in order to identify the slides cold and apply them in the practical
