Patient Safety/Data/Ethics Flashcards
What are common data communication protocols in healthcare?
What dose DICOM stand for?
digital imaging and communication in medicine
How are data organized in DICOM?
DICOM groups information into structures called datasets. Each dataset consists of a group of data elements.
Each data element consists of a tag (what is it), a value representation (format, e.g., string, double), a value length (e.g., how many bits), and the value itself
What is HL7?
Health Level 7 - international standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data between software applications used by various providers. HL7 primarily used to pull patient demographic data from patient information system (e.g., EPIC), to the Radiation Oncology Information System (ROIS) (e.g., MOSAIQ/ARIA).
What is TCP/IP?
Transmission control protocol/internet protocol.
used to interconnect network devices
What are the 4 layers of abstraction in the TCP/IP system?
1) Physical (ethernet) 2) Network (IP) 3) Transport (IP) 4) Application (DICOM)
How does the TCP/IP establish a connection between client and server?
3-way handshake:
1) client requests a connection to server - SYN packet
2) server acknowledges receipt SYN-ACK packet
3) client responds to validate the connection - ACK packet
What are safety mechanisms to verify data are accurately transferred between systems after initial validation and commissioning?
1) transaction logging on both sender and receiver side
2) mechanism to compare sender and receiver logs
3) mechanism to verify uptime
4) end-to-end testing
What are the 5 types of DICOM-RT files?
image (CT)
RT structure
RT plan
RT dose
treatment record
Draw the DICOM-RT diagram thing
What are some key points of the 2019 Intersociety Conference Statement of Professionalism?
1) All members feel valued and respected
2) foster collaborative and inclusive culture
3) non-discrimination or harassment
4) freedom from harassment, qualified freedom of speech
5) advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves
What are some important principles for a medical code of professional behavior/ethics?
- beneficence (uphold patient’s best interests)
- provide the best quality of care possible
- protect safety, privacy, and confidentiality of patients and research participants
- act with integrity
- strive to be impartial and be transparent about conflicts of interest
- be open, collegial, and respectful to other medical professionals
- always be learning (striving to improve)
- always operate within the limits of your knowledge, skills, and available resources
- adhere to legal and regulatory requirements
- be just and fair in the allocation of scarce medical resources
- be professionally responsible for your actions (or inactions)
What is a logic gate?
a physical or idealized device that does boolean/logical operations on single or multiple binary inputs to produce a single binary output
What are the 5 logic gates?
And - if both/all inputs are 1, output is 1
Or - if one of all inputs is 1, output is 1
Nand - opposite of and - 0 if all inputs are 1 but 1 otherwise
Nor - opposite of or (0 if any of inputs is 1, 1 otherwise)
Xor - this or that but not both
xnor - either both 0 or both 1, but nothing in between
How are logic gates created in the real world?
diodes or transistors acting as switches. Most in modern times are MOSFETs (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors)
What does FLOPS stand for?
Floating Point Operations Per Second - measure of computing speed
What are floating point operations?
floating point operations are mathematical functions that use approximations of real numbers, similar to scientific notation. The approximation consists of the significant (the number), a base, and an exponent (eg., x10^9).
floating point numbers require less memory than the full number for very small and very large numbers, and so floating point operations are faster than the full number algebra, but they are approximations so the introduce uncertainty into the operation too.
What are the requirements for being listed as a co-author on a paper?
1) substantial contributions to conception, design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation
2) drafting the work or revising it critically for publication
3) final approval of the version to be published
4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work
What are the 3 components of FMEA?
Occurrence (how likely is it to happen), severity (how bad is it if it does happen) and detectability (how likely is it to be detected if it does happen)
What are the 3 most common failure modes in IMRT delivery?
1) incorrect interpretation of tumor or normal tissue (from imaging)
2) contouring error (wrong organ/site/expansion)
3) linac hardware failure
What is PACS?
Picture Archiving and Communication System
What does HIPAA require data be protected against?
unintentional access (password protected/encrypted) and unintentional destruction (off-site backup, like iron mountain)
What type of information is protected under HIPAA?
any information that is uniquely identifiable (name, address, phone number, SS#, etc.)