Ear: Anatomy and Histology Flashcards
Which of the following is the boundary of the middle ear?
A. Auricle to the Tympanic Membrane
B. Tympanic Membrane to round window
C. Oval Window to Internal Acoustic Meatus
D. Tympanic Membrane to oval window
Tympanic Membrane to oval window
Look at this and know it: External Ear Histology

External Ear Histology
Which of the following innervates the roof of the external aurditory canal?
A. Great Auricular (C3)
B. Vagus N.
C. Auriculotemporal
D. Facial N.
Facial N.

What is the only place in the body where skin, periosteium, and bone all exist directly on top of each other?
A. Outer 2/3rds of External Acoustic Meatus
B. Inner 1/3 of External Acoustic Meatus
C. All of the External Acoustic Meatus
D. None of the above
Inner 1/3 of External Acoustic Meatus

The outside layer of the Tympanic membrane is lined with ___________, while the inside layer is lined with ______________.
A. Pseudostratified columnar; simple columnar
B. Stratified Squamous; Simple cuboidal
C. Stratified squamous; simple columnar
D. Simple columnar; simple cuboidal
Stratified Squamous; Simple cuboidal
The Middle Ear is located in the Petrous portion of the Temporal B. (FF: The temporal bone is the only bone of the body that has another bone in it). Which of the following correctly specifies the medial wall of the middle ear/tympanic cavity where one would find the oval window?
A. Tegmental wall
B. Membranous wall
C. Mastoid Wall
D. Labyrinth wall
Labyrinth wall
- A. Tegmental wall: roof*
- B. Membranous wall: lateral*
- C. Mastoid Wall: posterior*
- Jugular wall: superior*
- Carotid Wall: Anterior*


Which of the following is connected to the round window?
A. Scala Media
B. Stria Vascularis
C. Scala Vestibuli
D. Scala Tympani
Scala Tympani
Which of the following is moved by the Stapes at the oval window? What other structure is it continuous with?
A. Scala Media
B. Stria Vascularis
C. Scala Vestibuli
D. Scala Tympani
Scala Vestibuli
Scala Tympani
Get a Closer Look at the Organ of Corti

Saw it
Which of the following functions to catch sound waves and concentrate them so the EAM transmits them to the tympanic membrane?
A. Internal Ear
B. Middle Ear
C. External Ear
External Ear
Which of the following takes the sound waves and turns them into physical movement. This area also has the pressure equalized by the Pharyngotympanic tube.
A. Internal Ear
B. Middle Ear
C. External Ear
Middle Ear
What general function is the inner ear responsible for?
Balance and Sound
What is the path of the sound waves?
Use the following terms: stapes, oval window, vestibular membrane, scala media, basilar membrane, sterocilia, round window
- The Stapes moves the oval window pushing the pressure wave into the perilymph in Scala Vestibuli
- The pressure wave distorts the vestibular membrane moving the pressure into the scala media’s endolymph
- The pressure wave in the endolymph displaces the basilar membrane, and that movement triggers the sterocilia of hair cells
- This pressure now moves to the perilymph in the Scala Tympani and exits through the round window
Innervated hair cells with stereocilia are attached to the _______, which are theampulla with gelatinus like cups
Innervated hair cells with stereocilia are attached to the Cupulla, which are theampulla with gelatinus like cups
Otolithic membrane is covered with calcium carbonate/protein crystals called otoconia. These are found in the Macula to help determine postional information. What positional information does the utricle determine? The Saccule?
Utricle: Forward
Sacule: Up
Which of the following spaces lies within the Organ of Corti?
A. Perilymphatic space
B. Endolymphatic Space
C. Corticolymphatic space
Corticolymphatic Space
T/F: Mastoiditis is the infection of Mastoid cells that can spread into the cranial fossa via the petrosquamous cranial suture
Meniere’s Syndrome and Viral Labyrnthitis present similarly. PTs experience vertigo, tinnitis, and is associated with increased endolymph volume which causes abnormal signalling. What is the main difference between the two that was stated in lecture?
Viral Labryinthitis usually resolves in about a week