treatments for schizophrenia Flashcards
hcpc, drug, cbt
hcpc standards
character- credible
health- every 2 years good health to practise safely
standards of proficiency- formulation and delivery of plans- skills to use
standard of conduct,oerformance and ethics- acting to their limit
personal dev
education and training bps accredited etc
prescribing training etc
describe drug treatments
based on the medical model where bio causes are assumed if abnormal behaviour is caused by predis or chemical imbalance then treatment will have bio basis. anti-psychotic drugs are used
typical drugs first type of drugs used phenothiazines blocks receptor site for dopamine- side effects of shaking muscle tremors and jerky movements
atypical drugs eg chlorpromazine cochrane studied 6300 people 30% more likely to see effectivemness however agrotistical pathway blocked dopamine in limbic system so less movement
+ of drug treatment
effective and reducing symptoms - meltzer haloperidol more improvement on functioning compared to placebo and zhao metanalsysi 10k people and antipsychotics lower relapse rate
allows them to live normal lives eg rosenhan describes mental hospitals as snake pits with catatonic people and prev treatments eg ECT failed
appropriate to use them as schizophrenia has more of a genetic basis eg main drugs used to target parts that function abnormally in schizophrenics
drug treatment -
reductionist as it ignores social factors
effectiveness and therefore usefulness of drug therapy is limited as its palliative rather than curative so it supresses symptoms w/o underlying causal process ofen take drugs for years
relapse- short term alleviation and may produce side effects which are unpleasant leading to addiction and dependency and serious cases may not be able to give consent
patel et al 20% negligible improvement and 45% partial/inadequate improvement and not great for negative side effects
describe cognitive behaviour therapy
mental disorder is created through errors in thinking so want to change maladaptive behaviour by changing how people think.
assumes they have irrational thoughts and beliefs about themselves and world around them which are negative. and these thoughts dev and maintain mental; disorders
focus on present symptoms, listen to clients thoughts and challenges assumptions and illustrate alternative thoughts that are more realistic
cbt for schizophrenia
reduce stress and manage and understand symptoms but not treat underlying schizophrenia,
3 techniques belief modification- challenges delusional thinking ,focusing and reattribution- auditory hallucinations , normalising exp reduce catastrophising
+ cbt evidence
useful at treating schizo as theres an increase in coping skills and decreased hallucinations eg senksy compared cbt with befriending interventions and found it to be more effective in reducing positive and negative symptoms
meta analysis by NICE reduced rehospitalisation and time spent in hospital to 8.26
bradshaw carol case study
+cbt ethics
treat people who haven’t responded well to medication- kuipers conducted a RCT for schizophrenia drug resistant clients improved when given CBT which targeted their delusions
empower patients educating them in self-help strategies and control over the process- independence which can be inco in life making it useful and develops social skills so cope better with daily interactions
limitations of cbt
reductionist- focuses on thought processes but may not address underling cause of mental disorder
must have insight into their conditions eg mckenna and kingdon cbt with routine treatment or control non-bio and found it was only superior 2/9 and in one of the 2 studies blinding procedures lapsed so invalid results
effectiveness is hard to judge studies may show it to be superior but control may be inadequate and given by non-expert