CN Flashcards
cirbriform plate
optic canal
superior orbital fissure
Levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique
Parasympathetics: constrictor pupillae and ciliary muscles via ciliary ganglion
superior orbital fissure
superior oblique (inferior and lateral)
V3: muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric
V1: sensory from cornea, nose, forehead, anterior scalp (superior orbital fissure)
V2: sensory from nasal mucosa, palate, gums, cheek (foramen rotundum)
V3: sensory from anterior 2/3 tongue, skin of chin, lower jaw and teeth, 1/3 auricle of ear (foramen ovale)
PA 1
superior orbital fissure
Lateral rectus
internal acoustic meatus
stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, muscles of facial expression (including buccinator and platysma)
Parasympathetic: lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual glands; mucous membrane of nose, hard and soft palates
skin of concha of ear, skin behind ear (small area)
taste anterior 2/3 tongue
PA 2
internal acoustic meatus
auditory and balance from cochlea and semicircular canals
jugular foramen
stylopharyngeus M otic ganglion sensation from carotid body and sinus general sensation from posterior 1/3 tongue, skin of external ear, internal tympanic membrane taste posterior 1/3 tongue
PA 3
jugular foramen
Muscles of pharynx, palatoglossus, larynx except for stylpharyngeus (IX) and tensor veli palati (V3)
Smooth muscle and glands of pharynx, larynx, thoracic and abdominal viscera
sensory from larynx, trachea, esophagus, thorax and abdomen, stretch receptors and chemoreceptors in aortic arch
skin behind ear, external acoustic meatus, external surface (part) of tympanic membrane and pharynx
PA 4/6
Spinal Accessory
jugular foramen
SCM and trapezius
hypoglossal canal
muscles of tongue except palatoglossus (X)
CN I Nucleus
Mitral cells of olfactory bulb (SSA/SVA)
–>bipolar neurons in olfactory mucosa of nasal cavity
CN II Nucleus
Ganglion cells of retina (SSA)
CN III Nucleus
Oculomotor (GSE)
Edinger-Westphal (GVE)
CN IV Nucleus
Trochlear (GSE)
CN V Nucleus
Masticator (SVE)
Trigeminal (GSA)
CN VI Nucleus
Abducens (GSE)
CN VII Nucleus
Facial (SVE) Superior salivatory (GVE) Trigeminal (GSA) Gustatory~taste -->pons
CN VIII Nucleus
Vestibular (SSA)-balance
Cochlear (SSA)-hearing
–>inner ear
CN IX Nucleus
Ambiguus (SVE) Inferior salivatory (GVE) Solitarius (GVA) Trigeminal (GSA) Gustatory~taste -->medulla
CN X Nucleus
Ambiguus (SVE) Dorsal vagus (GVE) Solitarius (GVA) Trigeminal (GSA) -->medulla
CN XI Nucleus
Accessory (possibly SVE to SCM and trap)
CN XII Nucleus
Hypoglossal (GSE)
CN I damage
anosmia (partial or total loss of smell), loss of taste
CN II damage
Anopsia (visual defects)
CN III damage
Ptosis- upper eyelid droop paralysis of eye muscles-- >strabismus (eyes not in parallel, deviate improperly) diplopia focusing difficulty pupillary dilation (loss of parasympathetic constriction)
CN IV damage
stabismus, diplopia
can’t look down and
CN VI damage
limit lateral movement of eye, diplopia
–>lateral gaze palsy
CN V damage
trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) -->suicidal pain
mastication muscle
CN VII damage
decreased tearing and salivation loss of taste sensation anterior 2/3 tongue Bell's palsy
CN VIII damage
loss of balance, nausea,
vomiting, dizziness,
deafness, tinnitis,
CN IX damage
reduced salivary secretion, loss of gag reflex and taste to posterior 1/3 tongue possibly brady or tachy
CN X damage
larynx problems including hoarseness, monotone, complete loss of voice difficulty swallowing, loss of gag reflex impaired GI
CN XI damage
paralysis of trap/SCM
difficulty elevating shoulder, turning face to opposite side (neck toward, chin away)
CN XII damage
difficulty swallowing and speech d/t impaired tongue movement only 1 damaged: protruded tongue deviates to side of damage
CN I pathway
through foramina in cribriform plate of ethmoid bone, synapses in olfactory bulb in anterior crainal fossa
CN II pathway
enters cranium via optic foramen of sphenoid–> L and R unite at optic chiasm–> optic tracts go to lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus–> info goes to occipital lobe
CN III pathway
superior orbital fissure to eye and eyelid
pregang. parasympathetic to ciliary ganglion, postgang. fibers then travel to iris and ciliary muscle
CN IV pathway
superior orbital fissue out to superior oblique muscle
CN V pathway
V1: enter cranium via superior orbital fissue to trigeminal ganglion–> pons
V2: enter cranium via foramen rotundum to trigeminal ganglion–> pons
V3: motor leave pons and cranium via foramen ovale to muscles; sensory enters cranium via foramen ovale to trigeminal ganglion–> pons
CN VI pathway
superior orbital fissure out to lateral rectus muscle
CN VII pathway
sensory: from tongue via chorda tympani to skull, synapse on geniculate ganglion
motor: leave pons, enter temporal bone via internal acoustic meatus, emerge via stylomastoid foramen to muscles
parasympathetic: leave pons, enter internal auditory canal, leave via greater petrosal nerve or chorda tympani–> autonomic ganglion
CN VIII pathway
vestibular ganglion and spiral ganglion near cochlea converge to enter cranial cavity via internal acoustic meatus–> junction of pons and medulla
CN IX pathway
sensory from tongue and carotid body (via superior or inferior ganglion) to jugular foramen–> pons
motor leave via jugular foramen to stylopharyngeus M
parasympathetic travel to otic ganglion–> parotid gland
CN X pathway
jugular foramen–> branch extensively in neck, thorax and abdoen
sensory neuron cell bodies in superior and inferior ganglion associated with nerve
CN XI pathway
Spinal root enters skull via foramen magnum, merge with cranial root to leave skull via jugular foramen–> splits to travel with CN X (cranial) and to SCM and trapezius (spinal)
CN XII pathway
hypoglossal canal–> inferior mandible and inferior surface of tongue