Triangles of Neck/ Larynx Flashcards
Anterior Triangle Boundaries
midline of neck, SCM, lower mandible
Posterior Triangle Boundaries
SCM, trapezius and clavicle
Floor: splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, levator scapulae, scalenes
Carotid sinus vs carotid body
Sinus in ICA->baroreceptor (increased BP)
Body at bifurcation–> chemoreceptor O (oxygen)
Anterior Triangle Arteries
Common carotid bifurcates @ C3-C4 into ICA and ECA
ECA branches
Superior thyroid A Superior laryngeal A Ascending pharyngeal A b/t bifurcation (medial pharynx) Lingual A Facial A Occipital A (bone) Posterior Auricular A Maxillary A Superficial temporal A
Anterior Triangle muscles
Suprahyoid: elevate hyoid and larynx in phonation and swallowing, form floor of oral cavity and stabilize tongue and hyoid
Infrahyoid: depress hyoid and larynx
Suprahyoid Ms
Stylohyoid (straddles posterior digastric)
Geniohyoid (oral cavity)
Infrahyoid Ms
Posterior Triangle Arteries
Transverse cervical A lateral and superficial to anterior scalene and phrenic N Suprascapular A inferior and lateral "
both off of thyrocervical trunk
Posterior Triangle Veins
External jugular vein: union of posterior auricular and retromandibular veins
anterior to SCM
drains into subclavian
Subclavian Vein
anterior to anterior
scalene, joins IJV–>
Brachiocephalic vein
What does it mean if you can see EJV externally
heart failure, superior vena cava obstruction
Where do you place central lines?
Subclavian vein (R mostly b/c more straight)
Poke too deep, you can hit subclavian A or lung–> pneumothorax
Posterior Triangle Nerves
cutaneous, CN XI, brachial plexus roots/trunks, phrenic N
Erb’s point
middle of posterior SCM
Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus:
Lesser occipital
Greater auricular
Transverse cervical
Lesser Occipital N
C2, skin of neck and scalp posterior to ear