Trench Manual Flashcards
p. 25
An excavation that is narrow in relation to its length, made below the surface of the ground. In general, the depth is greater than the width, but the with of the trench measured at the bottom is not greater than 15 feet.
Trench is usually cut (excavated) for…
p. 25
To install or replace a utility (gas, water, electric or sewer). When cut the vertical pressure of the soil is still resisted, but the horizontal pressure does not have anything holding it in place.
Any man-made cut, cavity, trench or depression in an earth surface formed by earth removal
Ground pads
Plywood sheets or 2x12 boards used to distribute weight to help prevent collapse
Sheet goods used in the shoring system that retain the wart in position and are supported by other members of the shoring system AKA -panel
Vertical members of shoring system used to strengthen sheeting aka-strongbacks
Cross Braces
Horizontal members of a shoring system installed perpendicular to the sides of the excavation, the ends of which bear against either uprights or wales AKA- struts, shores
Accepted engineering practices
Those requirements that are compatible with standard of practice required by a registered professional engineer
Authority having jurisdiction
Air mover
A portable air appliance used as a blower or exhauster
Aluminum hydraulic shore
A pre-engineered shoring system comprised of aluminum hydraulic cylinders (cross braces) used in conjunction with vertical rails (uprights) or horizontal rails (walers). Such a system is designed specifically to support the sidewalls of an excavation and prevent cave-ins
Materials used to fill the void behind the trench panels to create full surface contact. Soil, sandbags, airbags or cushions, wedges, cribbing and shoring
An excavating machine having a bucket that is attached to a ridged bar hinged to a boom that is drawn toward the machine in operation
Bell pier
p. 223
A type of shaft or footing excavation, the bottom of which is larger than the cross section above to form a bell shape
The area of the walls of a trench 2 feet up from the toe and 2 feet down from the lip
A method of protecting employees from cave-ins by excavating the sides of an excavation to form one or a series of horizontal levels or steps, usually with vertical or near-vertical surfaces between levels
The separation of a mass of soil or rock material from the side of an excavation, or the loss of soil from under a trench shield or support system and its sudden movement into the excavation, either by falling or sliding in sufficient quantity to entrap, bury or otherwise injury and immobilize a person.
Average Trench rescue lasts?
6-10 hours
( might transfer from daytime to night time ops, weather changes)
OSHA code of regulations for Trench& Excavations? p.7
29 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 1926.650-652 Subpart P
Soil weight? p.17
100-125lbs per cubic foot ( the more moisture there more it weighs)
2700-3000 lbs per cubic yard
Four major soil classification types? p.18
Type A (1.5tsf<)
Type B (0.5-1.5 tsf)
Type C (0.5>) least stable C-60& C-80
Stable Rock
The free standing time? p.18
The amount of time the Trench wall will remain standing and not collapse without support.
For cohesive soil, unconfined compressive strength is? p.18
How soil reacts under pressure. The amount of weight required per square foot to collapse a soil sample. Tons per square foot, determined by manual soil test.
Difference between C-60 & C-80 soil? p.19
Type C soil considered to be least stable with reduced unconfined compressive strength and high secondary collapse. 60 will stand long enough to be shorted and 80 doesn’t.
Trench types and configurations (7)? p.26
1) straight (slit) Trench
2) L-trench
3) T-trench-water/sewer lines
4) x-trench -water/sewer lines
5) Box Trench -utility lines
6) Bell piers- bell shape
7) Shafts
Trench wall p.28
The Trench wall is the side or face of the trench
Trench lip p.28
The top edge of the the trench
Trench floor p.28
The bottom of the Trench
Trench toe p.28
Where the Trench wall meets the Trench floor
Trench head? p.28
The narrow portion of the Trench between the Trench walls
Spoil pile? p.28
The soil removed when excavating the Trench…should be at least 2 feet from the lip and no more than 4 feet tall
Outside corner? p.28
The corners at the head (end) of a trench
Inside corner? p.28
Inside corner created by intersecting trenches. L has one, T has two. Trim or reduce corner to prevent collapse.
Responsible for providing facilities, services and materials in support of an incident? p.70
Logistics officer
Coordinates,manages and supervices all assigned rescue activities and is directly in charge of the rescue teams working in the Trench? p.71
Rescue group supervisor
( reports directly to operations or the incident commander
A victim with just 1’ or 2’ of soil on them, could have how many lbs?
750-1000lbs of pressure on their chest making it impossible to breath.
Types of collapse
Slougg-in (w/ roll-in & wedge-in)
USAM p.39
Underground Service Alert Markings, to locate underground service utilities, #811
White p.39
Proposed excavations
Pink p.39
Temporary survey