TG51 Flashcards
What are the 4 correction factors for photon calculations with TG51?
Pelec - electrometer correction factor for the electrometer calibration
Ptp - temperature and pressure correction factor correcting for the amount of mass actually in the chamber at the time of measurement
Pion - ion recombination correction factor to correct for ion pairs that were created but not collected
Ppol - polarity correction factor to correct for differences in collection based on the polarity of the chamber
How do you calculate Ptp?
Ptp = (273.2+T)/(273.2+22)*(760/P) - for a pressure measured in mmHg
How do you convert between kPa and mmHg?
1 kPa = 7.5 mmHg
How do you calculate Ppol?
Ppol = abs(Mraw+ - Mraw-)/2Mraw
What is a reasonable range for Ppol?
within 0.3% - 0.997 to 1.003
At what point should you be concerned about Pion and what should you do?
if Pion > 1.05, use a different chamber
At what point should you be concerned about Pion and what should you do?
if Pion > 1.05, use a different chamber
How do VH and VL relate when measuring Pion?
VL must be at least a factor of 2 less than VH.
How do you calculate Pion for pulsed/swept beams?
Pion = (1-VH/VL)/(MH/HM - VH/VL)
How do you calculate Pgrad for electron calculations?
Pgrad = M(dref + 0.5 rcav)/M(dref)
How big does your water tank need to be for a TG51 measurement?
at least 30 x 30 x 30 cm^3
What is dref in an electron beam?
dref = 0.6*R50 - 0.1 where dref is in cm.
How thick of a lead foil should be used for a TG51 measurement in a high-energy beam?
1 mm (+/- 20%)
Which energy beams should use a lead foil for a TG51 measurement?
all FFF beams (and 10 MV+ but addendum says no)
At what distance should the lead foil be from the phantom surface for a TG51 measurement?
~50 cm (+/- 5 cm), or 30cm +/- 1 cm if 50cm is not possible
What is Pgrad for a parallel plate chamber?