Treatment Planning Flashcards
What is a typical lung treatment regimen?
36 Gy x 18 fxns (1.8-2 Gy/fxn) 3D palliative
48-60 Gy in 5 fxns (12 Gy/fxn) SBRT
According to QUANTEC on H&N txt using conventional fractionation to 70 Gy, what are the suggested mean dose guidelines for one parotid gland and total (combination) of both glands, respectively, to reduce or eliminate xerostomia?
20 Gy individual, 25 Gy combined
How do you calculate cumulative dose from a permanent brachytherapy implant?
D = (initial dose rate) * 1.44 * T1/2
How do you calculate average wedge transmission?
T_avg = 1/(mut)(1-e(-mut))
How much does an Ir-192 source decay per day?
How much more dense is lead than water?
11 times
What is the equation for conformity index?
What is the equation for the Dose Gradient Index?
DGI = V_50%/V_100% - calculated relative to the Rx dose
What is the equation for the homogeneity index?
HI = (D2% - D98%)/D50%
How do you calculate effective SSD for an electron beam?
OF2 = OF1*(SSD+dmax)/(SSD+g+dmax)
What was the largest single factor affecting agreement between TPS and MU verification programs in TG114?
Surface irregularities
What are the 2 reasons you lose electronic equilibrium?
1) inhomogeneities 2) small fields
In what ways should MU verification be independent of primary MU calc?
1) different algorithm/method 2) independent data files, even if they draw from the same measured data 3) independent person running them
How do you calculate D90 for an electron beam?
D90 ~ E/3.2
How do you calculate D80 for an electron beam?
D80 ~ E/2.8
How do you find the practical range of an electron beam?
Rp ~ E/2
How does electron surface dose vary with energy?
Surface Dose goes up with increasing energy
How does electron surface dose vary with increasing SSD?
Surface dose goes up with increasing SSD
How does electron surface dose vary with increasing field size?
surface dose goes down with increasing field size, up to field size ~ Rp, then it is pretty constant.
How do you calculate R50 for an electron beam?
What margin is used for SRS/SBRT?
<= 1 mm
How do you ensure patients receiving SRS/SBRT don’t move during treatment?
1) mid-txt imaging 2) surface imaging 3) bb on nose with infrared imaging 4) fast treatments with FFF beams
How do you get TERMA
ray tracing to get your fluence, then fluence * total mass attenuation coefficient (u/rho) in each voxel
What is convolution and what is convolved in a convolution superposition algorithm?
Convolution is a mathematical process between 2 functions to create a 3rd function. The result is how one function is modified by the other
What statistical uncertainty does TG105 recommend for treatment planning systems based on monte carlo models?
2% in your max dose voxel
What are some safety precautions for working with (or switching to) a Monte Carlo-based TPS?
1) need to be very precise in your model design (dimensions/materials) 2) physician may need to modify prescriptions because the same dose in the patient may look different on the computer now 3) make sure statistical uncertainty is low
What are some benefits of cone-based SRS/SBRT?
- sharper penumbra because of less transmission and shorter collimator-to-target distance
- Great for regularly shaped targets
What are some benefits of MLC-based SRS/SBRT?
- and conform to target so great for irregularly shaped targets
- often faster deliveries and may require fewer arcs to achieve conformality
- —MLCs require more QA (?)
What is a standard prescription for trigeminal neuralgia?
85 Gy in 1 fraction
What is an output factor?
It relates the dose from any sized field to that of the reference field size (10x10)
What is the ICRU 62 definition of the treated volume?
The volume of tissue that receives the prescription dose or higher
What is the ICRU 62 definition of the irradiated volume?
The volume of tissue that receives 50% of the prescription dose or higher
What is the dose limit to the spinal cord?
45 Gy (2 Gy/fxn)
What does TD5/5 mean?
the tolerance dose that corresponds to a 5% occurrence within 5 years
Where to tolerance doses come from?
