Trauma & Stress-Related Disorders & Dissociative Disorders Flashcards
- Anytime a trauma occurs, the potential to develop PTSD exists
- Feelings of helplessness/powerlessness
- S/S usually begin 1st 3 mnths after trauma; however there may be a delay of months
PTSD Symptoms
- Incrd arousal
- Hyper alertness
- Numbing of emotions
- May see aggressie or bizarre behaviors
- Startled response
- Nightmares
- Drug/acohol use
- May experience flashbacks; re-experience the event
Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
- As a result of:
> witnessing or experiencing a violent or gruesome death of or by an intimate
> repeated exposure to aversive details of the event
> EX: 1st responders who collect body parts, or police officers repeatedly exposed to details of child abuse
ASD Symptoms
- Intrusive symptoms
- Dissociative symps
- Avoidance symps
- Arousal symps
- By definition, ASD resolves w/in 1 mnth
- Similarity: same triggers (violent events or repeatedly witnessing violent or traumatic events) same or similar manis
- Difference: only ASD resolves w/in 1 mnth
Compassion Fatigue
- Secondary Traumatic Stress
- Example of nurses who are at high risl include those who work in following departments & disciplines:
> hospice
> pediatrics
> emergency
> oncology
> forensics
> psychiatric
Dissociative Disorders
- Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Amnesia w/ Fatigue
- Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Dissociative Disorders Hallmark Characteristics
- Disturbances in a noramlly well-integrated continum of consciousness, memory, identity, & perception
- Dissociation: the unconscious defense mech to protect an individual against overwhelmng anxiety
- Intact reality testing; is not delusional & not hallucinating
- Includes amnesiac states
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
- Recurrent periods of feeling unreal, detached, outside the body, dreamlike, numb, or w/ a distorted sense of time or visual perception
- Reality testing remains intact
- Symptoms are not r/t medical condition or substance use
Dissociative Amnesia
Psychologically induced memory loss & inability to recall important personal info after severe stressor
Dissociative Amnesia w/ Fatigue
Sudden, unexpected travel from a customary locale, and the inability to recall one’s identity after a traumatic event
Dissociative Identify Disorder
Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, which is the presence of 2 or more personality states tht control behavior
PTSD Prediposing Factors
- Age at event
- Female
- Personal or family hx of psychiatric illnesses
- Education lvl
- Previous military service
Acute Stress Disorder Predisposing Factor
Same precipitating traumatic events tht can cause PTSD
Dissociative Disorders Predisposing Factors
- Children exposed to long term abuse
- Natural disasters, combat, other traumas
- Biologic & genetic factors
Outcomes for PTSD
- Remain safe
- Receive treatment for cooccurring conditions
- Attend support groups
- Expand their social support network
- Exhibit an incr in restful sleep
- Have fewer nightmares & flashbacks
- Express dcrd irritability
- Demonstrate effective anxiety reduction techniques
Dissociative Disorder Outcomes
- Pt will verbalize clear sense of personal identity
- Pt will report dcr in stress (scale of 1-10)
- Pt will report comfort w/ role expectations
- Pt will plan coping strategies for stressful situations
- Pt will refrain from injuring self