Safety Flashcards
Within what tolerance do survey instruments need to be maintained to be used clinically?
20% difference between measured and calculated exposure rates
What is the limit for release of individuals containing unsealed byproduct material or implants containing byproduct material?
Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) to any other individual not to exceed 5 mSv
What defines a Very High radiation area?
> 5 Gy (500 rad) in 1 hr at 1 m from the source or any surface the source penetrates
What defines a High radiation area?
> 1 mSv (0.1 rem) in 1 hr at 30 cm from the source or any surface it penetrates
What defines a Radiation Area?
> 0.05 mSv (5 mrem) in 1 hr at 30 cm from the source or any surface it penetrates
What is the transport index?
Maximum radiation level at 1m from the surface, in units of mrem/hr
What would get a White I shipping label?
<=0.5 mrem/hr at the surface
What would get a Yellow II shipping label?
<=50 mrem/hr at the surface and <=1 mrem/hr at 1m
What would get a Yellow III shipping label?
<200 mrem/hr at the surface and <=10 mrem/hr at 1m
What is the recommended annual limit of whole body dose (TEDE) for radiation workers?
50 mSv/year
What is the recommended annual limit of dose to the eyes for radiation workers?
150 mSv/year
What is the recommended annual limit of dose to the extremities for radiation workers?
500 mSv/year
What is the recommended annual limit of skin dose for radiation workers?
500 mSv/year
What is the recommended monthly dose limit for a declared pregnant worker?
0.5 mSv/month
What is the recommended dose limit to a fetus over the course of gestation?
1/10th the radiation worker limit = 50 mSv/year/10 = 5 mSv
What is the recommended whole-body dose limit (TEDE) for the public?
1 mSv/year AND < 0.02 mSv in any 1 hour
How long should personnel dosimetry records be kept?
How long should annual calibration records be kept?
How long should machine maintenance records be kept?
Lifetime of machine
How long should installed source records be kept?
How long should daily QA records be kept?
3 Years
What is the design goal for shielding a controlled area?
0.1 mSv/week
What is the design goal for shielding an uncontrolled area?
0.02 mSv/week
What is the definition of a medical event?
Total dose differs from prescribed dose by >=20%, fraction dose differs from prescribed fractionated dose by >=50%
Where do you find the definitions of medical events?
NRC 10 CFR part 35
Where do you find guidance for shielding design?
NCRP 151
What is a typical workload for shielding calculations?
350-1000 Gy/wk
What is the reference workload for a high-energy accelerator?
500 Gy/wk
What is a typical IMRT factor for shielding calculations?
For what energies do you need to consider neutrons in shielding calculations?
E > 10 MV (NOT including 10 MV itself)
How do you calculate the tenth value distance for a maze?
TVD (m) = 3sqrt(heightwidth)
What is a typical TVD for maze design?
5 m
What does NCRP recommend for your use factors for 90-degree intervals?
31% down, 21.3% L&R, 26.3% up
How is the occupancy factor defined in NCRP151?
Fraction of time that the maximally exposed person is present while the beam is on
What is the NCRP-recommended occupancy factor (T) for treatment control rooms, nurse’s stations, receptionist areas, etc?
What is the NCRP-recommended occupancy factor (T) for an adjacent txt room or exam room?
What is the NCRP-recommended occupancy factor (T) for a hallway?
What is the NCRP-recommended occupancy factor (T) for public toilets, unattended waiting rooms, outdoor areas with seating, janitors’ closets?
What is the NCRP-recommended occupancy factor (T) for outdoor areas with only transient traffic, unattended parking lots, stairways, elevators?
According to TG136, what is the approximate additional exposure to RT staff due to radioactivity induced in the txt room from a high-energy linac (i.e., >10 MV)?
2 mSv/year
By when and how must you report a medical event?
No later than 1 calendar day after discovery (by phone), within 15 days of discovery (written report)
What are typical CTDI values for kids and adults?
8 cGy kids, 3 cGy adults
How do you calculate CTDI_w?
CTDI_w = 1/3CTDI_center + 2/3CTDI_edge
What is CTDI_100?
The cumulative dose at the center of a 100 mm axial scan
At what voltage does a Geiger counter work?
900 V
What is the “reference man” used by the NRC and ICRP?
What man between 20-30 years old, 5’7”, 155 lb
What kind of error analysis is reactive?
root cause analysis
What kind of analysis is proactive?
Under what circumstances should a fetus be monitored?
1) declared pregnancy (in writing) 2) mother likely to receive > 1 mSv over the course of the pregnancy 3) and will be entering a high radiation area
What is considered a small field?
1) loss of lateral equilibrium at the central axis
2) partial source occlusion
3) detector volume that is equal to or larger than the field size
Tends to occur ~ 3x3 cm^2
How small does your detector need to be for measuring a small field?
TRS483 - volume averaging correction <5%
TG106 - field output uniform to within 1% over the detector’s sensitive volume
Detector width <= FWHM - 2*r(LCPE)
What is your radius of lateral charged particle equilibrium?
2/3 * dmax
How does beam energy affect what field size is considered “small”
same as lung reasoning - high energy beams, secondary particles can travel further, so a higher energy beam, a larger field can be considered “small”
If your lateral CPE is 2/3*dmax, this increases for increasing energy
What are some exceptions to occupational radiation limits?
planned special exposures (must be declared in writing in advance and must not exceed 50 mSv)
emergency action exposures (not limited by NRC provided they are necessary to protect health and safety. EPA recommends limits of 100 mSv and 250 mSv depending on scale of emergency)
What sign is posted on a linac vault
Our says very high radiation area, but NRC gives an exception that things that would otherwise be a very high radiation area can be posted as a high radiation area if:
- it’s in a hospital
- access to the room is controlled
- personnel take necessary safety precautions
How often do you have to calibrate a survey meter?
who must be included on a radiation safety committee?
- authorized user for each byproduct material
- representative from nursing staff
- representative from management who is neither the RSO nor an authorized user
What sites need a radiation safety committee?
sites that are authorized for 2 or more byproduct materials
What are the responsibilities of an RSO?
- identify radiation safety problems
- initiate/provide corrective actions
- stop unsafe operations
- verify implementation of corrective actions
What type of source are geiger counters most appropriate for?
medium-to-high energy Beta emitters (like I-131)
What type of source are NaI (scintillation) detectors best suited to?
high-energy betas or gammas (like I-125)