What things do you need to consider when introducing a new treatment technique?
- get your method validated by something like IROC (imaging and radiation oncology core)
- decide on your general method (3D, arc, tomo)
- ensure you have the proper immobilization/IGRT
- consider your TPS and its limitations for calculating your chosen technique
What is the PDD at a depth of 10cm in a Co-60 beam?
What is the PDD at a depth of 10 cm in a 6 MV beam?
What is the PDD at a depth of 10 cm in a 10 MV beam?
What is the PDD at a depth of 10 cm in an 18 MV beam?
What is the attenuation in water of a 10 MV beam?
What is the attenuation in water of an 18 MV beam?
What is the attenuation in water of a Co-60 beam?
What QA would you perform for a cone-based SRS treatment?
- Safety: SRS interlocks (cone size, backup jaws, etc.)
- Mechanical: collimator size indicator correctness
- radiation & mechanical isocenter coincidence (winston & lutz)
- Dose: output factor constancy
What is the definition of a hounsfield unit?
HU = (muvoxel - muwater)/muwater * 1000
Why is a CT calibration curve (HU to physical or electron density) nonlinear?
Because there is a higher proportion of high-z materials in high density tissues. This increases the incidence of photoelectric interaction, and therefore the HU more rapidly for equal changes in physical/electron density.
What are some variance reduction methods in monte carlo treatment planning?
Bremsstrahlung splitting, phase space files, range rejection
What is the largest field size the Cyberknife can make and where is it defined? (SAD)
6 cm diameter circle at 80 cm. There is not a small MLC that can do 10x10, but the circular cones are still considered standard
By how much does a collimator-shaped wedge affect out-of-field dose? what about a physical wedge?
physical wedge can increase by a factor of 2, collimator-shaped wedge doesn’t do much because it attenuates the full beam when it is present where as a physical wedge is working by transmission so is introducing a lot of scatter
What general things do you check in a treatment plan (EBRT or brachy)?
- correct patient
- correct prescription
- correct image details (orientation, immobilization, accessories, etc.)
- target coverage
- plan integrity (needle loading via radiograph, plan parameters)
What are the action levels for diode in vivo dosimetry?
<5%, a ok
5-10%, 2nd therapist review of setup, notify physics
>10%, immediate physics review, typically measure with physics at the next fraction
What are the average dimensions of a APBI balloon?
4-5 cm diameter
what is the WAHA equation?
WA = 90 - HA/2
What is the dose limit to a pacemaker/implanted cardiac defibrillator from TG34?
2 Gy - try to keep 3 cm from the radiation field edge
- if < 2 Gy, low level cardiac monitoring
- if > 2 Gy or highly dependent patient, high-level cardiac monitoring
- if > 10 Gy, consider getting it moved
At what depth do you match electron fields (whether electron/electron or electron/photon)?
at the surface
By how much does ignoring the presence of a metal prosthetic affect your delivered dose from a 4-field box technique?
reduced target dose by 5-10%
What is the difference between KERMA and TERMA?
TERMA includes rayleigh scatter (which is negligible in MV beams, so KERMA ~ TERMA)
Why does dmax not necessarily correspond to the point where KERMA and dose cross?
Because of electron contamination and backscatter contributions to dose at that point
About how much larger is dose than kerma when TCPE exists?
What is the definition of penumbra?
the distance between the 80/20 or 90/10 isodose levels assessed typically at a depth of 10cm for photons and dmax for electrons
What are the contributing components of penumbra?
- geometric
- transmission
- scatter
What measurements do you need to take when treating a pregnant patients?
3 points:
What is a nomogram?
kind of like knowledge-based planning, it was a plot of the total source strength (or activity) that was required to treat a given tumor versus the tumor volume in prostate seed implants. It was useful for speeding up real-time planning and also as a sanity check that what you were doing was consistent with past cases
Megavoltage photon beam dosimetry in small fields and non-equilibrium conditions