Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders Flashcards
What are the key features of PTSD?
-Exposure to threat in several ways
-Negative alterations in cognition and mood
-Arousal and reactivity symptoms
-Has to have had the disturbances for at least 1 month
-1-2 symptoms at least in each category (2 on the last 2 features)
In what ways can exposure to threat lead to PTSD?
-Directly experiencing the event
-Witnessing it happening to others
-Learning that something traumatic happen to someone close to you
-Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of traumatic events
What are symptoms of intrusions? (PTSD)
-Recurrent, involuntary and intrusive memories
-Recurrent distressing dreams
-Dissociative reactions, act or feelings as if the events are happening
-Psychological responses to internal or external cues
-Physiological responses to internal or external cues
What are signs of avoidance? (PTSD)
-Avoidance or trying to avoid distressing memories, thoughts or feelings
-Avoidance or trying to avoid external reminders that cause distress
What are the symptoms of negative alterations in cognition and mood?
-Inability to remember an important aspect of the event
-Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs of expectations about oneself, others or the world
-Distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences of the event
-Persistent negative emotional state
-Detachment or estrangement from others
What are the symptoms of altered arousal and reactivity?
-Irritable and angry outbursts, little provocation
-Recklessness or self-destructive behaviour
-Exaggerated startle response
-Concentrations problems
-Sleep disturbances
What are the key features to Acute Stress Disorder?
-Same key features as in PTSD
-9 symptoms in total
-State of chock, at least 3 days
What symptoms is not part of Acute Stress Disorder?
-Symptoms that takes a long time to develop
-Sleep disturbances
-Detachment or estrangement
What are the key features to Reactive Attachment Disorder?
A. A consistent pattern of inhibeted, emotionally withdrawn behaviour toward caregiver
- Rarely seek comfort or responds to comfort when distress
B. Social and emotional disturbances
- Minimal response to others
- Limited positive affect
- Episodes of unexplained irritability, sadness or fearfulness during nonthreatining interactions with caregiver
C. Experienced a pattern of extremes of insufficient care
- Social neglect or deprived, needs not attended to
- Repeated changes of caregivers
- Rearing in unsual settings that severly limit opportunities to form selective attachment
D. C leads to A
E. Not met criterias for autism spectrum disorder
F. Evident before age of 5.
What are the key features of Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder?
-Pattern of behaviours where a child actively approaches and interacts with unfamiliar adults
-Pattern of extremes of insufficient care
What are behaviours that shows disinhibited engagement?
-Reduced or absent reticence in approaching and interacting with unfamiliar adults
-Overly familiar verbal or physical behavior
-Diminished or absent checking back with caregiver after venturing away, even in unfamiliar settings
-Willingness to go away with an unfamiliar adult
(At least 2)
What are the key features in Adjustment Disorder?
-The development of emotional or behavioural symptoms in response to stressor occuring within 3 months
-The behaviours or symptoms or clinically significant
1. Marked distress that is out of proportion, taking into account cultural factors
2. Impairment in areas of functioning